#!/usr/bin/env python3
# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration #
# #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders. #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see LICENSE.md. #
b2test_utils - Helper functions useful for test scripts
This module contains functions which are commonly needed for tests like changing
log levels or switching to an empty working directory
import sys
import os
import tempfile
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict
import multiprocessing
import basf2
import subprocess
import re
from b2test_utils import logfilter
[docs]def skip_test(reason, py_case=None):
"""Skip a test script with a given reason. This function will end the script
and not return.
This is intended for scripts to be run in :ref:`b2test-scripts
<b2test-scripts>` and will flag the script as skipped with the given reason
when tests are executed.
Useful if the test depends on some external condition like a web service and
missing this dependency should not fail the test run.
reason (str): the reason to skip the test.
py_case (unittest.TestCase): if this is to be skipped within python's
native unittest then pass the TestCase instance
if py_case:
print(f"TEST SKIPPED: {reason}", file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
[docs]def require_file(filename, data_type="", py_case=None):
"""Check for the existence of a test input file before attempting to open it.
Skips the test if not found.
Wraps `basf2.find_file` for use in test scripts run as
:ref`b2test-scripts <b2test-scripts>`
filename (str): relative filename to look for, either in a central place or in the current working directory
data_type (str): case insensitive data type to find. Either empty string or one of ``"examples"`` or ``"validation"``.
py_case (unittest.TestCase): if this is to be skipped within python's native unittest then pass the TestCase instance
Full path to the test input file
fullpath = basf2.find_file(filename, data_type, silent=False)
except FileNotFoundError as fnf:
skip_test(f'Cannot find: {fnf.filename}', py_case)
return fullpath
def set_loglevel(loglevel):
temporarily set the log level to the specified `LogLevel <basf2.LogLevel>`. This returns a
context manager so it should be used in a ``with`` statement:
>>> with set_log_level(LogLevel.ERROR):
>>> # during this block the log level is set to ERROR
old_loglevel = basf2.logging.log_level
def show_only_errors():
"""temporarily set the log level to `ERROR <LogLevel.ERROR>`. This returns a
context manager so it should be used in a ``with`` statement
>>> with show_only_errors():
>>> B2INFO("this will not be shown")
>>> B2INFO("but this might")
with set_loglevel(basf2.LogLevel.ERROR):
def working_directory(path):
"""temporarily change the working directory to path
>>> with working_directory("testing"):
>>> # now in subdirectory "./testing/"
>>> # back to parent directory
This function will not create the directory for you. If changing into the
directory fails a `FileNotFoundError` will be raised.
dirname = os.getcwd()
def clean_working_directory():
"""Context manager to create a temporary directory and directly us it as
current working directory. The directory will automatically be deleted after
the with context is left.
>>> with clean_working_directory() as dirname:
>>> # now we are in an empty directory, name is stored in dirname
>>> assert(os.listdir() == [])
>>> # now we are back where we were before
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
with working_directory(tempdir):
yield tempdir
def local_software_directory():
"""Context manager to make sure we are executed in the top software
directory by switching to $BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR or $BELLE2_RELEASE_DIR.
>>> with local_software_directory():
>>> assert(os.listdir().contains("analysis"))
directory = os.environ.get("BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR", os.environ.get("BELLE2_RELEASE_DIR", None))
if directory is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot find Belle II software directory, "
"have you setup the software correctly?")
with working_directory(directory):
yield directory
[docs]def run_in_subprocess(*args, target, **kwargs):
"""Run the given ``target`` function in a child process using `multiprocessing.Process`
This avoids side effects: anything done in the target function will not
affect the current process. This is mostly useful for test scripts as
``target`` can emit a `FATAL <LogLevel.FATAL>` error without killing script execution.
It will return the exitcode of the child process which should be 0 in case of no error
process = multiprocessing.Process(target=target, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
return process.exitcode
[docs]def safe_process(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run `basf2.process` with the given path in a child process using
This avoids side effects (`safe_process` can be safely called multiple times)
and doesn't kill this script even if a segmentation violation or a `FATAL
<LogLevel.FATAL>` error occurs during processing.
