Tools for file handling +++++++++++++++++++++++ ``b2file-metadata-show``: Show the metadata of a basf2 output file ------------------------------------------------------------------ This tool shows the recorded metadata of a basf2 output file like number of events, lowest event number and so forth. It can either work on a root file or look for the file in a local xml file catalog using an logical file name (LFN):: usage: b2file-metadata-show [-h] [-a] [-s] [--json] (FILENAME|-l LFN) .. rubric:: Optional Arguments -h, --help print all available options -l LFN, --lfn LFN logical file name -a, --all print all information --json print machine-readable information in JSON format. Implies ``--all`` and ``--steering``. -s, --steering print steering file contents .. _b2file-metadata-add: ``b2file-metadata-add``: Add/Edit LFN in given file --------------------------------------------------- This tools allows to modify the LFN and the data descriptions stored in a given basf2 output file. It will also update the xml file catalog if the file was registered in it before. .. versionchanged:: after release-03-00-00 Previously the file was always registered in the file catalog so even new file catalog was always created if none was existing. Now it only updates the file catalog when the file is already registered. The keys and values for the data descriptions can take any value and are not used by the offline software in any way. They can be used for bookkeeping or additional information not otherwise included in the metadata. At the moment the only commonly used keys are dataLevel is automatically set when using `mdst.add_mdst_output`, `modularAnalysis.outputMdst`, `udst.add_udst_output`, or `udst.add_skimmed_udst_output` functions and will be set to either "mdst" or "udst". skimDecayMode is automatically set when using `udst.add_skimmed_udst_output` and will contain the name of the skim. :: usage: b2file-metadata-add [-h] [-l LFN] [-d KEY=VALUE] FILENAME .. rubric:: Optional Arguments -h, --help print all available options --file arg file name -l LFN, --lfn LFN logical file name -d KEYVALUE, --description KEYVALUE data description to set of the form key=value. If the argument does not contain an equal sign it's interpreted as a key to delete from the dataDescriptions. .. _b2file-catalog-add: ``b2file-catalog-add``: Add a file to a local XML file catalog -------------------------------------------------------------- This simple tool adds a file to a local XML file catalog so that it can be found as a parent file independent of the local name or folder structure:: usage: b2file-catalog-add [--help] FILENAME .. _b2file-check: ``b2file-check``: Check a basf2 output file for consistency ----------------------------------------------------------- .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-check :func: get_argument_parser :prog: check_basf2_file :nodefaultconst: :nogroupsections: .. rubric:: Examples The ``--json`` parameter can be used to get detailed output for all tests in a machine readable format:: $ check_basf2_file --json framework/tests/root_input.root { "checks_passed": { "all_entries_readable": true, "contains_persistent": true, "contains_tree": true, "entries_eq_filemetedata": true, "eventmetadata_readable": true, "file_readable": true, "filemetadata_readable": true }, "stats": { "compression_algorithm": 0, "compression_factor": 2.591318368911743, "compression_level": 1, "events": 5, "filesize_kib": 61.8984375, "mcevents": 0, "size_per_event_kib": 12.3796875 } } .. versionchanged:: release-03-00-00 files with zero events can now pass the checks .. _b2file-merge: ``b2file-merge``: Merge multiple basf2 output files --------------------------------------------------- This program merges files created by separate ``basf2`` jobs with the `RootOutput` module. It's similar to ROOT ``hadd`` but does correctly update the metadata in the file and merges the objects in the persistent tree correctly. This tool is intended to only merge output files from identical jobs which were just split into smaller ones for convenience. As such the following restrictions apply: * The files have to be created with the same release and steering file * The persistent tree is only allowed to contain FileMetaData and objects inheriting from Mergeable and the same list of objects needs to be present in all files. * The event tree needs to contain the same DataStore entries in all files. .. hint:: If you want to merge the output of `VariablesToNtuple`, please use ``hadd``. .. seealso:: For a comparision between ``hadd``, ``b2file-merge`` and friends, take a look at `this questions.belle2 thread `_. :: usage: b2file-merge [-h] [-f] [-q] [--no-catalog] [--add-to-catalog] OUTPUTFILENAME INPUTFILENAME [INPUTFILENAME ...] .. rubric:: Optional Arguments -f, --force overwrite the output file if already present -q, --quiet if given only warnings and errors are printed --no-catalog don't register output file in file catalog. This is now the default and just kept for backwards compatibility.g --add-to-catalog add the output file to the file catalog .. rubric:: Examples * Combine all output files in a given directory:: $ b2file-merge full.root jobs/*.root * Merge all output files but be less verbose, overwrite the output if it exists and don't register in file catalog:: $ b2file-merge -f -q --no-catalog full.root jobs/*.root .. versionchanged:: release-03-00-00 the tool now checks for consistency of the real/MC flag for all input files and refues to merge mixed sets of real and MC data. .. versionchanged:: after release-03-00-00 files will by default no longer be registered in a file catalog. To get the old behavior please supply the ``--add-to-catalog`` command line option or run ``b2file-catalaog-add`` on the output file. ``b2file-mix``: Create a run of mixed data from a set of input files --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-mix :func: create_argumentparser :prog: b2file-mix :nodefaultconst: :nogroupsections: .. _b2file-remove-branches: ``b2file-remove-branches``: Create a copy of a basf2 output file removing a list of given branches in the process ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-remove-branches :func: create_argumentparser :prog: b2file-remove-branches :nodefaultconst: :nogroupsections: .. versionadded:: release-04-00-00 ``b2file-size``: Show detailed size information about the content of a file --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-size :func: get_argument_parser :prog: b2file-size :nodefault: :nogroupsections: .. _b2file-normalize: ``b2file-normalize``: Reset non-reproducible root file metadata and optionally the file name in the metadata ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-normalize :func: get_argument_parser :prog: b2file-normalize :nodefaultconst: :nogroupsections: .. versionadded:: release-04-00-00 ``b2file-md5sum``: Calculate a md5 checksum of a root file content excluding the root metadata ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. argparse:: :filename: framework/tools/b2file-md5sum :func: get_argument_parser :prog: b2file-md5sum :nodefaultconst: :nogroupsections: .. versionadded:: release-04-00-00