Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for ComparisonPlot, including all inherited members.
__init__(self, title, comparison_result=None, png_filename=None, pdf_filename=None, contact=None, description=None, check=None, is_expert=None, plot_path=None, comparison_text=None, height=None, width=None, warnings=None) | ComparisonPlot | |
json_objects::Plot.__init__(self, is_expert=False, description=None, check=None, contact=None, width=None, height=None, issue=None) | Plot | |
check | Plot | |
comparison_result | ComparisonPlot | |
comparison_text | ComparisonPlot | |
contact | Plot | |
description | Plot | |
height | Plot | |
is_expert | Plot | |
issue | Plot | |
pdf_filename | ComparisonPlot | |
plot_path | ComparisonPlot | |
png_filename | ComparisonPlot | |
title | ComparisonPlot | |
warnings | ComparisonPlot | |
width | Plot |