Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
8 import basf2
9 import math
10 import random
11 import modularAnalysis as ma
12 from ROOT import Belle2
14 # disable doxygen check for this test
15 # @cond
18 class Generator(basf2.Module):
19  """Generate list of 10 electrons which have random momenta and one
20  electron where all momentum components are nan"""
22  def initialize(self):
23  """We need to register the mc particles"""
25  self.mcp = Belle2.PyStoreArray("MCParticles")
26  self.mcp.registerInDataStore()
28  def event(self):
29  """And then we generate particles"""
30  for i in range(10):
31  p = self.mcp.appendNew()
32  p.setPDG(11)
33  p.setMassFromPDG()
34  p.setMomentum(random.randrange(0, 5), random.randrange(0, 5), random.randrange(0, 5))
36  p = self.mcp.appendNew()
37  p.setPDG(11)
38  p.setMassFromPDG()
39  p.setMomentum(math.nan, math.nan, math.nan)
42 class MergingChecker(basf2.Module):
43  """Check if merging works correctly"""
45  def initialize(self):
46  """Create particle list objects"""
48  self.all = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:allMC')
49  self.below2 = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:below2')
50  self.above3 = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:above3')
51  self.onlyall = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:onlyall')
52  self.goodmerge = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:goodmerge')
53 = Belle2.PyStoreObj('e-:best')
55  def event(self):
56  """Check if the particle lists have the expected size"""
57  allsize = self.all.getListSize()
58  below2size = self.below2.getListSize()
59  above3size = self.above3.getListSize()
60  onlyallsize = self.onlyall.getListSize()
61  goodmergesize = self.goodmerge.getListSize()
62  bestsize =
63  # The test fails if the number of particles in the merged lists differ from the sum of the desired input lists
64  assert onlyallsize == allsize
65  assert goodmergesize == below2size + above3size
66  assert bestsize == below2size + above3size
69 # we create 10 events with 11 electrons each
70 path = basf2.Path()
71 path.add_module("EventInfoSetter", evtNumList=10)
72 path.add_module(Generator())
73 # load all electrons and add extraInfo so that they can be identified
74 ma.fillParticleListFromMC("e-:allMC", "", path=path)
75 ma.variablesToExtraInfo('e-:allMC', {'formula(0)': 'identifier', 'random': 'quality'}, path=path)
76 # load electrons with px below 2
77 ma.fillParticleListFromMC("e-:below2", "px < 2", path=path)
78 ma.variablesToExtraInfo('e-:below2', {'formula(2)': 'identifier', 'formula(1 + random)': 'quality'}, option=2, path=path)
79 # load electrons with px above 3
80 ma.fillParticleListFromMC("e-:above3", "px > 3", path=path)
81 ma.variablesToExtraInfo('e-:above3', {'formula(3)': 'identifier', 'formula(2 + random)': 'quality'}, option=2, path=path)
83 # In the momentum range 0 < px < 2 the electrons from the list e-:below2 have the highest quality value
84 # Electrons with a x-momentum between 2 and 3 are only part of the e-:all list.
85 # For electrons with x-momenta above 3 the candidates from the e-:above3 list have the highest quality value
87 # Merging the three lists with the e-:all list as first input list
88 ma.copyLists('e-:onlyall', ['e-:allMC', 'e-:below2', 'e-:above3'], path=path)
89 # Since e-:all is a superset of the other two lists, the merged list should contain only particles with identifier equals 0.
90 ma.printVariableValues('e-:onlyall', ['extraInfo(identifier)'], path=path)
91 # ma.applyCuts('e-:onlyall', 'extraInfo(identifier) == 0', path=path)
93 # Merging the three lists with the e-:all list at the end
94 ma.copyLists('e-:goodmerge', ['e-:below2', 'e-:above3', 'e-:allMC'], path=path)
95 # All electrons from the e-:below2 and e-:above3 lists should be present in
96 # the merged list, and those with 2 < px < 3 from the e-:all list.
97 # Thus, the merged list contains the ten best (according to quality)
98 # particles. This desired outcome was achieved accidentally.
99 ma.printVariableValues('e-:goodmerge', ['extraInfo(identifier)'], path=path)
100 ma.applyCuts('e-:goodmerge', 'extraInfo(identifier) > 0', path=path)
102 # Merging the three lists with the e-:all list as first input list but providing the quality extra info as sorting variable
103 path.add_module('ParticleListManipulator', outputListName='e-:best', inputListNames=['e-:allMC', 'e-:below2', 'e-:above3'],
104  variable='extraInfo(quality)', preferLowest=False)
105 # The merged list should again contain the ten best particles. This time, independent of the order in the input list.
106 ma.printVariableValues('e-:best', ['extraInfo(identifier)'], path=path)
107 ma.applyCuts('e-:best', 'extraInfo(identifier) > 0', path=path)
109 path.add_module(MergingChecker())
111 basf2.process(path)
113 # @endcond
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72
a (simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr.
Definition: PyStoreObj.h:67