Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
11 import sys
12 import basf2
13 from b2test_utils import clean_working_directory, safe_process, show_only_errors
14 from ROOT import Belle2
15 import subprocess
16 import json
19 def check_mc_events(outfile, expect):
20  """Check if the number of MC events reported by the file metadata is what whe expect"""
21  try:
22  metadata = subprocess.check_output(["b2file-metadata-show", "--json", outfile])
23  mcEvents = json.loads(metadata)["mcEvents"]
24  except Exception as e:
25  basf2.B2ERROR(f"Cannot determine number of MC events: {e}")
26  return False
28  if mcEvents != expect:
29  basf2.B2ERROR(f"{outfile} MCEvents not correct: got {mcEvents}, expected {expect}")
30  return False
31  else:
32  basf2.B2INFO(f"{outfile}: MCEvents=={expect} Ok")
33  return True
36 def run_rootio(outfile, infiles, expect, *, N=0, **input_kwargs):
37  """
38  Run RootInput/RootOutput and check that the number of events is what we want
40  Arguments:
41  outfile (str): filename for the output
42  infiles (list): list of input filenames
43  expect (int): numer of MC events we expect in the final file
44  N (int): pass to process() as second argument to limit the number of events
46  All other arguments are passed to RootInput as module parameters
47  """
49  global failures
50  path = basf2.create_path()
51  path.add_module("RootInput", inputFileNames=infiles, **input_kwargs)
52  path.add_module("RootOutput", outputFileName=outfile)
53  # zero counters so we can continue processing even if we already reported
54  # errors before
55  basf2.logging.zero_counters()
56  with show_only_errors():
57  safe_process(path, N)
59  result = check_mc_events(outfile, expect)
60  failures += 0 if result else 1
61  return result
64 # no summary and load dictionaries early
65 basf2.logging.enable_summary(False)
66 Belle2.Environment.Instance().setNumberEventsOverride(0)
68 # so let's go in an empty directory
69 with clean_working_directory():
70  # and create a few files with some empty events
71  all_files = []
72  event_counts = []
73  failures = 0
74  for i in range(1, 16, 7):
75  all_files.append(f"events-{i:03d}.root")
76  event_counts.append(i)
77  generate = basf2.create_path()
78  generate.add_module("EventInfoSetter", evtNumList=i)
79  generate.add_module("RootOutput", outputFileName=all_files[-1])
80  with show_only_errors():
81  safe_process(generate)
83  # now for either one or all of those files run a number of checks:
84  for name, total, filenames, sequence in [
85  ("single", event_counts[-1], all_files[-1:], ["1:3"]),
86  ("total", sum(event_counts), all_files, ["0", "1:2", "2-"]),
87  ]:
88  # simple processing should forward MC events
89  run_rootio(f"{name}.root", filenames, total)
90  # but any skipping should not
91  run_rootio(f"{name}-skip1.root", filenames, 0, skipNEvents=1)
92  run_rootio(f"{name}-skipTo.root", filenames, 0, skipToEvent=[0, 0, 1])
93  run_rootio(f"{name}-sequence.root", filenames, 0, entrySequences=sequence)
94  # and limiting the number of events should only forward if all events
95  # are processed
96  for N in [1, total-1, total, 100000]:
97  Belle2.Environment.Instance().setNumberEventsOverride(N)
98  run_rootio(f"{name}-basf2-n-{N}.root", filenames, 0 if N < total else total)
99  Belle2.Environment.Instance().setNumberEventsOverride(0)
100  run_rootio(f"{name}-proc-{N}.root", filenames, 0 if N < total else total, N=N)
102  # and if some files are processed multiple times we don't want to forward
103  # the number either
104  run_rootio("duplicate.root", all_files*2, 0)
106 if failures > 0:
107  basf2.B2ERROR(f"{failures} tests failed ...")
108  sys.exit(1)
static Environment & Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the Environment instance.