Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
background modules
Collaboration diagram for background modules:


class  BeamBkgGeneratorModule
 Beam background generator based on SAD files. More...
class  BeamBkgHitRateMonitorModule
 A module to monitor detector hit rates of beam background Output is to a flat ntuple. More...
class  BeamBkgMixerModule
 New beam background mixer; this one doesn't need ROF files. More...
class  BeamBkgTagSetterModule
 A module that sets m_backgroundTag variable in SimHits (see BackgroundMetaData.h). More...
class  BGOverlayExecutorModule
 Overlay of measured background with simulated data (Digits or Clusters) More...
class  BGOverlayInputModule
 Beam BG data input, either in form of Digits or raw data. More...

Detailed Description