Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/user/bin/env python
11 import basf2
12 from ROOT import Belle2
13 import os
14 import glob
16 """
17 Example script showing how to train neural networks
18 to be used with the CDCTriggerNeuroModule.
20 This script uses realistic values for the amount of training data
21 and the number of runs, so it will run a long time.
22 """
24 # ------------ #
25 # user options #
26 # ------------ #
28 # set random seed
29 basf2.set_random_seed(1)
31 # paths for the trained networks, the training data and the log files
32 mlpdir = Belle2.FileSystem.findFile('trg/cdc/data')
33 traindir = Belle2.FileSystem.findFile('trg/cdc/data')
34 logdir = Belle2.FileSystem.findFile('trg/cdc/data')
35 # filenames for the trained networks, the training data and the log files
36 mlpname = 'NeuroTrigger.root'
37 trainname = 'NeuroTriggerTraindata.root'
38 logname = 'NeuroTriggerLog' # file extensions are appended automatically
40 # number of threads to be used for parallel training
41 nthreads = 1
43 # We want to train on single tracks within the acceptance of the track finder.
44 particlegun_params = {
45  'pdgCodes': [-13, 13], # muons
46  'nTracks': 1, # single tracks
47  'momentumGeneration': 'inversePt', # uniform in the track curvature
48  'momentumParams': [0.3, 10.], # 0.3: minimum pt for standard track finder
49  'thetaGeneration': 'uniformCos', # uniform in solid angle
50  'thetaParams': [23, 144], # hit SL 6 from z in [-50, 50]
51  'phiGeneration': 'uniform', # uniform in solid angle
52  'phiParams': [0, 360], # full phi
53  'vertexGeneration': 'uniform', # uniform vertex distribution
54  'xVertexParams': [0, 0.0], # vertex on z-axis
55  'yVertexParams': [0, 0.0], # vertex on z-axis
56  'zVertexParams': [-50.0, 50.0]} # target range for training
58 background = True
59 bkgdir = '/sw/belle2/bkg.mixing/'
62 # ------------------------- #
63 # create path up to trigger #
64 # ------------------------- #
66 main = basf2.create_path()
68 # The CDCTriggerNeuroTrainer module stops the event loop when there is enough data,
69 # so just put a very high number of events here.
70 main.add_module('EventInfoSetter', evtNumList=1000000000)
71 main.add_module('Progress')
72 main.add_module('Gearbox')
73 main.add_module('Geometry', components=['BeamPipe', 'Cryostat',
74  'PXD', 'SVD', 'CDC',
75  'MagneticFieldConstant4LimitedRCDC'])
76 particlegun = basf2.register_module('ParticleGun')
77 particlegun.param(particlegun_params)
78 main.add_module(particlegun)
79 main.add_module('FullSim')
80 if background:
81  main.add_module('BeamBkgMixer',
82  backgroundFiles=glob.glob(os.path.join(bkgdir, '*usual*.root')),
83  components=['CDC'])
84 main.add_module('CDCDigitizer')
87 # -------------------------------------- #
88 # add trigger modules up to neurotrigger #
89 # -------------------------------------- #
91 main.add_module('CDCTriggerTSF',
92  InnerTSLUTFile=Belle2.FileSystem.findFile("data/trg/cdc/innerLUT_Bkg_p0.70_b0.80.coe"),
93  OuterTSLUTFile=Belle2.FileSystem.findFile("data/trg/cdc/outerLUT_Bkg_p0.70_b0.80.coe"))
94 main.add_module('CDCTrigger2DFinder')
95 # For single tracks the event time estimate is not very reliable,
96 # so use the true event time here and hope for the best...
97 main.add_module('CDCTriggerETF', trueEventTime=True)
100 # ---------------- #
101 # add the training #
102 # ---------------- #
104 # To get target values for the training, we need relations between 2D track and MCParticles.
105 # We only want matched tracks (no clones) with many true hits.
106 main.add_module('CDCTriggerMCMatcher', minAxial=4, axialOnly=True,
107  relateClonesAndMerged=False,
108  TrgTrackCollectionName='TRGCDC2DFinderTracks')
110 main.add_module('CDCTriggerNeuroTrainer',
111  # input and target arrays
112  inputCollectionName='TRGCDC2DFinderTracks',
113  targetCollectionName='MCParticles',
114  trainOnRecoTracks=False, # train with MCParticles as targets
115  # output files
116  filename=os.path.join(mlpdir, mlpname),
117  trainFilename=os.path.join(traindir, trainname),
118  logFilename=os.path.join(logdir, logname),
119  # sector definition
120  nMLP=5, # total number of sectors
121  # hit pattern sectorization (5 sectors for different missing stereo hits)
122  SLpatternMask=[int('010101010', 2)], # ignore axial hits in sector selection
123  SLpattern=[int('111111111', 2), # full hits
124  int('101111111', 2), # SL 7 missing
125  int('111011111', 2), # SL 5 missing
126  int('111110111', 2), # SL 3 missing
127  int('111111101', 2)], # SL 1 missing
128  # phase space sectorization (trivial here, only 1 sector)
129  invptRange=[[-5., 5.]], # sectorization in charge/pt
130  phiRange=[[0., 360.]], # sectorization in phi
131  thetaRange=[[0., 180.]], # sectorization in theta (requires 3D input tracks)
132  selectSectorByMC=False, # use 2D track parameters to select sector
133  invptRangeTrain=[[-5., 5.]], # sector ranges during train may overlap
134  phiRangeTrain=[[0., 360.]], # i.e. they can be larger than the final sectors
135  thetaRangeTrain=[[0., 180.]], # (will be shrunk after training)
136  # network structure
137  multiplyHidden=False, # set the number of hidden nodes directly
138  nHidden=[[81]], # 1 hidden layer with 81 nodes for all sectors
139  wMax=63., # limit weights to [-63, 63]
140  # target definition
141  targetZ=True, # output z-vertex
142  targetTheta=True, # output also polar angle
143  outputScale=[[-50., 50., 0., 180.]], # output 1 (z) scaled to [-50, 50]cm,
144  # output 2 (theta) scaled to [0, 180]deg
145  rescaleTarget=False, # targets outside of output range are skipped
146  # relevant ID ranges: region around 2D track from which hits are taken
147  # (determined from a histogram that is generated from hits related to MCParticles)
148  nTrainPrepare=1000, # number of tracks used to prepare the ID histogram
149  relevantCut=0.02, # cut on the ID histogram
150  cutSum=False, # cut directly on the ID histogram bins
151  # training parameters
152  multiplyNTrain=True, # set training data relative to degrees of freedom
153  nTrainMax=10., # training data (10x degrees of freedom)
154  nTrainMin=10., # don't train if there is less than 10x DoF training data
155  nValid=1000, # number of validation samples (to avoid overtraining)
156  nTest=5000, # number of test samples (to select best of several runs)
157  repeatTrain=10, # train each sector 10x with different initial weights
158  checkInterval=500, # stop training if validation error does not improve for 500 epochs
159  maxEpochs=10000, # stop training after 10000 epochs
160  nThreads=nthreads, # number of parallel threads
161  stopLoop=True, # stop event loop when there is enough training data
162  # log level
163  logLevel=basf2.LogLevel.DEBUG, # show some debug output
164  debugLevel=50)
165 # show only the message of the debug output
166 basf2.logging.set_info(basf2.LogLevel.DEBUG, basf2.LogInfo.LEVEL | basf2.LogInfo.MESSAGE)
169 # Process events
170 basf2.process(main)
172 # Print call statistics
173 print(basf2.statistics)
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...