Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for MCParticleGraph, including all inherited members.
addDecay(GraphParticle &mother, GraphParticle &daughter) | MCParticleGraph | inline |
addParticle() | MCParticleGraph | inline |
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(CyclicReferenceError, "Cyclic decay, cannot continue") | MCParticleGraph | |
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(NotSameGraphError, "Particles not from same graph") | MCParticleGraph | |
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(NonContinousDaughtersError, "Can not represent decay graph, non continuous indices for daughters") | MCParticleGraph | |
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(DaughterHasMotherError, "A daughter particle was already assigned to a mother. A particle can't have two mothers!") | MCParticleGraph | |
BELLE2_DEFINE_EXCEPTION(OutOfRangeError, "Index out of range") | MCParticleGraph | |
c_checkCyclic enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
c_clearParticles enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
c_setDecayInfo enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
c_setDecayTime enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
c_setDecayVertex enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
c_setNothing enum value | MCParticleGraph | |
clear() | MCParticleGraph | inline |
DecayLine typedef | MCParticleGraph | |
generateList(const std::string &name="", int options=c_setNothing) | MCParticleGraph | |
GraphOptions enum name | MCParticleGraph | |
loadList(const std::string &name="") | MCParticleGraph | |
m_decays | MCParticleGraph | protected |
m_particles | MCParticleGraph | protected |
MCParticleGraph() | MCParticleGraph | inline |
operator[](size_t i) | MCParticleGraph | inline |
size() const | MCParticleGraph | inline |
~MCParticleGraph() | MCParticleGraph | inlinevirtual |