.. _svddbstore: SVD DBStore =========== Here we briefly describe the SVD objects that populate the Conditions Database. We also report the revision number which is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. note:: * the revision can be different for official run-independent MC production of experiment 0 and 1003, please check the corresponding Global Tag. * for run-dependent and data reconstruction revisions should be checked inspecting the content of the corresponding Global Tags. * you can also check the `SVD Payloads, Revisions and GT `_ Confluence Page. We add a string, the ``UniqueID``, to the payloads that provides informations on the content of the payload. In order to read the ``UniqueID`` you can setup basf2 and then: .. code:: > b2conditionsdb dump -r YZT X where :code:`YZT` is the payload name and :code:`X` is the revision number. The ``UniqueID`` will show up at the end. .. _granularity: Wrappers have one of the following granularity: #. strip granularity: one value/payload per strip #. sensor-side granularity: one value/payload per sensor side #. detector granularity: one value/payload for all sensors #. sensor-on-ladder granularity: one value/payload per sensor side integrated over all ladders .. warning: this is not a detailed description, please check svd/dbobjects and svd/calibration if you want to know more Simulation Calibrations ----------------------- In simulation, sensors are grouped by type (L3, origami, backward, forward) and by side (u/P, v/N). Sensors in the same group share the same calibration constants. .. _svdchargesimulation: .. cpp:class:: SVDChargeSimulationCalibrations Parameters for strip charge simulation, with sensor-side granularity_: #. electron weight: describing the difference between Geant4 electrons/holes and real electrons/holes #. coupling constants: describe the charge sharing among implants up to readout-to-next-to-next-to-floating Check `ChargeSimulation@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **4** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. _svdfudgeposition: .. cpp:class:: SVDMCClusterPositionFudgeFactor Parameter to fudge position reconstruction in simulation, to match resolution measured in data, with sensor-side granularity_: #. fudge factor: width of the gaussian from which we draw a random number to be added to the reconstructed cluster position, depends on the track incident angle Check `MCPositionFudge@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **5** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. _svdfudgetime: .. cpp:class:: SVDMCClusterTimeFudgeFactor Parameter to fudge time reconstruction in simulation, to match resolution measured in data, with sensor-side granularity_: #. fudge factor: width of the gaussian from which we draw a random number to be added to the reconstructed cluster time Check `MCTimeFudge@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **3** is used for experiment 0 and 1003, and run-dependent MC. The local calibrations wrappers :ref:`SVDNoiseCalibrations`, :ref:`SVDPulseShapeCalibrations` and :ref:`SVDFADCMaskedStrips` are also used in the digitizer. Local Calibrations ------------------ .. _svdnoisecal: .. cpp:class:: SVDNoiseCalibrations Wrapper with strip granularity_ storing the strip noise Check `Noise@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **510** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. _svdpulsecal: .. cpp:class:: SVDPulseShapeCalibrations Wrapper with strip granularity_ storing strip gain (ADC/e-), peak time and pulse width Check `PulseShape@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **538** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. _svdmaskedcal: .. cpp:class:: SVDFADCMaskedStrips Wrapper with strip granularity_ storing the strips masked on FADC Check `MaskedStrips@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **108** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. Detector Configuration ---------------------- .. _svdglobalconfig: .. cpp:class:: SVDGlobalConfigParameters Stores the detector configuration for the Belle2 run, with detector granularity_ Check `GlobalConfig@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **70** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. .. cpp:class:: SVDLocalConfigParameters Stores the detector configuration for a local run, with detector granularity_ Check `LocalConfig@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **63** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. Reconstruction Calibrations --------------------------- .. _svdrecoconfiguration: .. cpp:class:: SVDRecoConfiguration Stores SVDRecoConfiguration (time, position, charge, etc), with detector granularity_ Check `SVDRecoConfiguration@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **10** is used for experiment 0 (with grouping module turned ON), revision **11** is used for experiment 1002/3/4. .. _svdcogonlyerr: .. cpp:class:: SVDCoGOnlyPositionError Stores the position error formulas for the ``CoGOnly`` algorithm, with the same granularity_ as simulation objects Check `CoGOnlyErr@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **5** is used for exp 0, 1003 and data reconstruction. .. _svdcogonlycal: .. cpp:class:: SVDCoGOnlyErrorScaleFactors Stores the position error scaling factors for the ``CoGOnly`` algorithm, with the same granularity_ as simulation objects Check `CoGOnlySF@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **2** (scale factors = 1) is used for exp 0, 1003 and data reconstruction. While revision **6** (scale factors != 1) is used for data. .. _svdolddefaultcal: .. cpp:class:: SVDOldDefaultErrorScaleFactors Stores the position error scaling factors for the ``OldDefault`` algorithm, with the same granularity_ as simulation objects Check `OldDefaultSF@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **3** is used for experiment 0 and 1003. Revision **2** (scale factors = 1) should be used for data reconstruction. .. _svdclustercuts: .. cpp:class:: SVDClustering Stores the parameters for the clusterization with sensor-side granularity_ Check `Clustering@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **1** is used for experiment 0 and 1003, and data. .. _svdhittimeselection: .. cpp:class:: SVDHitTimeSelection Stores the functions and their parameters for the selection of clusters based on the cluster time in the SpacePoint creation step, with sensor-side granularity_. Check `HitTimeSelection@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **1** (no cuts) is used for experiment 1003 (and data), and revision **5** (u/v cluster time difference < 20 ns & u-or-v cluster absolute time < 50 ns) is used for experiment 0. .. cpp:class:: SVDOccupancyCalibrations wrapper with the strip occupancy averaged over a run, strip granularity_ .. _svdhotstrips: .. cpp:class:: SVDHotStripsCalibrations wrapper with the hot strips as determined by ``SVDHotStripFinder``, strip granularity_ .. _svdtimegroupingconfiguration: .. cpp:class:: SVDTimeGroupingConfiguration Stores parameters used in SVDTimeGrouping module, with detector granularity_ Check `SVDTimeGroupingConfiguration@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **3** is used for experiment 0 and 1003/4, revision **4** is calculated from *Exp24-Run1726* and should be used for data. Time Calibrations ----------------- .. _svdcog6timecal: .. cpp:class:: SVDCoGTimeCalibrations CoG6 Time calibration wrapper, with sensor-side granularity_ Check `CoG6Time@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **203** is used for experiment 0 and 1003, revision **7** correspond to no calibration. .. _svdcog3timecal: .. cpp:class:: SVD3SampleCoGTimeCalibrations CoG3 Time calibration wrapper, with sensor-side granularity_ Check `CoG3Time@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **2** is used for experiment 0 and 1003, revision **1** correspond to no calibration. .. _svdels3timecal: .. cpp:class:: SVD3SampleELSTimeCalibrations ELS3 Time calibration wrapper, with sensor-side granularity_ Check `ELS3Time@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **2** is used for experiment 0 and 1003, revision **1** correspond to no calibration. .. _svdclustertimeshifter: .. cpp:class:: SVDClusterTimeShifter Time shift adjustment depending on cluster-size, with sensor-on-ladder granularity_ Check `SVDClusterTimeShifter@CDB `_ all revisions available in the Conditions Database. Revision **1** is used for experiment 0 and 1002/3/4 which corresponds to no shift, revision **3** is calculated from *Exp24,Run1726* and should only be used for data.