Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for VertexFitKFit, including all inherited members.
addParticle(const Particle *particle) | KFitBase | |
addTrack(const KFitTrack &kp) | KFitBase | |
addTrack(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const HepPoint3D &x, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &e, const double q) | KFitBase | |
appendTube(void) | VertexFitKFit | private |
calculateNDF(void) override | VertexFitKFit | privatevirtual |
deleteTube(void) | VertexFitKFit | private |
doFit(void) | VertexFitKFit | |
doFit1(void) | KFitBase | protected |
doFit2(void) | KFitBase | protected |
doFit3(void) | VertexFitKFit | private |
doFit4(void) | VertexFitKFit | private |
doFit5(void) | VertexFitKFit | private |
getCHIsq(void) const override | VertexFitKFit | virtual |
getCHIsqVertex(void) const | VertexFitKFit | |
getCorrelation(const int id1, const int id2, const int flag=KFitConst::kAfterFit) const | KFitBase | virtual |
getErrorCode(void) const | KFitBase | |
getMagneticField(void) const | KFitBase | |
getNDF(void) const | KFitBase | virtual |
getTrack(const int id) const | KFitBase | |
getTrackCHIsq(const int id) const override | VertexFitKFit | virtual |
getTrackCount(void) const | KFitBase | |
getTrackError(const int id) const | KFitBase | |
getTrackMomentum(const int id) const | KFitBase | |
getTrackPartCHIsq(void) const | VertexFitKFit | |
getTrackPartNDF(void) const | VertexFitKFit | |
getTrackPosition(const int id) const | KFitBase | |
getTrackVertexError(const int id) const | VertexFitKFit | |
getVertex(const int flag=KFitConst::kAfterFit) const | VertexFitKFit | |
getVertexError(void) const | VertexFitKFit | |
isFitted(void) const | KFitBase | |
isNonZeroEnergy(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p) const | KFitBase | protected |
isTrackIDInRange(const int id) const | KFitBase | protected |
KFitBase(void) | KFitBase | |
m_AfterTrackVertexError | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_AfterVertex | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_AfterVertexError | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_al_0 | KFitBase | protected |
m_al_1 | KFitBase | protected |
m_al_a | KFitBase | protected |
m_BeamError | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_BeforeCorrelation | KFitBase | protected |
m_BeforeVertex | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_CHIsq | KFitBase | protected |
m_CHIsqVertex | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_CorrelationMode | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_Cov_v_al_1 | KFitBase | protected |
m_d | KFitBase | protected |
m_D | KFitBase | protected |
m_E | KFitBase | protected |
m_EachCHIsq | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_ErrorCode | KFitBase | protected |
m_FlagBeam | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_FlagCorrelation | KFitBase | protected |
m_FlagFitted | KFitBase | protected |
m_FlagKnownVertex | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_FlagOverIteration | KFitBase | protected |
m_FlagTube | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_iTrackTube | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_lam | KFitBase | protected |
m_lam0 | KFitBase | protected |
m_MagneticField | KFitBase | protected |
m_NDF | KFitBase | protected |
m_NecessaryTrackCount | KFitBase | protected |
m_property | KFitBase | protected |
m_TrackCount | KFitBase | protected |
m_Tracks | KFitBase | protected |
m_TubeTrack | VertexFitKFit | private |
m_v | KFitBase | protected |
m_v_a | KFitBase | protected |
m_V_al_0 | KFitBase | protected |
m_V_al_1 | KFitBase | protected |
m_V_D | KFitBase | protected |
m_V_Dt | KFitBase | protected |
m_V_E | KFitBase | protected |
makeCoreMatrix(void) override | VertexFitKFit | privatevirtual |
makeError1(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e) const | KFitBase | protected |
makeError1(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p1, const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p2, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e) const | KFitBase | protected |
makeError2(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e) const | KFitBase | protected |
makeError3(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e, const bool is_fix_mass) const | KFitBase | protected |
makeError3(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p1, const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p2, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e, const bool is_fix_mass1, const bool is_fix_mass2) const | KFitBase | protected |
makeError4(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const CLHEP::HepMatrix &e) const | KFitBase | protected |
prepareCorrelation(void) | KFitBase | protectedvirtual |
prepareInputMatrix(void) override | VertexFitKFit | privatevirtual |
prepareInputSubMatrix(void) override | VertexFitKFit | privatevirtual |
prepareOutputMatrix(void) override | VertexFitKFit | privatevirtual |
setCorrelation(const CLHEP::HepMatrix &c) | KFitBase | virtual |
setCorrelationMode(const bool m) | VertexFitKFit | |
setInitialVertex(const HepPoint3D &v) | VertexFitKFit | |
setInitialVertex(const B2Vector3D &v) | VertexFitKFit | |
setIpProfile(const HepPoint3D &ip, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &ipe) | VertexFitKFit | |
setIpTubeProfile(const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector &p, const HepPoint3D &x, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &e, const double q) | VertexFitKFit | |
setKnownVertex(const bool flag=true) | VertexFitKFit | |
setMagneticField(const double mf) | KFitBase | |
setZeroCorrelation(void) | KFitBase | virtual |
updateMother(Particle *mother) | VertexFitKFit | |
VertexFitKFit(void) | VertexFitKFit | |
~KFitBase(void) | KFitBase | virtual |
~VertexFitKFit(void) | VertexFitKFit |