Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for ARICHGeoSupport, including all inherited members.
addBox(const std::string &name, const std::string &material, double size[3], double position[3], double rotation[3]) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
addTube(double inR, double outR, double length, double zPosition, const std::string &material, const std::string &name) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
addWedge(int type, double r, double phi, double z, const std::string &material) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
ARICHGeoBase() | ARICHGeoBase | inline |
ARICHGeoBase(const std::string &name) | ARICHGeoBase | inlineexplicit |
ARICHGeoSupport() | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
ClassDef(ARICHGeoBase, 2) | ARICHGeoBase | protected |
ClassDefOverride(ARICHGeoSupport, 1) | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
clearBoxes() | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getBox(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getMaterial() const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getName() const | ARICHGeoBase | inline |
getNBoxes() const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getNTubes() const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getNWedges() const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeInnerR(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeLength(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeMaterial(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeName(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeOuterR(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getTubeZPosition(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedge(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedgeMaterial(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedgePhi(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedgeR(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedgeType(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
getWedgeZ(unsigned i) const | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
isConsistent() const override | ARICHGeoSupport | virtual |
m_boxes | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
m_material | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
m_name | ARICHGeoBase | protected |
m_nWedgeType | ARICHGeoSupport | privatestatic |
m_tubes | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
m_wedgePar | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
m_wedges | ARICHGeoSupport | private |
print(const std::string &title="Parameters of ARICH support structure and neutron shield") const override | ARICHGeoSupport | virtual |
printPlacement(double x, double y, double z, double rx, double ry, double rz) const | ARICHGeoBase | virtual |
printSurface(const GeoOpticalSurface &surface) const | ARICHGeoBase | virtual |
s_unit | ARICHGeoBase | protectedstatic |
s_unitName | ARICHGeoBase | protectedstatic |
setBox(int i, const std::string &name, const std::string &material, double size[3], double position[3], double rotation[3]) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
setMaterial(const std::string &material) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |
setName(const std::string &name) | ARICHGeoBase | inline |
setWedge(unsigned i, const std::vector< double > &par) | ARICHGeoSupport | inline |