Belle II Software development
9"""Full CDC tracking calibration."""
10from prompt import CalibrationSettings, INPUT_DATA_FILTERS
11from prompt.utils import ExpRun
12import basf2
13from ROOT import Belle2
14from caf.framework import Calibration
15from caf import strategies
16from modularAnalysis import fillParticleList, cutAndCopyList, reconstructDecay, applyCuts
17from vertex import treeFit
20settings = CalibrationSettings(name="CDC Sigma fudge factor",
21 expert_username="dvthanh",
22 description=__doc__,
23 input_data_formats=["raw"],
24 input_data_names=["mumu_tight_or_highm_calib"],
25 input_data_filters={"mumu_tight_or_highm_calib":
26 [INPUT_DATA_FILTERS["Data Tag"]["mumu_tight_or_highm_calib"],
27 INPUT_DATA_FILTERS["Data Quality Tag"]["Good"],
28 INPUT_DATA_FILTERS["Magnet"]["On"]]},
29 depends_on=[],
30 expert_config={
31 "fileFormat": "RAW",
32 "min_events_per_file": 500,
33 "max_events_per_file": 30000,
34 "components": ["CDC", "ECL", "KLM"],
35 "vertex_fit": 0,
36 "payload_boundaries": [],
37 "backend_args": {"request_memory": "4 GB"}
38 })
45def get_calibrations(input_data, **kwargs):
46 # Set up config options
47 # read expert_config values
48 expert_config = kwargs.get("expert_config")
49 min_events_per_file = expert_config["min_events_per_file"]
50 max_events_per_file = expert_config["max_events_per_file"]
51# file_format = expert_config["file_format"]
52 components = expert_config["components"]
53 vertex_fit = expert_config["vertex_fit"]
54 fileFormat = expert_config["fileFormat"]
55 # In this script we want to use one sources of input data.
56 # Get the input files from the input_data variable
57 file_to_iov_mumu = input_data["mumu_tight_or_highm_calib"]
59 from prompt.utils import filter_by_max_files_per_run
60 reduced_file_to_iov_mumu = filter_by_max_files_per_run(file_to_iov_mumu, 100, min_events_per_file)
61 input_files_mumu = list(reduced_file_to_iov_mumu.keys())
62 basf2.B2INFO("Complete input data selection.")
63 basf2.B2INFO(f"Total number of files actually used as input = {len(input_files_mumu)}")
65 payload_boundaries = []
66 payload_boundaries.extend([ExpRun(*boundary) for boundary in expert_config["payload_boundaries"]])
67 basf2.B2INFO(f"Payload boundaries from expert_config: {payload_boundaries}")
69 from caf.utils import IoV
70 # The actual value our output IoV payload should have. Notice that we've set it open ended.
71 requested_iov = kwargs.get("requested_iov", None)
72 output_iov = IoV(requested_iov.exp_low, requested_iov.run_low, -1, -1)
74 # for SingleIOV stratrgy, it's better to set the granularity to 'all' so that the collector jobs will run faster
75 collector_granularity = 'all'
76 if payload_boundaries:
77 basf2.B2INFO('Found payload_boundaries: set collector granularity to run')
78 collector_granularity = 'run'
82 col = basf2.register_module("CDCFudgeFactorCalibrationCollector",
83 granularity=collector_granularity)
84 # call algorighm
86 algo.setHistFileName("histo_fudge_factor.root")
89 fudge_calib = Calibration("CDC_FudgeFactor",
90 collector=col,
91 algorithms=algo,
92 input_files=input_files_mumu,
93 pre_collector_path=pre_collector(max_events_per_file,
94 components=components,
95 fileFormat=fileFormat,
96 vertex_fit=vertex_fit))
97# backend_args=expert_config["backend_args"])
98 # collector_granularity=collector_granularity)
99 # Do this for the default AlgorithmStrategy to force the output payload IoV
100 # It may be different if you are using another strategy like SequentialRunByRun
101 if payload_boundaries:
102 basf2.B2INFO("Found payload_boundaries: calibration strategies set to SequentialBoundaries.")
103 fudge_calib.strategies = strategies.SequentialBoundaries
104 for alg in fudge_calib.algorithms:
105 alg.params = {"iov_coverage": output_iov, "payload_boundaries": payload_boundaries}
106 else:
107 for alg in fudge_calib.algorithms:
108 alg.params = {"apply_iov": output_iov}
110 return [fudge_calib]
114def pre_collector(max_events=None, components=["CDC", "ECL", "KLM"], fileFormat="RAW", vertex_fit=0):
115 """
116 Define pre collection (reconstruction in our purpose).
117 Probably, we need only CDC and ECL data.
118 Parameters:
119 max_events [int] : number of events to be processed.
120 All events by Default.
121 Returns:
122 path : path for pre collection
123 """
124 from basf2 import create_path, register_module
125 from softwaretrigger.constants import HLT_INPUT_OBJECTS
126 reco_path = create_path()
127 if fileFormat == "RAW":
128 if max_events is None:
129 root_input = register_module('RootInput', branchNames=HLT_INPUT_OBJECTS)
130 else:
131 root_input = register_module('RootInput', branchNames=HLT_INPUT_OBJECTS,
132 entrySequences=['0:{}'.format(max_events)])
133 reco_path.add_module(root_input)
134 # unpack
135 from rawdata import add_unpackers
136 from reconstruction import add_reconstruction
137 add_unpackers(reco_path, components=components)
138 # reconstruction
139 add_reconstruction(reco_path,
140 components=components,
141 append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0=True,
142 skip_full_grid_cdc_eventt0_if_svd_time_present=False)
143 if fileFormat == "mdst":
144 from modularAnalysis import inputMdst
145 inputMdst(filename="", path=reco_path, environmentType='default', skipNEvents=0, entrySequence=['0:{}'.format(max_events)])
147 reco_path.add_module('Progress')
148 fillParticleList('gamma:HLT', 'E>0.1', path=reco_path)
149 goodTrack = 'abs(d0) < 2.0 and abs(z0) < 4.0 and pt > 2.0 and useCMSFrame(p) > 0.5'
150 fillParticleList('mu+:HLT', goodTrack, path=reco_path)
151 cutAndCopyList('mu+:sel', 'mu+:HLT', goodTrack, path=reco_path)
152 reconstructDecay('vpho:mumu -> mu+:sel mu-:sel', '', path=reco_path) # apply event cuts
153 applyCuts('vpho:mumu', '[nCleanedTracks('+goodTrack+') == 2]', path=reco_path)
154 if vertex_fit == 1:
155 treeFit('vpho:mumu', ipConstraint=False, updateAllDaughters=False, path=reco_path)
157 return reco_path