21 import modularAnalysis
as ma
22 import variables
as va
24 from b2biiConversion
import convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst
27 os.environ[
28 os.environ[
29 os.environ[
31 my_path = b2.create_path()
34 b2.conditions.prepend_globaltag(
37 inputfile = b2.find_file(
38 convertBelleMdstToBelleIIMdst(inputfile, path=my_path)
41 In this example, we add information from three types of weight tables to the track.
42 Since there are only three types of such tables, the example is quite full.
43 Each weight table contains variables listed in the example.
44 Meaning of the variables can be found in Belle documentation (see links in the body of the example).
47 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'pi+:all', cut=
'', path=my_path)
52 Several weight tables were produced for lepton ID correction at Belle.
53 Naming scheme for payloads is:
55 BelleLID<e|mu>_<LID cut>
57 Study was done for different cut set for electrons and muons.
58 Possible cuts for electron:
59 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, 0.60, 0.80, 0.90
61 Possible cuts for muons:
62 0.10, 0.80, 0.90, 0.95, 0.97
64 Sources of original Belle results are here:
65 https://belle.kek.jp/group/pid_joint/lid/final/
67 Here we add PID correction information that is important for
68 electrons selected with "eIDBelle>0.9" cut.
70 lid_table =
72 va.variables.addAlias(
73 va.variables.addAlias(
74 va.variables.addAlias(
75 va.variables.addAlias(
76 va.variables.addAlias(
77 va.variables.addAlias(
78 va.variables.addAlias(
80 lid_weights = [
83 'LID_ratio_syst_err_from_2photon',
84 'LID_ratio_syst_err_from_JPsi',
88 reweighter = b2.register_module(
89 reweighter.param(
'tableName', lid_table)
90 reweighter.param(
91 my_path.add_module(reweighter)
97 Several weight tables were produced for kaon/pion ID corrections at Belle.
98 Naming scheme for payloads is:
100 BelleKID<K|Pi><Eff|Fake><Combined|Plus|Minus>_<PID cut:[1..9]>
103 - K or Pi refers to correction information obtained for kaons or pions, accordingly
104 - Eff or Fake refers to efficiency or fake rate corrections
105 - Combined, Plus or Minus refers to the charge of tracks used for the study
106 - PID cut is an integer number from 1 to 9 that correspond to "cut > 0.number"
108 Information is taken from here:
109 https://belle.kek.jp/group/pid_joint/kid/files-2006/
111 Here we add PID correction information for pion efficiency selected as kaons with
112 "kaonIDBelle>0.1" cut.
115 kid_table =
117 va.variables.addAlias(
118 va.variables.addAlias(
119 va.variables.addAlias(
120 va.variables.addAlias(
121 va.variables.addAlias(
122 va.variables.addAlias(
123 va.variables.addAlias(
124 va.variables.addAlias(
125 va.variables.addAlias(
126 va.variables.addAlias(
127 va.variables.addAlias(
129 kid_weights = [
130 'KID_eff_data_stat_err',
131 'KID_eff_data_syst_err',
133 'KID_eff_mc_stat_err',
136 'KID_ratio_stat_err',
137 'KID_ratio_syst_err',
141 reweighter2 = b2.register_module(
142 reweighter2.param(
'tableName', kid_table)
143 reweighter2.param(
144 my_path.add_module(reweighter2)
150 Several weight tables were produced for proton ID corrections at Belle.
151 Naming scheme for payloads is:
153 BellePID<Plus|Minus>_<PID cut>
156 - Plus or Minus refers to the charge of tracks used for the study
157 - PID cut can be 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 or 0.9
159 Information is taken from here:
160 https://belle.kek.jp/group/pid_joint/protonid/
162 Here we add PID correction information for proton efficiency selected with
163 "protonIDBelle>0.6" cut.
165 pid_table =
167 va.variables.addAlias(
168 va.variables.addAlias(
169 va.variables.addAlias(
170 va.variables.addAlias(
171 va.variables.addAlias(
172 va.variables.addAlias(
173 va.variables.addAlias(
174 va.variables.addAlias(
175 va.variables.addAlias(
177 pid_weights = [
178 "PID_eff_data_stat_err",
180 "PID_eff_mc_stat_err",
182 "PID_ratio_stat_err",
183 "PID_ratio_syst_err",
188 reweighter3 = b2.register_module(
189 reweighter3.param(
'tableName', pid_table)
190 reweighter3.param(
191 my_path.add_module(reweighter3)
194 All weighting modules are configured.
195 Let's add some tracks and add the information from weighting tables to them.
198 pivars += kid_weights
199 pivars += lid_weights
200 pivars += pid_weights
204 output_file =
205 ma.variablesToNtuple(decayString=
208 filename=output_file,