Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
17 import os
18 import math
19 from basf2 import Path, process
20 import subprocess
22 commit = subprocess.check_output(["git", "--git-dir=%s/.git" % os.environ["BELLE2_LOCAL_DIR"],
23  "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD"]).decode().strip()
25 path = Path()
26 path.add_module("EventInfoSetter")
27 path.add_module("CreateFieldMap", **{
28  # Filename for the histograms
29  'filename': 'FieldMap-%s.root' % commit,
30  # type of the scan: along xy, zx or zy
31  "type": "zx",
32  # number of steps along the first coordinate, in the case of a zx scan this
33  # would be z
34  "nU": 1600,
35  # start of the first coordinate in cm
36  "minU": -350,
37  # end of the first coordinate in cm
38  "maxU": 450,
39  # number of steps along the second coordinate, in the case of a zx scan
40  # this would be x
41  "nV": 1600,
42  # start of the second coordinate in cm
43  "minV": -400,
44  # end of the second coordinate in cm
45  "maxV": 400,
46  # rotation the plane for the scan around the global z axis: a value of
47  # pi/2 will convert a zx in a zy scan
48  "phi": math.pi / 4,
49  # offset of the plane with respect to the global origin
50  "wOffset": 0,
51  # number of steps in phi for zr scan
52  "nPhi": 720,
53  # if true here store all sampled points in a TTree
54  "saveAllPoints": False,
55 })
56 process(path)