Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
11 # --------------------------------------------------------------------
12 # This script generate root which contains the map of ARICH material budget
13 # Initial script : simulation/examples/
14 # --------------------------------------------------------------------
16 import os
18 from basf2 import logging, LogLevel, create_path, process
19 from optparse import OptionParser
21 parser = OptionParser()
22 parser.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='filename', default='ARICHMaterialScan.root')
23 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
25 home = os.environ['BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR']
27 print("output file :", end=" ")
28 print(home, end="")
29 print("/arich/examples/", end="")
30 print(options.filename)
32 # Don't show all the info messages
33 logging.log_level = LogLevel.ERROR
35 # create path
36 main = create_path()
38 # We need to process one event so we need the EventInfoSetter
39 main.add_module("EventInfoSetter", evtNumList=[1])
41 # We need the geometry parameters
42 main.add_module("Gearbox")
44 # Build only ARICH detector
45 geometry = main.add_module("Geometry", logLevel=LogLevel.INFO, assignRegions=True,
46  components=['ARICH'])
48 # MaterialScan uses the Geant4 setup which is created by the FullSim module so
49 # we need this as well
50 main.add_module('FullSim')
52 # And finally the MaterialScan module
53 materialscan = main.add_module("MaterialScan", logLevel=LogLevel.INFO)
55 # Create a detailed Materialbudget for the beam pipe
56 # 1) 100x100 raster starting from IP looking at the acceptance
57 # 2) 200x200 raster of the ZX plane between Z=-50 to 60 cm and X=-16 to
58 # 16 cm, starting at Y=-16cm and scanning the next 32cm along Y
60 materialscan.param({
61  # Filename for output File
62  'Filename': options.filename,
63  # Do Spherical scan?
64  'spherical': True,
65  # Origin of the spherical scan
66  'spherical.origin': [0, 0, 0],
67  # Number of steps in theta
68  'spherical.nTheta': 100,
69  # Minimal theta value
70  'spherical.minTheta': 17,
71  # Maximal theta value
72  'spherical.maxTheta': 150,
73  # If set to true, the scan will be done uniform in cos(theta)
74  'spherical.cosTheta': True,
75  # Number of steps in theta
76  'spherical.nPhi': 100,
77  # Minimal theta value
78  'spherical.minPhi': 0,
79  # Maximal theta value
80  'spherical.maxPhi': 360,
81  # Depth of the scan: 0 for scan the whole defined geometry. Any value >0
82  # will stop the ray after reaching the given distance from the start point
83  'spherical.maxDepth': 0,
84  # Split output by Material names instead of by Region
85  'spherical.splitByMaterials': False,
86  # Specify the names of Materials to ignore in the scan.
87  # Default is Air and Vacuum
88  'spherical.ignored': ['Air', 'Vacuum', 'G4_AIR', 'ColdAir'],
89  # Do Planar scan?
90  'planar': True,
91  # Name of the plane for scanning. One of 'XY', 'XZ', 'YX', 'YZ', 'ZX',
92  # 'ZY' or 'custom' to define the plane directly
93  'planar.plane': 'custom',
94  # Define a custom plane for the scan, only used if planar.plane='custom'.
95  # This is a list of 9 values where the first three values specify the
96  # origin, the second 3 values specify the first axis and the last 3 values
97  # specify the second axis. In this case we scan the ZX plane but the origin
98  # is not at the IP at y=-1 to create a symmetric cut view in |y|< 1 cm
99  'planar.custom': [
100  0, 0, 0, # Origin
101  1, 0, 0, # First axis
102  0, 1, 0, # Second axis
103  ],
104  # Depth of the scan: 0 for scan the whole defined geometry. Any value >0
105  # will stop the ray after reaching the given distance from the start point
106  'planar.maxDepth': 0,
107  # Number of steps along the first axis
108  'planar.nU': 120,
109  # 'planar.nU': 5,
110  # Minimum value for the first axis
111  'planar.minU': -120.0,
112  # Maximum value for the first axis
113  'planar.maxU': 120,
114  # Number of steps along the second axis
115  'planar.nV': 120,
116  # 'planar.nV': 5,
117  # Minimum value for the second axis
118  'planar.minV': -120,
119  # Maximum value for the second axis
120  'planar.maxV': 120,
121  # Split output by Material names instead of by Region
122  'planar.splitByMaterials': True,
123  # Specify the names of Materials to ignore in the scan.
124  # Default is Air and Vacuum
125  'planar.ignored': ['Air', 'G4_AIR', 'ColdAir'],
126 })
128 # Do the MaterialScan, can take some time depending on the number of steps
129 process(main)
131 # Make basic performance plots
132 com = 'root -l ' + options.filename + ' ' + home + '/arich/utility/scripts/plotARICHmaterialbudget.C'
133 os.system(com)