It will return the exitcode of the child process which should be 0 in case of no error
return run_in_subprocess(target=basf2.process, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def check_error_free(tool, toolname, package, filter=lambda x: False, toolopts=None):
"""Calls the ``tool`` with argument ``package`` and check that the output is
error-free. Optionally ``filter`` the output in case of error messages that
can be ignored.
In case there is some output left, then prints the error message and exits
(failing the test).
If the test is skipped or the test contains errors this function does
not return but will directly end the program.
tool(str): executable to call
toolname(str): human readable name of the tool
package(str): package to run over. Also the first argument to the tool
filter: function which gets called for each line of output and
if it returns True the line will be ignored.
toolopts(list(str)): extra options to pass to the tool.
if "BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR" not in os.environ and "BELLE2_RELEASE_DIR" not in os.environ:
skip_test("No release is setup")
args = [tool]
if toolopts:
args += toolopts
if package is not None:
args += [package]
with local_software_directory():
output = subprocess.check_output(args, encoding="utf8")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
output = error.output
clean_log = [e for e in output.splitlines() if e and not filter(e)]
if len(clean_log) > 0:
subject = f"{package} package" if package is not None else "repository"
The {subject} has some {toolname} issues, which is now not allowed.
Please run:
$ {" ".join(args)}
and fix any issues you have introduced. Here is what {toolname} found:\n""")
[docs]def get_streamer_checksums(objects):
Extract the version and streamer checksum of the C++ objects in the given list
by writing them all to a TMemFile and getting back the streamer info list
automatically created by ROOT afterwards.
Please note, that this list also includes the streamer infos of all
base objects of the objects you gave.
Returns a dictionary object name -> (version, checksum).
# Always avoid the top-level 'import ROOT'.
import ROOT # noqa
# Write out the objects to a mem file
f = ROOT.TMemFile("test_mem_file", "RECREATE")
for o in objects:
# Go through all streamer infos and extract checksum and version
streamer_checksums = dict()
for streamer_info in f.GetStreamerInfoList():
if not isinstance(streamer_info, ROOT.TStreamerInfo):
streamer_checksums[streamer_info.GetName()] = (streamer_info.GetClassVersion(), streamer_info.GetCheckSum())
return streamer_checksums
[docs]def get_object_with_name(object_name, root=None):
(Possibly) recursively get the object with the given name from the Belle2 namespace.
If the object name includes a ".", the first part will be turned into an object (probably a module)
and the function is continued with this object as the root and the rest of the name.
If not, the object is extracted via a getattr call.
if root is None:
from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa
root = Belle2
if "." in object_name:
namespace, object_name = object_name.split(".", 1)
return get_object_with_name(object_name, get_object_with_name(namespace, root=root))
return getattr(root, object_name)
[docs]def skip_test_if_light(py_case=None):
Skips the test if we are running in a light build (maybe this test tests
some generation example or whatever)
py_case (unittest.TestCase): if this is to be skipped within python's
native unittest then pass the TestCase instance
import generators # noqa
except ModuleNotFoundError:
skip_test(reason="We're in a light build.", py_case=py_case)
[docs]def print_belle2_environment():
Prints all the BELLE2 environment variables on the screen.
basf2.B2INFO('The BELLE2 environment variables are:')
for key, value in sorted(dict(os.environ).items()):
if 'BELLE2' in key.upper():
print(f' {key}={value}')
def temporary_set_environment(**environ):
Temporarily set the process environment variables.
Inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/34333710
>>> with temporary_set_environment(BELLE2_TEMP_DIR='/tmp/belle2'):
... "BELLE2_TEMP_DIR" in os.environ
>>> "BELLE2_TEMP_DIR" in os.environ
environ(dict): Dictionary of environment variables to set
old_environ = dict(os.environ)
[docs]def is_ci() -> bool:
Returns true if we are running a test on our CI system (currently GitLab pipeline).
The 'BELLE2_IS_CI' environment variable is set on CI only when the unit
tests are run.
return os.environ.get("BELLE2_IS_CI", "no").lower() in [