2 import b2luigi
as luigi
3 from b2luigi.basf2_helper.tasks
import Basf2PathTask
8 import modularAnalysis
as ma
12 class SkimTask(Basf2PathTask):
13 batch_system =
14 gbasf2_project_name_prefix = luigi.Parameter(significant=
15 gbasf2_input_dataset = luigi.Parameter(hashed=
17 gbasf2_print_status_updates =
18 gbasf2_max_retries = 10
19 gbasf2_download_dataset =
20 gbasf2_download_logs =
22 runningOnMC = luigi.BoolParameter()
25 yield self.add_to_output(
27 def create_path(self):
28 mypath = b2.create_path()
29 ma.inputMdstList(filelist=self.gbasf2_input_dataset, path=mypath, entrySequences=[
33 cut=
"dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and kaonID > 0.01",
35 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'pi+:my', cut=
"dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=mypath)
37 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
"D-:K2Pi -> K+:my pi-:my pi-:my", cut=
"1.5 < M < 2.2", path=mypath)
39 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi -> D-:K2Pi pi+:my', cut=
'5.0 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', path=mypath)
40 vx.treeFit(
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi', 0, path=mypath, updateAllDaughters=
False, ipConstraint=
True, massConstraint=[411])
41 ma.applyCuts(
'5.2 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 0.5', path=mypath)
46 udst.add_udst_output(path=mypath, filename=
"skim.udst.root", particleLists=[
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi'], mc=self.runningOnMC)
54 class BatchesToTextFile(luigi.Task):
55 batch_system =
56 skim = luigi.Parameter(hashed=
57 projectName = luigi.Parameter()
58 runningOnMC = luigi.BoolParameter()
63 runningOnMC=self.runningOnMC,
64 gbasf2_project_name_prefix=self.projectName,
65 gbasf2_input_dataset=self.skim
68 def get_batch_file_names(self, key="skim.udst.root"):
69 inputdir = self._transform_input(self.input(), key)[0]
70 skimfiles = [f
"{inputdir}/{file}" for file
in os.listdir(inputdir)]
72 binwidth = int(len(skimfiles)/self.NumBatches)
75 for batch
in range(self.NumBatches):
76 if(batch == self.NumBatches - 1):
77 batches.update({f
"batch{batch}.json": list(skimfiles[binwidth*batch:])})
79 batches.update({f
"batch{batch}.json": list(skimfiles[binwidth*batch:binwidth*(batch+1)])})
83 for batch
in range(self.NumBatches):
84 yield self.add_to_output(f
88 for key, file_list
in self.get_batch_file_names().items():
89 if hasattr(self,
and key
not in self.keys:
92 with open(self.get_output_file_name(key),
as f:
93 f.write(json.dumps(file_list))
def add_udst_output(path, filename, particleLists=None, additionalBranches=None, dataDescription=None, mc=True)