1. What’s New
2. Installation and Setup
3. Command Line Tools
4. Belle II Python Interface
5. List of Core Modules
6. Analysis
7. B2BII
8. Background module
9. Calibration
10. The Belle II Event Display
11. Event Generators
12. Tools for Validation of the SoftwareTrigger
13. KLM (
and Muon Detector)
14. Belle II File Format
15. MVA package
16. PXD
17. Reconstruction
18. Simulation
19. Skims
20. SVD
21. Tracking
22. TRG
23. Tools for Physics Validation of the Software
24. Fitting training
25. How to document your code with Sphinx
26. Online textbook
26.1. Welcome!
26.2. Fundamentals
26.3. Software Prerequisites
26.4. Working with Belle II software.
26.5. Offline analysis
26.6. Data model and computing
26.6.1. Analysis model
26.6.2. The computing system
26.6.3. Gbasf2
26.6.4. Batch submission
26.6.5. htcondor
26.7. Join us
Online textbook
Data model and computing
View page source
Data model and computing
26.6.1. Analysis model
26.6.2. The computing system
The distributed computing system
Data Processing Scheme
Raw data processing
Monte Carlo samples
We need your help!
26.6.3. Gbasf2
Installing gbasf2
Setting your gbasf2 environment
Locating datasets on the grid
Datasets and Datablocks
The Dataset Searcher
Submit your first jobs to the Grid
Submit jobs with multiple LFNs
Monitoring jobs
Monitoring in the terminal
Monitoring using the web portal
Downloading the output
Dealing with issues
Some of my jobs failed
All my jobs failed
Where to go for help?
26.6.4. Batch submission
Basic commands
26.6.5. htcondor