Source code for skim.WGs.lowMulti

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

""" Skim list building functions for the low multiplicity physics working group """

import modularAnalysis as ma
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdPi
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons
from variables import variables as vm

_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst14.root"

[docs]@fancy_skim_header class TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity(BaseSkim): """ **Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{+}e^{-}` and :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\mu^{+}\\mu^{-}` """ __authors__ = "Xing-Yu Zhou" __description__ = "Skim list for two track lepton (e+e- to e+e- and e+e- to mu+mu-) events for luminosity measurements." __contact__ = "Xing-Yu Zhou <>" __category__ = "physics, low multiplicity" TestSampleProcess = "mumu" ApplyHLTHadronCut = False def __init__(self, prescale=1, **kwargs): """ Parameters: prescale (int): the prescale for this skim **kwargs: Passed to the constructor of `BaseSkim` """ # Redefine __init__ to allow for additional optional arguments super().__init__(**kwargs) self.prescale = prescale
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): # Skim label skim_label = 'TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity' # Skim label for the case of two tracks skim_label_2 = 'TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity2' # Skim label for the case of one track plus one cluster skim_label_1 = 'TwoTrackLeptonsForLuminosity1' # Tracks from IP IP_cut = '[abs(dz) < 5.0] and [abs(dr) < 2.0]' # Tracks or clusters of momenta greater than 2 GeV in the CMS frame p_cut = '[useCMSFrame(p) > 2.0]' # Tracks pointing to or clusters locating in the barrel ECL + 10 degrees theta_cut = '[0.561 < theta < 2.247]' single_track_cut = IP_cut + ' and ' + p_cut + ' and ' + theta_cut single_cluster_cut = p_cut + ' and ' + theta_cut # Exactly 2 tracks nTracks_cut_2 = '[nCleanedTracks(' + single_track_cut + ') == 2 or nCleanedTracks(' + single_track_cut + ') == 3]' # Exactly 1 track nTracks_cut_1 = '[nCleanedTracks(' + single_track_cut + ') == 1]' # Acollinearity angle in the theta dimension less than 10 degrees in the CMS frame # candidates are : vpho -> e+ e- or vpho -> e gamma # daughter indices are: 0 1 0 1 deltaTheta_cut = ( '[abs(formula(daughter(0, useCMSFrame(theta)) + daughter(1, useCMSFrame(theta)) - 3.1415927)) < 0.17453293]' ) # convert the prescale from trigger convention prescale = str(float(1.0 / self.prescale)) prescale_logic = 'eventRandom <= ' + prescale two_track_cut = nTracks_cut_2 + ' and ' + deltaTheta_cut + ' and ' + prescale_logic track_cluster_cut = nTracks_cut_1 + ' and ' + deltaTheta_cut + ' and ' + prescale_logic # Reconstruct the event candidates with two tracks ma.fillParticleList('e+:' + skim_label_2, single_track_cut + ' and ' + nTracks_cut_2, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('vpho:' + skim_label_2 + ' -> e+:' + skim_label_2 + ' e-:' + skim_label_2, two_track_cut, path=path) # Reconstruct the event candidates with one track plus one cluster ma.fillParticleList('e+:' + skim_label_1, single_track_cut + ' and ' + nTracks_cut_1, path=path) ma.fillParticleList('gamma:' + skim_label_1, single_cluster_cut + ' and ' + nTracks_cut_1, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay( 'vpho:' + skim_label_1 + ' -> e+:' + skim_label_1 + ' gamma:' + skim_label_1, track_cluster_cut, allowChargeViolation=True, path=path) ma.copyLists('vpho:' + skim_label, ['vpho:' + skim_label_2, 'vpho:' + skim_label_1], path=path) return ['vpho:' + skim_label]
