13 <input>../GenericB_GENSIMRECtoDST.dst.root</input>
14 <output>Pi0_Validation.root</output>
15 <contact>Mario Merola (mario.merola@na.infn.it), Andrea Selce (selce@infn.it)</contact>
17 Check the calibration of the ECL in the MC by determining the measured pi0 invariant mass.
24 from modularAnalysis
import cutAndCopyList, inputMdst
27 from variables
import variables
as vm
33 inputMdst(INPUT_FILENAME, path=main)
35 cutAndCopyList(
'daughter(0, E)>0.05 and daughter(1, E)>0.05', path=main)
36 cutAndCopyList(
'mcErrors<1', path=main)
38 vm.addAlias(
41 create_validation_histograms(
45 "Mreco", 40, 0.08, 0.18,
46 "#pi^{0} reconstructed candidates, invariant mass",
47 "Andrea Selce <selce@infn.it>",
48 r"The $\pi^0$ invariant mass distribution with $E_{\gamma}>0.05\, \text{GeV}$",
49 r"Distribution should be peaking at the nominal $\pi^0$ mass.",
50 "M(#pi^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]",
53 description=
r"$\pi^0$ reconstructed mass distribution",
57 vm.addAlias(
59 create_validation_histograms(
63 "Mmc", 40, 0.08, 0.18,
64 "#pi^{0} MC candidates, invariant mass",
65 "Andrea Selce <selce@infn.it>",
66 r"The $\pi^0$ invariant mass distribution for truth matched candidates",
67 r"Distribution should be peaking at the nominal $\pi^0$ mass.",
68 "M(#pi^{0}) [GeV/c^{2}]",
71 description=
r"$\pi^0$ MC mass distribution",
74 main.add_module(
76 print(basf2.statistics)
80 Mrecohist = f.Get(
81 Mmchist = f.Get(
84 mass = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"m_{#gamma#gamma} [GeV/c^{2}]", 0.11, 0.15)
86 h_pi0_reco = ROOT.RooDataHist(
"h_pi0_reco", ROOT.RooArgList(mass), Mrecohist)
87 h_pi0_mc = ROOT.RooDataHist(
"h_pi0_mc", ROOT.RooArgList(mass), Mmchist)
91 mean = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"mean", 0.125, 0.11, 0.15)
92 sig1 = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"sig", 0.007, 0.002, 0.1)
93 gau1 = ROOT.RooGaussian(
"gau1", mass, mean, sig1)
95 alphacb = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"alpha", 1.5, 0.1, 1.9)
96 ncb = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"n", 8)
97 sigcb = ROOT.RooCBShape(
"sigcb", mass, mean, sig1, alphacb, ncb)
100 b1 = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"b1", 0.1, -1, 1)
101 a1 = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"a1", 0.1, -1, 1)
102 bList = ROOT.RooArgList(a1, b1)
103 bkg = ROOT.RooChebychev(
"bkg", mass, bList)
106 nsig = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"nsig", 3000, 0, 1000000)
107 nbkg = ROOT.RooRealVar(
"nbkg", 12000, 0, 1000000)
110 totalPdf = ROOT.RooAddPdf(
"", ROOT.RooArgList(gau1, bkg), ROOT.RooArgList(nsig, nbkg))
113 output = ROOT.TFile(
116 outputNtuple = ROOT.TNtuple(
118 "Pi0 mass fit results",
119 "mean:meanerror:width:widtherror:mean_MC:meanerror_MC:width_MC:widtherror_MC")
122 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(
123 canvas = ROOT.TCanvas(
"pi0 mass fit", 1000, 600)
128 totalPdf.fitTo(h_pi0_reco, ROOT.RooFit.Extended(
True), ROOT.RooFit.Minimizer(
129 frame1 = mass.frame()
130 h_pi0_reco.plotOn(frame1, ROOT.RooFit.Name(
131 frame1.SetMaximum(frame1.GetMaximum())
132 totalPdf.plotOn(frame1, ROOT.RooFit.Name(
133 totalPdf.plotOn(frame1, ROOT.RooFit.Components(
"gau1"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed))
134 totalPdf.plotOn(frame1, ROOT.RooFit.Components(
"bkg"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(3), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kBlue))
135 frame1.SetMaximum(Mrecohist.GetMaximum() * 1.5)
136 frame1.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
137 frame1.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5)
138 meanval = mean.getVal()
139 meanerror = mean.getError()
140 width = sig1.getVal()
141 widtherror = sig1.getError()
156 bkg = ROOT.RooChebychev(
"bkg", mass, a1)
157 totalPdf = ROOT.RooAddPdf(
"", ROOT.RooArgList(gau1, bkg), ROOT.RooArgList(nsig, nbkg))
160 totalPdf.fitTo(h_pi0_mc, ROOT.RooFit.Extended(
True), ROOT.RooFit.Minimizer(
161 frame2 = mass.frame()
162 h_pi0_mc.plotOn(frame2, ROOT.RooFit.Name(
163 frame2.SetMaximum(frame2.GetMaximum())
164 totalPdf.plotOn(frame2, ROOT.RooFit.Name(
165 totalPdf.plotOn(frame2, ROOT.RooFit.Components(
"gau1"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(ROOT.kDashed), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kRed))
166 totalPdf.plotOn(frame2, ROOT.RooFit.Components(
"bkg1"), ROOT.RooFit.LineStyle(3), ROOT.RooFit.LineColor(ROOT.kBlue))
167 frame2.SetMaximum(Mmchist.GetMaximum() * 1.5)
168 frame2.GetXaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.4)
169 frame2.GetYaxis().SetTitleOffset(1.5)
170 meanval_mc = mean.getVal()
171 meanerror_mc = mean.getError()
172 width_mc = sig1.getVal()
173 widtherror_mc = sig1.getError()
178 outputNtuple.Fill(meanval, meanerror, width, widtherror, meanval_mc, meanerror_mc, width_mc, widtherror_mc)
182 validation_metadata_update(
185 title=
"Pi0 mass fit results",
186 contact=
187 description=
"Fit to the invariant mass of the reconstructed and truth matched pi0s",
188 check=
"Consistent numerical fit results. Stable mean and width.",
189 metaoptions=