Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3  * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4  * *
5  * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6  * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7  **************************************************************************/
8 #include <TF1.h>
9 #include <math.h>
10 #include <TTree.h>
11 #include <TAxis.h>
12 #include <TFile.h>
13 #include <TCanvas.h>
14 #include <vector>
15 #include <TGraph.h>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <ecl/digitization/OfflineFitFunction.h>
18 #include <assert.h>
20 //
21 // See for README instructions.
22 //
23 //Check Maximum residual for fit to template shape.
24 double GetMaxRes(TGraph* gin, TF1* fit)
25 {
26  double MaxResidual = 0;
27  double MaxData = 0;
28  for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
29  if (gin->GetX()[j] < 10) {
30  double tempVal = gin->GetY()[j];
31  double tempResidual = tempVal - fit->Eval(gin->GetX()[j]);
32  if (gin->GetY()[j] > MaxData) MaxData = gin->GetY()[j];
33  if (abs(tempResidual) > abs(MaxResidual)) MaxResidual = tempResidual;
34  }
35  }
36  return abs(MaxResidual) / MaxData;
37 }
38 //
39 TF1* FitPulse(TGraph* gin, int ShapeFlag, double* pulseInputPara)
40 {
41  //ShapeFlag = 0 for hadron
42  //ShapeFlag = 1 for diode
43  //
44  double highRange = 10;
45  TF1* ShpFloat = new TF1(Form("Shp_%d", ShapeFlag), Belle2::ECL::WaveFuncTwoComponent, 0, highRange, 26);
46  ShpFloat->FixParameter(0, 0);
47  ShpFloat->FixParameter(1, 0);
48  ShpFloat->FixParameter(2, 1);
49  ShpFloat->FixParameter(3, 0);
50  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
51  ShpFloat->SetParameter(4 + k, pulseInputPara[k + 1]);
52  ShpFloat->FixParameter(10 + 4 + k, pulseInputPara[k + 1]);
53  }
54  ShpFloat->SetParameter(24, pulseInputPara[0]);
55  ShpFloat->FixParameter(25, 1);
56  ShpFloat->SetNpx(1000);
57  gin->Fit(Form("Shp_%d", ShapeFlag), "Q N 0 R", "", 0, 30);
58  //
59  //Try Fit and Check residual
60  double Check = GetMaxRes(gin, ShpFloat);
61  double CheckMin = Check;
62  double ParMin11[11];
63  ParMin11[0] = ShpFloat->GetParameter(24);
64  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)ParMin11[k + 1] = ShpFloat->GetParameter(k + 4);
65  int nFits = 0;
66  int Attempt = 0;
67  //keep fitting until residual is less than 1%
68  std::cout << nFits << " " << Check << std::endl;
69  //while (false){
70  while ((Check > 0.01) && nFits < 20) {
71  //
72  ShpFloat->SetParameter(24, ParMin11[0] * (1.0 + (0.01 * nFits)));
73  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) ShpFloat->SetParameter(k + 4, ParMin11[k + 1] * (1.0 + (0.01 * nFits)));
74  //
75  gin->Fit(Form("Shp_%d", ShapeFlag), "Q N 0 R W", "", 0.01, highRange);
76  nFits++;
77  Check = GetMaxRes(gin, ShpFloat);
78  //
79  if (Check < CheckMin) {
80  //save neew best parameters:w
81  CheckMin = Check;
82  ParMin11[0] = ShpFloat->GetParameter(24);
83  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)ParMin11[k + 1] = ShpFloat->GetParameter(k + 4);
84  }
85  std::cout << "nFit=" << nFits << " " << Check << std::endl;;
86  //
87  if (nFits == 20 && Attempt == 0 && (Check > 0.01)) {
88  //Try new initial conditions
89  if (ShapeFlag == 1) {
90  const double ParMin11t[11] = {36.1232, -0.284876, 0.350343, 0.432839, 0.445749, 0.27693, 0.00899611, 6.11111, 0.788569, 0.570159, -0.411252};
91  for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++)ParMin11[k] = ParMin11t[k];
92  } else {
93  const double ParMin11t[11] = {10, 0.031, 4.2e-5, 0.74, 0.43, 0.61, 0.03, 3.8, 0.81, 0.77, 0.59};
94  for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++)ParMin11[k] = ParMin11t[k];
95  }
96  Attempt++;
97  nFits = 0;
98  }
99  }
100  //set to best parameters
101  ShpFloat->SetParameter(24, ParMin11[0]);
102  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) ShpFloat->SetParameter(k + 4, ParMin11[k + 1]);
103  //
104  return ShpFloat;
105 }
106 //
107 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
108 {
109  //
110  TString OutputDirectory = "./";
111  if (OutputDirectory == "") {
112  std::cout << "Error set ouput directory" << std::endl;
113  return -1;
114  }
115  //
116  assert(argc == 3);
117  int LowCellID = atoi(argv[1]);
118  int HighCellID = atoi(argv[2]);
119  //
120  double TimeAll_A[1000];
121  double PhotonValues_A[1000];
122  double HadronValues_A[1000];
123  double DiodeValues_A[1000];
124  TFile* HadronShapeFile = new TFile(OutputDirectory + Form("HadronShapes_Low%d_High%d.root", LowCellID, HighCellID));
125  TTree* chain = (TTree*) HadronShapeFile->Get("HadronTree");
126  chain->SetBranchAddress("TimeAll_A", &TimeAll_A);
127  chain->SetBranchAddress("ValuePhoton_A", &PhotonValues_A);
128  chain->SetBranchAddress("ValueHadron_A", &HadronValues_A);
129  chain->SetBranchAddress("ValueDiode_A", &DiodeValues_A);
