Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator >, including all inherited members.
add(TItem item, TEstimator est, EstimatorComparison estComparison=[](TEstimator currentBest, TEstimator newEst) {return newEst< currentBest;}) | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | inline |
EstimatorComparison typedef | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | |
getBestMatch() const | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | inline |
hasMatch() const | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | inline |
m_bestEstimator | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | private |
m_bestMatch | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | private |
setBestMatch(TItem item, TEstimator est) | BestMatchContainer< TItem, TEstimator > | inlineprivate |