Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for Helix, including all inherited members.
addRelationTo(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
addRelationTo(const TObject *object, float weight=1.0, const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
calcArcLength2DAndDrAtXY(const double &x, const double &y, double &arcLength2D, double &dr) const | Helix | protected |
calcArcLength2DAtDeltaCylindricalRAndDr(const double &deltaCylindricalR, const double &dr) const | Helix | protected |
calcArcLength2DFromSecantLength(const double &secantLength2D) const | Helix | |
calcASinXDividedByX(const double &x) | Helix | protectedstatic |
calcATanXDividedByX(const double &x) | Helix | protectedstatic |
calcDerivativeOfATanXDividedByX(const double &x) | Helix | protectedstatic |
calcPassiveMoveByJacobian(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &by, const double expandBelowChi=M_PI/8) const | Helix | |
calcPassiveMoveByJacobian(const double &byX, const double &byY, TMatrixD &jacobian, const double expandBelowChi=M_PI/8) const | Helix | |
calcSecantLengthToArcLength2DFactor(const double &secantLength2D) const | Helix | |
ClassDef(Helix, 2) | Helix | private |
copyRelations(const RelationsInterface< BASE > *sourceObj) | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getAlpha(const double bZ) | Helix | static |
getArcLength2DAtCylindricalR(const double &cylindricalR) const | Helix | |
getArcLength2DAtNormalPlane(const double &x, const double &y, const double &nX, const double &nY) const | Helix | |
getArcLength2DAtXY(const double &x, const double &y) const | Helix | |
getArrayIndex() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getArrayName() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getArrayPointer() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inlineprotected |
getChargeSign() const | Helix | |
getCosPhi0() const | Helix | inline |
getCotTheta() const | Helix | inline |
getD0() const | Helix | inline |
getDirection() const | Helix | |
getInfo() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getInfoHTML() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inlinevirtual |
getKappa(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getMomentum(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getMomentumAtArcLength2D(const double &arcLength2D, const double &bz) const | Helix | |
getMomentumX(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getMomentumY(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getMomentumZ(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getName() const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inlinevirtual |
getOmega() const | Helix | inline |
getPerigee() const | Helix | |
getPerigeeX() const | Helix | |
getPerigeeY() const | Helix | |
getPerigeeZ() const | Helix | |
getPhi0() const | Helix | inline |
getPositionAtArcLength2D(const double &arcLength2D) const | Helix | |
getRelated(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelatedFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelatedFromWithWeight(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelatedTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelatedToWithWeight(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelatedWithWeight(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelationsFrom(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelationsTo(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getRelationsWith(const std::string &name="", const std::string &namedRelation="") const | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
getSinPhi0() const | Helix | inline |
getTangentialAtArcLength2D(const double &arcLength2D) const | Helix | |
getTanLambda() const | Helix | inline |
getTransverseMomentum(const double bZ) const | Helix | |
getUnitTangentialAtArcLength2D(const double &arcLength2D) const | Helix | |
getZ0() const | Helix | inline |
Helix() | Helix | |
Helix(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, const short int charge, const double bZ) | Helix | |
Helix(const double &d0, const double &phi0, const double &omega, const double &z0, const double &tanLambda) | Helix | |
m_cacheArrayIndex | RelationsInterface< BASE > | mutableprivate |
m_cacheDataStoreEntry | RelationsInterface< BASE > | mutableprivate |
m_d0 | Helix | private |
m_omega | Helix | private |
m_phi0 | Helix | private |
m_tanLambda | Helix | private |
m_z0 | Helix | private |
operator<<(std::ostream &output, const Helix &helix) | Helix | friend |
operator=(const RelationsInterface &relationsInterface) | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
passiveMoveBy(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &by) | Helix | inline |
passiveMoveBy(const double &byX, const double &byY, const double &byZ) | Helix | |
RelationsInterface() | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
RelationsInterface(Args &&... params) | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inlineexplicit |
RelationsInterface(const RelationsInterface &relationsInterface) | RelationsInterface< BASE > | inline |
reverse() | Helix | |
reversePhi(const double &phi) | Helix | static |
setCartesian(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &position, const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &momentum, const short int charge, const double bZ) | Helix | private |