Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for GeoCache, including all inherited members.
addHalfShellPlacement(VxdID halfShell, const G4Transform3D &placement) | GeoCache | |
addLadderPlacement(VxdID halfShell, VxdID ladder, const G4Transform3D &placement) | GeoCache | |
addSensor(SensorInfoBase *sensorinfo) | GeoCache | |
addSensorPlacement(VxdID ladder, VxdID sensor, const G4Transform3D &placement) | GeoCache | |
clear() | GeoCache | |
findVolumes(G4VPhysicalVolume *envelope) | GeoCache | |
g4Transform3DToTGeo(const G4Transform3D &g4) | GeoCache | static |
GeoCache() | GeoCache | private |
GeoCache(const GeoCache &)=delete | GeoCache | private |
get(Belle2::VxdID id) | GeoCache | inlinestatic |
getGeoTools() | GeoCache | inline |
getHalfShellPlacements() const | GeoCache | |
getInstance() | GeoCache | static |
getLadderPlacements(VxdID halfShell) const | GeoCache | |
getLadders(Belle2::VxdID layer) const | GeoCache | |
getLayers(SensorInfoBase::SensorType sensortype=SensorInfoBase::VXD) | GeoCache | |
getListOfSensors() const | GeoCache | |
getSensorInfo(Belle2::VxdID id) const | GeoCache | |
getSensorPlacements(VxdID ladder) const | GeoCache | |
getSensors(Belle2::VxdID ladder) const | GeoCache | |
getTGeoFromRigidBodyParams(double dU, double dV, double dW, double dAlpha, double dBeta, double dGamma) | GeoCache | static |
m_geoToolsPtr | GeoCache | private |
m_halfShellPlacements | GeoCache | private |
m_ladderPlacements | GeoCache | private |
m_ladders | GeoCache | private |
m_pxdLayers | GeoCache | private |
m_sensorInfo | GeoCache | private |
m_sensorPlacements | GeoCache | private |
m_sensors | GeoCache | private |
m_svdLayers | GeoCache | private |
m_telLayers | GeoCache | private |
m_vxdAlignments | GeoCache | private |
operator=(const GeoCache &)=delete | GeoCache | private |
SensorHierachy typedef | GeoCache | private |
SensorInfoMap typedef | GeoCache | private |
setupReconstructionTransformations() | GeoCache | |
validSensorID(Belle2::VxdID id) const | GeoCache | |
~GeoCache() | GeoCache | inline |