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class LowMassTwoTrack(BaseSkim): """ **Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma h_{1}^{+}h_{2}^{-} X` .. Warning:: This skim includes the golden mode :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma \\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}` .. Note:: The :math:`h_{1}^{+}` and :math:`h_{2}^{+}` here mean a positive particle and a negative particle that could be either conjugate or non-conjugate. The :math:`X` means arbitrary final state particles. **Decay Modes** 1. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma \\pi^{+} \\pi^{-} X`, 2. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma K^{+} K^{-} X`, 3. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma K^{+} \\pi^{-} X`, 4. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma p \\overline{p} X`, 5. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma p \\pi^{-} X`, 6. :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to \\gamma p K^{-} X`, """ __authors__ = ["Xing-Yu Zhou", "Guanda Gong"] __description__ = "Skim list for low mass events with at least two tracks and one hard photon" \ " in final state." __contact__ = "Xing-Yu Zhou <>" __category__ = "physics, low multiplicity" TestSampleProcess = "mumu" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): label = "LowMassTwoTrack" # Momenta of tracks greater than 0.5 GeV in the Lab frame pCut = "p > 0.5" # Energy of hard ISR gamma greater than 2 GeV in the CMS frame ISRECut = "useCMSFrame(E) > 2" # Invariant mass of h+h- system less than 3.5 GeV hhMassWindow = "daughterInvM(1,2) < 3.5" # Event based cut # Number of tracks passing the selection criteria, should be greater than or equal to to 2 nTracksCut = f"nCleanedTracks({pCut}) >= 2" # Require at least one hard photon nHardISRPhotonCut = f"nCleanedECLClusters({ISRECut}) > 0" # Apply event based cuts path = self.skim_event_cuts(f"{nTracksCut} and {nHardISRPhotonCut}", path=path) # Reconstruct candidates ma.fillParticleList(f"pi+:{label}", pCut, path=path) ma.fillParticleList(f"K+:{label}", pCut, path=path) ma.fillParticleList(f"p+:{label}", pCut, path=path) ma.fillParticleList(f"gamma:{label}_ISR", ISRECut, path=path) # the mass hypothesis is different for p+, pi+ and K+ lists, so it is good to write them separately. ModesAndCuts = [ (f"vpho:{label}_pipi", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR pi+:{label} pi-:{label}", hhMassWindow), (f"vpho:{label}_KK", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR K+:{label} K-:{label}", hhMassWindow), # Might be useful when one wants to reconstruct ISR K pi and missing other final state particles (f"vpho:{label}_Kpi", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR K+:{label} pi-:{label}", hhMassWindow), (f"vpho:{label}_pp", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR p+:{label} anti-p-:{label}", hhMassWindow), # Useful for analyses for processes like ISR Lambda Lambda-bar (Sigma Sigma-bar) , especially when # one wants to reconstruct the hard ISR photon and one of the Lambda (Sigma), missing anthoer # Lambda (Sigma) (f"vpho:{label}_ppi", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR p+:{label} pi-:{label}", hhMassWindow), # Might be useful when one wants to reconstruct ISR p K and missing other final state particles (f"vpho:{label}_pK", f" -> gamma:{label}_ISR p+:{label} K-:{label}", hhMassWindow), ] ParticleLists = [] for dmID, (mode, decayString, cut) in enumerate(ModesAndCuts): ma.reconstructDecay(mode + decayString, cut, dmID=dmID, path=path) ParticleLists.append(mode) return ParticleLists
