.. _onlinebook_workflowmanagement_snakemake_scripts: Separate Scripts for the Snakemake Workflow =========================================== For completeness, we here provide the separate analysis scripts called by the snakemake workflow. Existing scripts can be implemented with the :code:`script:` directive in the *snakefile* with minimal adaptations. The input and output file paths, as well as the parameters for the corresponding rule can be retrieved in the scripts with :code:`snakemake.input`, :code:`snakemake.output` and :code:`snakemake.params`. .. literalinclude:: offlineanalysis.py :language: python :caption: .. literalinclude:: reconstruction.py :language: python :caption: .. literalinclude:: batchToTxt.py :language: python :caption: When using our provided :code:`wrapper:` for submitting gbasf2 jobs to the grid, the steering file does not need any specific adaptations. .. literalinclude:: skim.py :language: python :caption: