Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <TF1.h>
9 #include <ecl/digitization/OfflineFitFunction.h>
10 #include <TTree.h>
11 #include <TFile.h>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <assert.h>
15 //
16 /*
17  See for README instructions.
18  */
19 //
20 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
21 {
22  //
23  TString OutputDirectory = "";
24  if (OutputDirectory == ".") {
25  std::cout << "Error set ouput directory" << std::endl;
26  return -1;
27  }
28  //
29  assert(argc == 3);
30  int LowIDLimit = atoi(argv[1]);
31  int HighIDLimit = atoi(argv[2]);
32  //
33  double PhotonWaveformPar[11];
34  TFile* PhotonParFile = new TFile(OutputDirectory + "PhotonWaveformParameters.root");
35  TTree* chain = (TTree*) PhotonParFile->Get("ParTree");
36  chain->SetBranchAddress("PhotonPar", &PhotonWaveformPar);
37  //
38  TFile* f = new TFile(OutputDirectory + Form("PhotonShapes_Low%d_High%d.root", LowIDLimit, HighIDLimit), "RECREATE");
39  f->cd();
40  TTree* mtree = new TTree("mtree", "");
41  std::vector<double> PhotonWaveformArray(100000);
42  mtree->Branch("PhotonArray",, "PhotonWaveformArray[100000]/D");
44  //
45  for (Long64_t jentry = LowIDLimit; jentry < HighIDLimit; jentry++) {
46  chain->GetEntry(jentry);
47  TF1 PhotonShapeFunc = TF1(Form("photonShape_%lld", jentry), Belle2::ECL::WaveFuncTwoComponent, 0, 20, 26);;
48  PhotonShapeFunc.SetNpx(1000);
49  std::cout << PhotonWaveformPar[0] << std::endl;
50  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(0, 0);
51  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(1, 0);
52  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(2, 1);
53  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(3, 0);
54  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
55  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(4 + k, PhotonWaveformPar[k + 1]);
56  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(10 + 4 + k, PhotonWaveformPar[k + 1]);
57  }
58  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(24, PhotonWaveformPar[0]);
59  PhotonShapeFunc.SetParameter(25, 1);
60  //
61  if (PhotonWaveformPar[0] > 0 && jentry <= 8737) {
62  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < PhotonWaveformArray.size();
63  k++) PhotonWaveformArray[k] = PhotonShapeFunc.Eval(((double)k) * (1. / 1000.)) ;
64  } else {
65  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < PhotonWaveformArray.size(); k++) PhotonWaveformArray[k] = -999;
66  }
67  mtree->Fill();
68  //
69  }
70  //
71  f->cd();
72  mtree->Write();
73  f->Write();
74  //
75  return 0;
76 }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Run all tests.