Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
framework modules
Collaboration diagram for framework modules:


class  EventErrorFlagModule
 Module to check or add error flags of the EventMetaData. More...
class  EventInfoPrinterModule
 The event meta data info module. More...
class  EventInfoSetterModule
 Module to set event, run, experiment numbers. More...
class  EventLimiterModule
 The EventLimiter module. More...
class  InteractiveModule
 Start an interactive python shell in each call of event(). More...
class  IoVDependentConditionModule
 Module which sets its return value based on the fact, if the event is in the given run/exp interval or not. More...
class  PrescaleModule
 The Prescale module. More...
class  PrintBeamParametersModule
 Print the BeamParameters everytime they change. More...
class  PrintCollectionsModule
 Prints the contents of DataStore in each event, listing all objects and arrays (including size). More...
class  ProgressBarModule
 Display a progress bar and an estimate of remaining time when number of events is known (e.g. More...
class  ProgressModule
 Periodically writes the number of processed events/runs to the logging system to give a progress indication. More...
class  PruneDataStoreModule
 Clears the content of the DataStore while it keeps entries matching the regex expression in the matchEntries option. More...
class  RandomBarrierModule
 Sets gRandom to an independent generator for the following modules. More...
class  TheKillerModule
 This Modules kills basf2 as horribly as possible (or selected) More...
class  GearboxModule
 The Gearbox module. More...
class  HistoManagerModule
 Class definition of HistoManager module. More...
class  ProfileModule
 A module that measures the execution time and memory usage per event. More...
class  StatisticsSummaryModule
 A module that displays the sum of multiple modules in the module statistics. More...
class  RootInputModule
 Module to read TTree data from file into the data store. More...
class  RootOutputModule
 Write objects from DataStore into a ROOT file. More...
class  SeqRootInputModule
 Module to read files produced by SeqRootOutputModule. More...
class  SeqRootOutputModule
 Output module for sequential ROOT I/O. More...

Detailed Description