Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for CDCSensitiveDetector, including all inherited members.
areNeighbors(const WireID &wireId, const WireID &otherWireId) const | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
areNeighbors(unsigned short iCLayer, unsigned short iSuperLayer, unsigned short iLayer, unsigned short iWire, const WireID &otherWireId) const | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CCW | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CCW_IN_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CCW_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CCW_OUT_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CDCSensitiveDetector(G4String name, G4double thresholdEnergyDeposit, G4double thresholdKineticEnergy) | CDCSensitiveDetector | |
CellBound(const G4int layerId, const G4int ic1, const G4int ic2, const G4double venter[6], const G4double vexit[6], const G4double s1, const G4double s2, G4double xint[6], G4double &sint, G4int &iflag) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
ClosestApproach(G4ThreeVector bwp, G4ThreeVector fwp, G4ThreeVector posIn, G4ThreeVector posOut, G4ThreeVector &hitPosition, G4ThreeVector &wirePosition) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CW | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CW_IN_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CW_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
CW_OUT_NEIGHBOR | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
EndOfEvent(G4HCofThisEvent *) override | CDCSensitiveDetector | |
for_Rotat(const G4double bfld[3]) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
GCUBS(const G4double x, const G4double y, const G4double d1, const G4double d2, G4double a[4]) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
getMCParticleRelations() | SensitiveDetectorBase | inlinestatic |
HELWIR(const G4double xwb4, const G4double ywb4, const G4double zwb4, const G4double xwf4, const G4double ywf4, const G4double zwf4, const G4double xp, const G4double yp, const G4double zp, const G4double px, const G4double py, const G4double pz, const G4double B_kG[3], const G4double charge, const G4int ntryMax, G4double &distance, G4double q2[3], G4double q1[3], G4double q3[3], G4int &ntry) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
Initialize(G4HCofThisEvent *) override | CDCSensitiveDetector | |
m_brot | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_cdcgp | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_CDCSimHits | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_hitNumber | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_hitWithNegWeight | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_hitWithPosWeight | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_magneticField | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_MCParticles | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_minTrackLength | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_modifiedLeftRightFlag | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_nonUniformField | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_subdetector | SensitiveDetectorBase | private |
m_thresholdEnergyDeposit | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_thresholdKineticEnergy | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
m_wireSag | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
Mvopr(const G4int ndim, const G4double b[3], const G4double m[3][3], const G4double a[3], G4double c[3], const G4int mode) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
ProcessHits(G4Step *aStep, G4TouchableHistory *aROhist) | SensitiveDetectorBase | inlineprivatevirtual |
reAssignLeftRightInfo() | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
registerMCParticleRelation(const std::string &name, RelationArray::EConsolidationAction ignoreAction=RelationArray::c_negativeWeight) | SensitiveDetectorBase | static |
registerMCParticleRelation(const RelationArray &relation, RelationArray::EConsolidationAction ignoreAction=RelationArray::c_negativeWeight) | SensitiveDetectorBase | inlinestatic |
Rotat(G4double &x, G4double &y, G4double &z, const int mode) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
Rotat(G4double x[3], const int mode) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
s_active | SensitiveDetectorBase | privatestatic |
s_mcRelations | SensitiveDetectorBase | privatestatic |
saveSimHit(const G4int layerId, const G4int wireId, const G4int trackID, const G4int pid, const G4double distance, const G4double tof, const G4double edep, const G4double stepLength, const G4ThreeVector &mom, const G4ThreeVector &posW, const G4ThreeVector &posIn, const G4ThreeVector &posOut, const G4ThreeVector &posTrack, const G4int lr, const G4int NewLrRaw, const G4int NewLr, const G4double speed, const G4double hitWeight) | CDCSensitiveDetector | |
SensitiveDetectorBase(const std::string &name, Const::EDetector subdetector) | SensitiveDetectorBase | inline |
setActive(bool activeStatus) | SensitiveDetectorBase | inlinestatic |
setModifiedLeftRightFlag() | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
step(G4Step *aStep, G4TouchableHistory *history) override | CDCSensitiveDetector | virtual |
WireId_in_hit_order(int id0, int id1, int nWires) | CDCSensitiveDetector | private |
~CDCSensitiveDetector() | CDCSensitiveDetector | inline |
~SensitiveDetectorBase() | SensitiveDetectorBase | inlinevirtual |