13 <input>muon-KLMValidation.root</input>
14 <contact>Laura Salutari (Laura.Salutari@uniroma3.it)</contact>
15 <description>Creation of EKLM muon validation plots.</description>
20 from ROOT
import TNamed
22 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(
23 input_file = ROOT.TFile(
24 tree = input_file.Get(
25 output_file = ROOT.TFile(
26 contact =
'Laura Salutari (Laura.Salutari@uniroma3.it)'
31 subdetector_selection =
33 h2dtres = ROOT.TH1F(
'EKLM muon 2d hits time resolution',
35 h2dtres.SetXTitle(
36 h2dtres.SetYTitle(
37 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.m_Time+(EventT0.hasEventT0()?EventT0.getEventT0():0)-KLMHit2ds.m_MCTime>>muon_h2dtres', subdetector_selection)
38 functions = h2dtres.GetListOfFunctions()
39 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Time resolution'))
40 functions.Add(TNamed(
'No bias.'))
41 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
42 functions.Add(TNamed(
44 section = ROOT.TH1F(
'Section for KLMHit2ds', 2, 0.5, 2.5)
45 section.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
'1=backward 2=forward')
46 section.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
47 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.getSection()>>Forward', subdetector_selection)
48 functions = section.GetListOfFunctions()
49 functions.Add(TNamed(
50 'Flag indicating if a muon hit is in backward(1) or forward(2) EKLM'))
51 functions.Add(TNamed(
'More hits in backward.'))
52 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
53 functions.Add(TNamed(
55 sector = ROOT.TH1F(
'Sector for KLMHit2ds', 6, -0.5, 5.5)
56 sector.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
'Sector #')
57 sector.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
58 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.getSector()>>Sector', subdetector_selection)
59 functions = sector.GetListOfFunctions()
60 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Sector number of muon hit'))
61 functions.Add(TNamed(
'More hits in sector 1, then mostly flat.'))
62 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
63 functions.Add(TNamed(
65 layer = ROOT.TH1F(
'Layer for KLMHit2ds', 16, -0.5, 15.5)
66 layer.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
'Layer #')
67 layer.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
68 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.getLayer()>>Layer', subdetector_selection)
69 functions = layer.GetListOfFunctions()
70 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Layer number of muon hit'))
71 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Number of events decreases with number of layer.'))
72 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
73 functions.Add(TNamed(
75 time = ROOT.TH1F(
'Hit time for KLMHit2ds', 80, -5.0, 35.0)
76 time.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
't (ns)')
77 time.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
78 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.getTime()>>Time', subdetector_selection)
79 functions = time.GetListOfFunctions()
80 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Time of muon hit in EKLM'))
81 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Mean around 16 ns.'))
82 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
83 functions.Add(TNamed(
87 nPE = ROOT.TH1F(
'Generated PE in EKLM', 100, 0.0, 200)
88 nPE.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
'# generated PE')
89 nPE.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
90 tree.Draw(
91 'KLMDigits.getSubdetector()==2')
92 functions = nPE.GetListOfFunctions()
93 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Number of generated photoelectrons in EKLM.'))
94 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Mean around 37.'))
95 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
96 functions.Add(TNamed(
98 edep = ROOT.TH1F(
'Energy deposition for KLMDigits', 150, 0.0, 15)
99 edep.GetXaxis().SetTitle(
'E (MeV)')
100 edep.GetYaxis().SetTitle(
101 tree.Draw(
'KLMHit2ds.getEnergyDeposit()>>edep', subdetector_selection)
102 functions = edep.GetListOfFunctions()
103 functions.Add(TNamed(
'dE/dx energy deposition of muon hit'))
104 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Peak around 3 MeV, with mean 3.7 MeV.'))
105 functions.Add(TNamed(
'Contact', contact))
106 functions.Add(TNamed(