Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Collaboration diagram for display:


 display data objects
 display modules


class  BrowsableWrapper
 A wrapper for browsable objects to enable automatic redrawing. More...
class  ModuleParam< T >
 A single parameter of the module. More...
class  DisplayUI
 Control TEve browser user interface. More...
class  EveTower
 handles selection of individual ECLClusters (getting them out of TEve is hard). More...
class  EveVisBField
 Provide magnetic field values for TEveTrackPropagator. More...
class  EVEVisualization
 Produces visualisation for MCParticles, simhits, genfit::Tracks, geometry and other things. More...
class  HtmlClassInspector
 Pass to TObject::ShowMembers() to get tabular view of object data. More...
class  InfoWidget
 text-based info viewer showing DataStore contents. More...
class  SplitGLView
 Responsible for arranging the GL viewers and providing related functionality. More...
class  VisualRepMap
 defines a bidirectional (many to many) mapping between TObjects in DataStore and their visual representation. More...

Detailed Description