.. _KLMCaibration: This seems the best place to cite our internal note `KLM offline calibration`_. .. _KLM offline calibration: https://docs.belle2.org/record/1848?ln=en Creation of default payloads ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default payloads are created using scripts in the directory ``examples/database``. .. list-table:: :widths: 40 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Script - Payloads * - ``ImportAlignment.py`` - ``BKLMAlignment``, ``EKLMAlignment``, ``EKLMSegmentAlignment`` * - ``ImportChannelStatus.py`` - ``KLMChannelStatus`` * - ``ImportElectronicsMap.py`` - ``KLMElectronicsMap`` * - ``ImportGeometry.py`` - ``BKLMGeometryPar``, ``EKLMGeometry`` * - ``ImportLikelihoodParameters.py`` - ``KLMLikelihoodParameters`` * - ``ImportReconstructionParameters.py`` - ``KLMReconstructionParameters`` * - ``ImportScintillatorDigitizationParameters.py`` - ``KLMScintillatorDigitizationParameters`` * - ``ImportScintillatorFEEParameters.py`` - ``KLMScintillatorFEEParameters`` * - ``ImportStripEfficiency.py`` - ``KLMStripEfficiency`` * - ``ImportTimeCableDelay.py`` - ``KLMTimeCableDelay`` * - ``ImportTimeConstants.py`` - ``KLMTimeConstants`` * - ``ImportTimeConversion.py`` - ``KLMTimeConversion`` * - ``ImportTimeResolution.py`` - ``KLMTimeResolution`` * - ``ImportTimeWindow.py`` - ``ImportTimeWindow`` Note that the script ``ImportGeometry.py`` creates a testing geometry configuration (payload ``GeoConfiguration``) containing KLM only. The complete geometry can be created by the script ``geometry/examples/create_geometry_payloads.py``. Channel status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alignment ~~~~~~~~~ Strip efficiency ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time ~~~~