Belle II Software
Classes | |
class | PXDClusterChargeCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPositionCollectorModule |
Calibration collector module for PXD cluster position estimation. More... | |
class | PXDDQMClustersModule |
PXD DQM Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMCorrModule |
PXD DQM Corr Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyModule |
Creates the basic histograms for PXD Efficiency DQM Simplified and adopted version of the testbeam pxd efficiency module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencyNtupleSelftrackModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Efficiency analysis. More... | |
class | PXDDQMEfficiencySelftrackModule |
Creates the basic histograms for PXD Efficiency DQM Simplified and adopted version of the testbeam pxd efficiency module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMExpressRecoModule |
PXD DQM Module. More... | |
class | PXDDQMTrackRawNtupleModule |
Creates Ntuples for PXD Trigger analysis. More... | |
class | PXDRawDQMCorrModule |
PXD DQM Corr Module. More... | |
class | PXDTrackClusterDQMModule |
DQM of cluster in matched tracks. More... | |
class | PXDHotPixelMaskCollectorModule |
Calibration Collector Module for PXD hot pixel masking from PXDDigits. More... | |
class | PXDRawHotPixelMaskCollectorModule |
Calibration Collector Module for PXD hot pixel masking from PXDRawHits. More... | |
class | PXDTrackingEventLevelMdstInfoFillerModule |
This module adds additional global event level information about PXD track finding to the MDST object 'EventLevelTrackingInfo'. More... | |
class | PXDClustersFromTracksModule |
The PXDClustersFromTracks module. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceModule |
PXD Performance module. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration and PXD calibration validation. More... | |
class | PXDPerformanceVariablesCollectorModule |
Collector module for PXD gain calibration and PXD calibration validation. More... | |
class | PXDClusterPropFilterModule |
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDCluster with specific properties. More... | |
class | PXDInjectionVetoEmulatorModule |
The module produces a StoreObjPtr of PXDInjectionBGTiming containing PXD timing for gated mode operation. More... | |
class | PXDSpacePointCreatorModule |
Imports Clusters of the pxd detector and converts them to spacePoints. More... | |