Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for TOPGeoPMT, including all inherited members.
ClassDef(TOPGeoBase, 1) | TOPGeoBase | protected |
ClassDefOverride(TOPGeoPMT, 1) | TOPGeoPMT | private |
getBotMaterial() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getBotThickness() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getDx() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getDy() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getFillMaterial() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getName() const | TOPGeoBase | inline |
getNumColumns() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getNumPixels() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getNumRows() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getPixelColumn(double x) const | TOPGeoPMT | |
getPixelID(double x, double y) const | TOPGeoPMT | |
getPixelRow(double y) const | TOPGeoPMT | |
getReflectivity(const GeoOpticalSurface &surface, double energy) const | TOPGeoBase | |
getReflEdgeSurface() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getReflEdgeThickness() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getReflEdgeWidth() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSensMaterial() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSensSizeX() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSensSizeY() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSensThickness() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSizeX() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSizeY() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getSizeZ() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getWallMaterial() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getWallThickness() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getWinMaterial() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getWinThickness() const | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
getX(unsigned col) const | TOPGeoPMT | |
getY(unsigned row) const | TOPGeoPMT | |
isConsistent() const override | TOPGeoPMT | virtual |
m_botMaterial | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_botThickness | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_fillMaterial | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_name | TOPGeoBase | protected |
m_numColumns | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_numRows | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_reflEdgeSurface | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_reflEdgeThickness | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_reflEdgeWidth | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sensMaterial | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sensSizeX | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sensSizeY | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sensThickness | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sizeX | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sizeY | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_sizeZ | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_wallMaterial | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_wallThickness | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_winMaterial | TOPGeoPMT | private |
m_winThickness | TOPGeoPMT | private |
print(const std::string &title="MCP-PMT geometry parameters") const override | TOPGeoPMT | virtual |
printSurface(const GeoOpticalSurface &surface) const | TOPGeoBase | virtual |
printUnderlined(const std::string &title) const | TOPGeoBase | protected |
s_unit | TOPGeoBase | protectedstatic |
s_unitName | TOPGeoBase | protectedstatic |
setBottom(double thickness, const std::string &material) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setFillMaterial(const std::string &material) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setName(const std::string &name) | TOPGeoBase | inline |
setNumPixels(unsigned numColumns, unsigned numRows) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setReflEdge(double width, double thickness, const GeoOpticalSurface &surf) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setSensVolume(double sizeX, double sizeY, double thickness, const std::string &material) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setWallMaterial(const std::string &material) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setWallThickness(double thickness) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
setWindow(double thickness, const std::string &material) | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
TOPGeoBase() | TOPGeoBase | inline |
TOPGeoBase(const std::string &name) | TOPGeoBase | inlineexplicit |
TOPGeoPMT() | TOPGeoPMT | inline |
TOPGeoPMT(double sizeX, double sizeY, double sizeZ, const std::string &name="TOPPMT") | TOPGeoPMT | inline |