This is the complete list of members for TrackDQMEventProcessor, including all inherited members.
ComputeCommonVariables() | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
ConstructMessage(const TrackFitResult *trackFitResult, int nPXDClusters, int nSVDClusters, int nCDCHits) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
DQMEventProcessorBase(DQMHistoModuleBase *histoModule, const std::string &recoTracksStoreArrayName, const std::string &tracksStoreArrayName, bool runningOnHLT=false) | DQMEventProcessorBase | inline |
FillCommonHistograms() | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
FillTrackFitResult(const TrackFitResult *trackFitResult) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
IsNotMat(int ladderNumber, int layerNumber) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedstatic |
IsNotYang(int ladderNumber, int layerNumber) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedstatic |
m_correlationIndex | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_globalResidual_um | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_histoModule | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_isNotFirstHit | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_iTrack | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_iTrackCDC | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_iTrackVXD | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_iTrackVXDCDC | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_layerIndex | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_layerNumber | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_layerNumberPrev | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_phi_deg | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_phiPrev_deg | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_position | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_produce1Dres | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_produce2Dres | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_rawSensorResidual | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_recoTrack | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_recoTracksStoreArrayName | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_residual_um | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_runningOnHLT | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_sensorID | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_sensorIDPrev | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_sensorIndex | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_theta_deg | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_thetaPrev_deg | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
m_tracksStoreArrayName | DQMEventProcessorBase | protected |
ProcessPXDRecoHit(RecoHitInformation *recoHitInfo) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
ProcessRecoHit(RecoHitInformation *recoHitInfo) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
ProcessSuccessfulFit() | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
ProcessSVDRecoHit(RecoHitInformation *recoHitInfo) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
ProcessTrack(const Track &track) | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
produce1Dres() | DQMEventProcessorBase | inline |
produce2Dres() | DQMEventProcessorBase | inline |
Run() | DQMEventProcessorBase | virtual |
SetCommonPrevVariables() | DQMEventProcessorBase | protectedvirtual |
TrackDQMEventProcessor(DQMHistoModuleBase *histoModule, const std::string &recoTracksStoreArrayName, const std::string &tracksStoreArrayName, bool runningOnHLT=false) | TrackDQMEventProcessor | inline |