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): vm.addAlias('pip_p_cms', 'daughter(0, useCMSFrame(p))') vm.addAlias('pim_p_cms', 'daughter(1, useCMSFrame(p))') vm.addAlias('gamma_E_cms', 'daughter(2, useCMSFrame(E))') vm.addAlias('pip_theta_lab', 'formula(daughter(0, theta)*180/3.1415927)') vm.addAlias('pim_theta_lab', 'formula(daughter(1, theta)*180/3.1415927)') vm.addAlias('gamma_theta_lab', 'formula(daughter(2, theta)*180/3.1415927)') vm.addAlias('Mpipi', 'daughterInvM(0,1)') ma.copyLists('vpho:LowMassTwoTrack', self.SkimLists, path=path) variablesHist = [ ('pip_p_cms', 60, 0, 6), ('pim_p_cms', 60, 0, 6), ('gamma_E_cms', 60, 0, 6), ('pip_theta_lab', 90, 0, 180), ('pim_theta_lab', 90, 0, 180), ('gamma_theta_lab', 90, 0, 180), ('Mpipi', 80, 0., 4.), ('M', 60, 6., 12.) ] # Output the variables to histograms ma.variablesToHistogram( 'vpho:LowMassTwoTrack', variablesHist, filename=f'{self}_Validation.root', path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class SingleTagPseudoScalar(BaseSkim): """ **Physics channel**: :math:`e^{+}e^{-} \\to e^{\\pm} (e^{\\mp}) \\pi^{0}/\\eta/\\eta^{\\prime}` **Decay Modes** 1. :math:`\\pi^{0}\\to \\gamma \\gamma`, 2. :math:`\\eta \\to \\gamma\\gamma`, 3. :math:`\\eta \\to \\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}\\pi^{0}`, 4. :math:`\\eta \\to \\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}\\gamma`, 5. :math:`\\eta^{\\prime} \\to \\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}\\eta(\\to \\gamma\\gamma)`, 6. :math:`\\eta^{\\prime} \\to \\pi^{+}\\pi^{-}\\gamma` """ __authors__ = ["Hisaki Hayashii"] __contact__ = "Hisaki Hayashii <>" __description__ = "A skim script to select events with one high-energy electron and one or more pi0/eta/eta mesons." __category__ = "physics, low multiplicity" ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): label = "PseudoScalarSkim" TrackCuts = "abs(dz) < 2.0 and dr < 0.5 and pt > 0.15" ma.fillParticleList(f"e+:{label}", f"{TrackCuts} and E > 1.5 and clusterEoP > 0.7", path=path) ma.fillParticleList(f"pi+:{label}", f"{TrackCuts} and [not isInList(e+:{label})]", path=path) ma.fillParticleList(f"gamma:{label}", "clusterE > 0.1", path=path) pi0MassWindow = "0.04 < InvM < 0.4" etaMassWindow = "0.50 < InvM < 0.60" etapMassWindow = "0.91 < InvM < 1.10" ModesAndCuts = [ (f"pi0:{label}_loose -> gamma:{label} gamma:{label}", pi0MassWindow), (f"eta:gg -> gamma:{label} gamma:{label}", etaMassWindow), (f"eta:pipipi0 -> pi+:{label} pi-:{label} pi0:{label}_loose", etaMassWindow), (f"eta:pipig -> pi+:{label} pi-:{label} gamma:{label}", etaMassWindow), (f"eta':pipieta_gg -> pi+:{label} pi-:{label} eta:gg", etapMassWindow), (f"eta':pipig -> pi+:{label} pi-:{label} gamma:{label}", etapMassWindow), ] for dmID, (mode, cut) in enumerate(ModesAndCuts): ma.reconstructDecay(mode, cut, dmID=dmID, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList(f"pi0:{label}_highE", f"pi0:{label}_loose", "E > 0.5", path=path) particles = [ f"pi0:{label}_highE", "eta:gg", "eta:pipipi0", "eta:pipig", "eta':pipieta_gg", "eta':pipig" ] ModeSum = " + ".join(f"nParticlesInList({particle})" for particle in particles) presel = f"nParticlesInList(e+:{label}) == 1 and nParticlesInList(pi+:{label}) <= 2" EventCuts = f"{presel} and formula({ModeSum}) >= 1" # Although a condition of "mode_sum >= 1" looks like very loose, # the reduction rate of this SingleTagPseudoScalar skim is very large, i.e. 1/50, # since the requirements, one high-energy electron and <=2 other charged # tracks, are quite stringent. path = self.skim_event_cuts(EventCuts, path=path) return [f"e+:{label}"]