Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for TRGGRLMatchModule, including all inherited members.
addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue) | Module | protected |
addParam(const std::string &name, T ¶mVariable, const std::string &description) | Module | protected |
beginRun() override | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |
c_DontCollectStatistics enum value | Module | |
c_HistogramManager enum value | Module | |
c_Input enum value | Module | |
c_InternalSerializer enum value | Module | |
c_Output enum value | Module | |
c_ParallelProcessingCertified enum value | Module | |
c_TerminateInAllProcesses enum value | Module | |
calculationdistance(CDCTriggerTrack *track, TRGECLCluster *cluster, double *ds, int _match3D) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
calculationphiangle(CDCTriggerTrack *track, TRGECLCluster *cluster, int &dphi_d, std::vector< bool > &track_phimap, std::vector< bool > &track_phimap_i) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
clone() const override | Module | virtual |
def_beginRun() | Module | inlineprotectedvirtual |
def_endRun() | Module | inlineprotectedvirtual |
def_event() | Module | inlineprotectedvirtual |
def_initialize() | Module | inlineprotectedvirtual |
def_terminate() | Module | inlineprotectedvirtual |
EAfterConditionPath typedef | Module | |
eecl_phimap | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eecl_phimap_bwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eecl_phimap_fwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eecl_sectormap_bwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eecl_sectormap_fwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eklm_sectormap | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eklm_sectormap_bwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
eklm_sectormap_fwd | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
EModulePropFlags enum name | Module | |
endRun() override | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |
evalCondition() const | Module | |
event() override | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |
exposePythonAPI() | Module | static |
extrapolation(int pattern, int &l, int &r, int &ec) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
fill_pattern_base2(std::vector< std::vector< int > > &patt) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
getAfterConditionPath() const | Module | |
getAllConditionPaths() const | Module | |
getAllConditions() const | Module | inline |
getCondition() const | Module | inline |
getConditionPath() const | Module | |
getDescription() const | Module | inline |
getFileNames(bool outputFiles) | Module | inlinevirtual |
getLogConfig() | Module | inline |
getModules() const override | Module | inlineprivatevirtual |
getName() const | Module | inline |
getPackage() const | Module | inline |
getParam(const std::string &name) const | Module | |
getParamInfoListPython() const | Module | |
getParamList() const | Module | inline |
getPathString() const override | Module | privatevirtual |
getReturnValue() const | Module | inline |
getType() const | Module | |
hasCondition() const | Module | inline |
hasProperties(unsigned int propertyFlags) const | Module | |
hasReturnValue() const | Module | inline |
hasUnsetForcedParams() const | Module | |
if_false(const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End) | Module | |
if_true(const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End) | Module | |
if_value(const std::string &expression, const std::shared_ptr< Path > &path, EAfterConditionPath afterConditionPath=EAfterConditionPath::c_End) | Module | |
initialize() override | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |
inner_tracking(StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > tslist, std::vector< bool > phimap_i, std::vector< bool > ecl_phimap, std::vector< bool > klm_sectormap, StoreArray< TRGGRLInnerTrack > grlit, StoreObjPtr< TRGGRLInfo > trgInfo) (defined in TRGGRLMatchModule) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
m_2d_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_2dmatch_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_3d_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_3dmatch_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_clusterlist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_conditions | Module | private |
m_description | Module | private |
m_dphi_d_threshold | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_dphi_klm_threshold | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_dr_threshold | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_dz_threshold | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_e_threshold | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_fastSimulationMode | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_firmwareSimulationMode | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_grlitCollectionName | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_grlphotonlist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_grlstCollectionName | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_hasReturnValue | Module | private |
m_hitCollectionName | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_klmmatch_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_klmtrgsummarylist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_logConfig | Module | private |
m_moduleParamList | Module | private |
m_name | Module | private |
m_package | Module | private |
m_phimatch_tracklist | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_propertyFlags | Module | private |
m_returnValue | Module | private |
m_simulationMode | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_TRGGRLInfo | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_TrgGrlInformationName | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
m_type | Module | private |
make_eecl_map(StoreArray< TRGECLCluster > clusterlist, std::vector< bool > &ecl_phimap, std::vector< bool > &ecl_phimap_fwd, std::vector< bool > &ecl_phimap_bwd, std::vector< bool > &ecl_sectormap_fwd, std::vector< bool > &ecl_sectormap_bwd) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
make_eklm_map(StoreObjPtr< KLMTrgSummary > klmtrgsummary, std::vector< bool > &eklm_sectormap, std::vector< bool > &eklm_sectormap_fwd, std::vector< bool > &eklm_sectormap_bwd) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
make_veto_map(StoreArray< CDCTriggerTrack > track2Dlist, std::vector< bool > &map_veto) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
matching_eecl_eklm(std::vector< bool > eecl_sectormap_fw, std::vector< bool > eecl_setormap_bw, std::vector< bool > eklm_sectormap_fw, std::vector< bool > eklm_sectormap_bw, StoreObjPtr< TRGGRLInfo > trgInfo) (defined in TRGGRLMatchModule) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
Module() | Module | |
N36(int x) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
N64(int x) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
PathElement() | PathElement | inline |
patterns_base0 | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
patterns_base2 | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
photon_cluster(TRGECLCluster *cluster, std::vector< bool > track_phimap, double e_threshold) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
sectormatching_klm(CDCTriggerTrack *track, StoreObjPtr< KLMTrgSummary > klmtrgsummary, double &dphi, int &klmtrack_ind_phi) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
setAbortLevel(int abortLevel) | Module | |
setDebugLevel(int debugLevel) | Module | |
setDescription(const std::string &description) | Module | protected |
setLogConfig(const LogConfig &logConfig) | Module | inline |
setLogInfo(int logLevel, unsigned int logInfo) | Module | |
setLogLevel(int logLevel) | Module | |
setName(const std::string &name) | Module | inline |
setParamList(const ModuleParamList ¶ms) | Module | inlineprotected |
setParamPython(const std::string &name, const boost::python::object &pyObj) | Module | private |
setParamPythonDict(const boost::python::dict &dictionary) | Module | private |
setPropertyFlags(unsigned int propertyFlags) | Module | |
setReturnValue(int value) | Module | protected |
setReturnValue(bool value) | Module | protected |
setType(const std::string &type) | Module | protected |
short_tracking(StoreArray< CDCTriggerSegmentHit > tslist, std::vector< bool > map_veto, std::vector< bool > phimap_i, std::vector< bool > ecl_phimap_fwd, std::vector< bool > ecl_phimap_bwd, std::vector< bool > klm_sectormap_fwd, std::vector< bool > klm_sectormap_bwd, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &pattern_base0, std::vector< std::vector< int > > &pattern_base2, StoreArray< TRGGRLShortTrack > grlst, StoreObjPtr< TRGGRLInfo > trgInfo) | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
terminate() override | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |
track_phimap | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
track_phimap_i | TRGGRLMatchModule | private |
TRGGRLMatchModule() | TRGGRLMatchModule | |
~PathElement() | PathElement | inlinevirtual |
~TRGGRLMatchModule() | TRGGRLMatchModule | virtual |