Belle II Software light-2406-ragdoll
1#!/usr/bin/env python3
12Simple script to import RunInfo from the DAQ database into conditions
13db payloads.
14As input you need a file which contains on each line the following
15fields separated by whitespace::
17exp run runtype StartTime StopTime receivedNevent AcceptedNevent sentNevent runLength
18TriggerRate PXDflag SVDflag CDCflag TOPflag ARICHflag ECLflag KLMflag BadRun
21import os
22import argparse
23# make sure ROOT does not steal our command line arguments
24from ROOT import PyConfig
26PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True # noqa
28PyConfig.StartGuiThread = False # noqa
29# now we can import the Belle2 namespace
30from ROOT import Belle2
31from basf2 import B2FATAL, B2ERROR, B2DEBUG, B2INFO
34def get_argument_parser():
35 """Function returning the argument parser. Done this way for the automatic
36 documentation in sphinx"""
37 # we already formatted the docstring in the beginning of the file to look the way we want it: don't
38 # reformat it but use it as description
39 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
40 parser.add_argument("filename", help="Filename containing the run information, "
41 "one run per line with the values separated by whitespace")
42 return parser
45# Doxygen complains about undocumented variables below which are not exported
46# ... so hide them on purpose
47# @cond this_is_a_main_block_and_not_exported
49if __name__ == "__main__":
50 parser = get_argument_parser()
51 args = parser.parse_args()
52 if not os.path.exists(args.filename):
53 B2FATAL(f"Input filename {args.filename} does not exist")
55 # Number of errors
56 errors = 0
57 # Number of successfully imported run infos
58 imported = 0
59 # in reality this should probably not come from a text file but directly
60 # from a postgres query in python and skip the intermediate file.
61 with open(args.filename) as f:
62 for i, line in enumerate(f, 1):
63 # ignore empty lines
64 line = line.strip()
65 if not line:
66 continue
68 # exp run runtype StartTime StopTime receivedNevent AcceptedNevent
69 # sentNevent runLength TriggerRate PXDflag SVDflag CDCflag TOPflag
70 # ARICHflag ECLflag KLMflag BadRun
71 # create RunInfo object
72 info = Belle2.RunInfo()
73 try:
74 (
75 exp, run, runtype, starttime, stoptime, receivedNevent, acceptedNevent,
76 sentNevent, runlength, trigger_rate, pxd, svd, cdc, top, arich, ecl,
77 klm, badrun
78 ) = line.split()
79 info.setExp(int(exp))
80 info.setRun(int(run))
81 info.setRunType(int(runtype))
82 info.setStartTime(int(starttime))
83 info.setStopTime(int(stoptime))
84 info.setReceivedNevent(int(receivedNevent))
85 info.setAcceptedNevent(int(acceptedNevent))
86 info.setSentNevent(int(sentNevent))
87 info.setRunLength(int(runlength))
88 info.setTriggerRate(float(trigger_rate))
89 info.setBelle2Detector(*[int(e) for e in (pxd, svd, cdc, top, arich, ecl, klm)])
90 info.setBadRun(int(badrun))
91 # convert all arguments to an int and pass them on
93 B2DEBUG(100, f"Exp: {exp}\tRun: {run}\t RunType: {runtype} ...")
94 # seems the line was not formatted correctly so print an error and
95 # don't create a payload
96 except Exception as e:
97 B2ERROR(f"Problem reading line {i}: {e}. Skipping ...")
98 errors += 1
99 continue
101 # finally we have a runinfo object, create payload
102 iov = Belle2.IntervalOfValidity(info.getExp(), info.getRun(), info.getExp(),
103 info.getRun())
104 Belle2.Database.Instance().storeData("RunInfo", info, iov)
105 imported += 1
107 B2INFO(f"Imported {imported} RunInfo objects")
108 if errors > 0:
109 B2FATAL(f"{errors} errors occured")
111# @endcond
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid.
Database object for Run Information.
Definition: RunInfo.h:24
static Database & Instance()
Instance of a singleton Database.