4 import modularAnalysis
as ma
7 runningOnMC = snakemake.params.runningOnMC
9 inputjson = snakemake.input.inputfileList
10 outname = snakemake.output[0]
12 mypath = b2.create_path()
13 with open(inputjson)
as f:
14 inputMdstList = json.load(f)
16 ma.inputMdstList(filelist=inputMdstList, path=mypath)
18 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'K+:my', cut=
"dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance and kaonID > 0.01", path=mypath)
19 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'pi+:my', cut=
"dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 3 and thetaInCDCAcceptance", path=mypath)
21 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
"D-:K2Pi -> K+:my pi-:my pi-:my", cut=
"1.844 < M < 1.894", path=mypath)
23 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi -> D-:K2Pi pi+:my', cut=
'5.0 < Mbc and abs(deltaE) < 1.0', path=mypath)
24 vx.treeFit(
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi', 0, path=mypath, updateAllDaughters=
False, ipConstraint=
True, massConstraint=[411])
27 ma.matchMCTruth(list_name=
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi', path=mypath)
29 some_variables = [
30 ma.variablesToNtuple(decayString=
'B0:PiD-toK2Pi', variables=some_variables,
31 filename=outname, path=mypath, treename=