Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
12 import basf2 as b2
15 def add_ecl_trigger(path, SourceOfTC=3):
16  """
17  add ecl trigger module to path
18  """
19  trgeclfam = b2.register_module("TRGECLFAM")
20  # Output TC Waveform (0 : no save, 1 : save)
21  trgeclfam.param('TCWaveform', 0)
22  # save only measured TC data(=0) or both measured and true TC data(=1)
23  trgeclfam.param('FAMAnaTable', 0)
24  # select source of TC data (1=ECLHit, 2=ECLSimHit, 3=ECLHit+TRGECLBGTCHit)
25  # ("1:=ECLHit" is used for signal w/o bkg, and real time background monitor)
26  trgeclfam.param('SourceOfTC', SourceOfTC)
27  #
28  path.add_module(trgeclfam)
29  #
30  trgecl = b2.register_module("TRGECL")
31  # trgecl.logging.log_level = LogLevel.DEBUG
33  # Output Clustering method(0: Use only ICN, 1: ICN + Max TC)
34  trgecl.param('Clustering', 1)
35  # The limit # of cluster in clustering logic
36  trgecl.param('ClusterLimit', 6)
38  # Theta ID region(low and high) of 3DBhabhaVetoInTrack
39  trgecl.param('3DBhabhaVetoInTrackThetaRegion', [3, 15])
40  # taub2b two cluster angle selection in CM (degree)
41  # (phi low, phi high, theta low, theta high)
42  trgecl.param('Taub2bAngleCut', [110, 250, 130, 230])
43  # taub2b total energy cut in lab (GeV)
44  trgecl.param('Taub2bEtotCut', 7.0)
45  # taub2b cluster energy selection in lab (GeV) : E(CL1) and E(CL2)
46  trgecl.param('Taub2bClusterECut1', 1.9)
47  trgecl.param('Taub2bClusterECut2', 999.0)
49  # taub2b2 two cluster angle selection in CM (degree)
50  # (phi low, phi high, theta low, theta high)
51  trgecl.param('Taub2b2AngleCut', [120, 240, 140, 220])
52  # taub2b2 total energy cut in lab (GeV)
53  trgecl.param('Taub2b2EtotCut', 7.0)
54  # taub2b2 cluster energy cut in lab (GeV) for cluseter in endcap
55  trgecl.param('Taub2b2CLEEndcapCut', 3.0)
56  # taub2b2 cluster energy selection in lab (GeV)
57  trgecl.param('Taub2b2CLECut', 0.162)
59  # taub2b3 two cluster angle selection in CM (degree)
60  # (phi low, phi high, theta low, theta high)
61  trgecl.param('Taub2b3AngleCut', [120, 240, 140, 220])
62  # taub2b3 total energy cut in lab (GeV)
63  trgecl.param('Taub2b3EtotCut', 7.0)
64  # taub2b3 cluster energy cut in lab (GeV) for one of b2b cluseter
65  trgecl.param('Taub2b3CLEb2bCut', 0.14)
66  # taub2b3 cluster energy low selection in lab (GeV) for all clusters
67  trgecl.param('Taub2b3CLELowCut', 0.12)
68  # taub2b3 cluster energy high selection in lab (GeV) for all clusters
69  trgecl.param('Taub2b3CLEHighCut', 4.5)
71  # angle selection for addition Bhabha veto
72  trgecl.param('3DBhabhaAddAngleCut', [150, 210, 160, 200])
73  #
74  path.add_module(trgecl)