Why contribute? Read our propaganda at :doc:`/online_book/contribute`. .. _onlinebook_how_to_contribute: How to contribute ================= * Something is **wrong**/**misleading**: Fix it with a merge request or raise the issue by creating a GitLab issue. If you are unsure about it, you can ask on `questions.belle2.org `_ before. * You notice that something is **missing**: * If you're not sure whether it belongs here, ask the librarians, e.g. by creating a GitLab issue or per email. You can either assign the GitLab issue to someone you like or submit a merge request for it yourself (preferred). * If it is already marked as a todo item, check if someone else is working on it (search on GitLab) and if not, submit a merge request Understanding Sphinx and RST ---------------------------- This webpage is built with Sphinx_ using source files in reStructuredText_ (``*.rst``) format. .. _Sphinx: https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/ .. _reStructuredText: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/rst.html See :doc:`/framework/doc/atend-doctools` to learn more about these tools. .. hint:: If you want to learn sphinx by looking at the sources of various pages, click on the ``View page source`` button on the top right of the web page. .. hint:: The source file of each file is apparent from the URL. E.g. this page has the URL ``.../online_book/how_to_contribute.html``, so your source file is in ``${BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR}/online_book/how_to_contribute.rst``. Submitting a PR --------------- You need to 1. Create a development setup as explained in :ref:`build/tools_doc/cvmfs_setup:Development Setup` 2. Change to a new branch ``feature/describe-your-change`` or ``bugfix/something`` (if your merge request is based on a GitLab issue, you can name it in the MR description). You will not be able to push your branch if it isn't prefixed with ``feature/`` or ``bugfix/`` 3. Make your changes 4. Optionally: Preview them locally as described in :doc:`/framework/doc/atend-doctools` 5. Push your branch 6. Create a PR following the guidelines outlined at :ref:`pr_best_practices` .. seealso:: You already opened a PR for a test repository in :ref:`onlinebook_git`, remember? Basically this is exactly the same procedure.