130  //
131  double TempHadronPar11_A[11];
132  double TempDiodePar11_A[11];
133  double MaxResDiode_A = 0;
134  double MaxValDiode_A = 0;
135  double MaxResHadron_A = 0;
136  double MaxValHadron_A = 0;
137  //
138  TFile* f = new TFile(OutputDirectory + Form("HadronPars_Low%d_High%d.root", LowCellID, HighCellID), "RECREATE");
139  TTree* WaveformParametersTree = new TTree("HadronWaveformInfo", "");
140  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("TempHadronPar11_A", &TempHadronPar11_A, "TempHadronPar11_A[11]/D");
141  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("TempDiodePar11_A", &TempDiodePar11_A, "TempDiodePar11_A[11]/D");
142  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("MaxResDiode_A", &MaxResDiode_A, "MaxResDiode_A/D");
143  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("MaxResHadron_A", &MaxResHadron_A, "MaxResHadron_A/D");
144  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("MaxValHadron_A", &MaxValHadron_A, "MaxValHadron_A/D");
145  WaveformParametersTree->Branch("MaxValDiode_A", &MaxValDiode_A, "MaxValDiode_A/D");
146  std::vector<TCanvas*> AllFits;
147  //
148  Long64_t nentries = chain->GetEntriesFast();
149  for (Long64_t jentry = 0; jentry < nentries; jentry++) {
150  chain->GetEntry(jentry);
151  //
152  for (int l = 0; l < 11; l++) {
153  TempDiodePar11_A[l] = 0;
154  TempHadronPar11_A[l] = 0;
155  }
156  int CellID = ((int)jentry) + LowCellID;
157  //
158  if (TimeAll_A[0] > -100) {
159  //
160  TGraph* G1_A = new TGraph(1000, TimeAll_A, PhotonValues_A);
161  TGraph* G2_A = new TGraph(1000, TimeAll_A, HadronValues_A);
162  TGraph* G3_A = new TGraph(1000, TimeAll_A, DiodeValues_A);
163  //
164  double InputPara_A_H[11] = {1.501407e+01, 0.000000e+00, 4.693325e-03, 7.538656e-01, 4.371189e-01, 1.182754e+00, 3.242071e-03, 6.669907e+00, 8.454105e-01, 7.240517e-01, 4.097126e-01};
165  double InputPara_A_D[11] = {1.501407e+01, 0.000000e+00, 4.693325e-03, 7.538656e-01, 4.371189e-01, 1.182754e+00, 3.242071e-03, 6.669907e+00, 8.454105e-01, 7.240517e-01, 4.097126e-01};
166  //
167  TF1* F2_A = FitPulse(G2_A, 0, InputPara_A_H);
168  TF1* F3_A = FitPulse(G3_A, 1, InputPara_A_D);
169  //
170  TempHadronPar11_A[0] = F2_A->GetParameter(24);
171  TempDiodePar11_A[0] = F3_A->GetParameter(24);
172  for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
173  TempHadronPar11_A[k + 1] = F2_A->GetParameter(k + 4);
174  TempDiodePar11_A[k + 1] = F3_A->GetParameter(k + 4);
175  }
176  //
177  MaxResHadron_A = GetMaxRes(G2_A, F2_A);
178  MaxResDiode_A = GetMaxRes(G3_A, F3_A);
179  //
180  MaxValHadron_A = F2_A->GetMaximum(1, 10);
181  MaxValDiode_A = F3_A->GetMaximum(1, 10);
182  //
183  std::cout << CellID << " " << MaxResHadron_A << " " << MaxResDiode_A << std::endl;
184  WaveformParametersTree->Fill();
185  //
186  //Set to true to draw fit results in output file
187  //if (false) {
188  if (true) {
189  G2_A->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
190  G3_A->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
191  G1_A->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0.5, 2);
192  //
193  AllFits.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("A_all_%lld", jentry), ""));
194  G1_A->Draw("AP");
195  G2_A->Draw("same P");
196  G3_A->Draw("sameP");
197  AllFits.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("A_fitHad_%lld", jentry), ""));
198  AllFits[AllFits.size() - 1]->cd();
199  G2_A->Draw("AP");
200  F2_A->Draw("same l");
201  AllFits.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("A_fitDio_%lld", jentry), ""));
202  AllFits[AllFits.size() - 1]->cd();
203  G3_A->Draw("AP");
204  F3_A->Draw("same l");
205  AllFits.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("MC_all_%lld", jentry), ""));
206  G1_A->Draw("AP");
207  //TF1* MCgamam = new TF1(Form("MC_%lld", jentry), Wa, 0, 32, 11);
208  //MCgamam->SetParameter(0, 27.7221);
209  //MCgamam->SetParameter(1, 0.);
210  //MCgamam->SetParameter(2, 0.648324);
211  //MCgamam->SetParameter(3, 0.401711);
212  //MCgamam->SetParameter(4, 0.374167);
213  //MCgamam->SetParameter(5, 0.849417);
214  //MCgamam->SetParameter(6, 0.00144548);
215  //MCgamam->SetParameter(7, 4.70722);
216  //MCgamam->SetParameter(8, 0.815639);
217  //MCgamam->SetParameter(9, 0.555605);
218  //MCgamam->SetParameter(10, 0.2752);
219  //MCgamam->Draw("same l");
220  } else {
221  G1_A->Delete();
222  G2_A->Delete();
223  G3_A->Delete();
224  F2_A->Delete();
225  F3_A->Delete();
226  }
227  }
228  }
229  //
230  std::cout << "eclComputePulseTemplates_Step3: Writing File " << f->GetName() << std::endl;
231  f->cd();
232  WaveformParametersTree->Write();
233  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < AllFits.size(); k++) AllFits[k]->Write();
234  f->Write();
235  //
236  return 1;
237  //
238 }
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Run all tests.