.. _onlinebook_event_display: Event display ============= .. sidebar:: Overview :class: overview **Teaching**: 5 min **Exercises**: 5 min **Prerequisites**: * The :ref:`onlinebook_ssh` lesson. * The previous lesson. **Objectives**: * A quick break from coding. * Learn how to open the event display. A well-deserved pause --------------------- In the last six lessons you built up a realistic steering file step by step. Congratulations for making it to this point! 🍰 You probably already have developed quite a nice feeling for how to work with basf2. There is much more to learn, but the remaining topics are more specialized and might not apply to every analysis. All of the following lessons (from here out) are largely self-contained and only have prerequisites that you have already done. You can pick and choose whatever you find interesting, or whatever you think you will need. For now though, you might be a bit tired of the whole business of steering files. So how about something a bit more visual and fun? Meet the Belle II event display ------------------------------- Head over to the :ref:`display` documentation pages. Take a look at the event display for the mdst file that you were looking at in these last lessons (you might need a bit of patience if you're using xforwarding). .. admonition:: Exercise :class: exercise Can you identify a :math:`B\to J/\psi K_S` event? .. seealso:: `evdisp.belle2.org `_ for a live event display of the data-taking in real time. .. seealso:: `Here is a gallery of nice event display images `_. .. include:: ../lesson_footer.rstinclude .. rubric:: Authors of this lesson Sam Cunliffe and Kilian Lieret