Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/python
11 """\
12 Utilities for plotting
13 """
14 from pxd.utils import getH1Sigma68WithError
15 import basf2 as b2
16 import ROOT
17 import pandas as pd
18 import numpy as np
19 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
23 def root_style():
24  """
25  ROOT style
26  """
27  # root style option
29  # canvas
30  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasBorderMode(0)
31  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasBorderSize(10)
32  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasColor(0)
33  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasDefH(450)
34  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasDefW(500)
35  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasDefX(10)
36  ROOT.gStyle.SetCanvasDefY(10)
37  # pad
38  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBorderMode(0)
39  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBorderSize(10)
40  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadColor(0)
41  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadBottomMargin(0.16)
42  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadTopMargin(0.10)
43  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.17)
44  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadRightMargin(0.19)
45  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadGridX(1)
46  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadGridY(1)
47  ROOT.gStyle.SetGridStyle(2)
48  ROOT.gStyle.SetGridColor(ROOT.kGray + 1)
49  # frame
50  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameFillStyle(0)
51  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameFillColor(0)
52  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameLineColor(1)
53  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameLineStyle(0)
54  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameLineWidth(2)
55  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameBorderMode(0)
56  ROOT.gStyle.SetFrameBorderSize(10)
57  # axis
58  ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelFont(42, "xyz")
59  ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelOffset(0.015, "xyz")
60  ROOT.gStyle.SetLabelSize(0.048, "xyz")
61  ROOT.gStyle.SetNdivisions(505, "xyz")
62  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleFont(42, "xyz")
63  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleSize(0.050, "xyz")
64  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.3, "x")
65  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.2, "y")
66  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleOffset(1.4, "z")
67  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadTickX(1)
68  ROOT.gStyle.SetPadTickY(1)
69  # title
70  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleBorderSize(0)
71  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleFillColor(10)
72  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleAlign(12)
73  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleFontSize(0.045)
74  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleX(0.560)
75  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleY(0.860)
76  ROOT.gStyle.SetTitleFont(42, "")
77  # stat
78  ROOT.gStyle.SetStatBorderSize(0)
79  ROOT.gStyle.SetStatColor(10)
80  ROOT.gStyle.SetStatFont(42)
81  ROOT.gStyle.SetStatX(0.94)
82  ROOT.gStyle.SetStatY(0.91)
83  # histo style
84  ROOT.gStyle.SetOptTitle(0)
85  ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0)
86  ROOT.gStyle.SetHistLineWidth(3)
87  ROOT.TH2.SetDefaultSumw2()
90 def df_plot_errorbar(df, x, y, yerr_low, yerr_up, ax=None, *args, **kwargs):
91  """
92  errorbar extention for pandas.DataFrame
93  Parameters:
94  df: pandas.DataFrame
95  x (str): column used as the x-axis
96  y (str): column used as the y-axis
97  yerr_low (str): column of the lower error of value y
98  yerr_up (str): column of the upper error of value y
100  ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axis
101  args: positional arguments
102  kwargs: named arguments
103  """
104  if ax is None:
105  ax = plt.gca()
106  array_x = df[x].to_numpy()
107  array_y = df[y].to_numpy()
108  yerr = [df[yerr_low].to_numpy(), df[yerr_up].to_numpy()]
109  default_kwargs = {"fmt": "o", "label": y, "alpha": 0.7}
110  kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}
112  ax.errorbar(x=array_x, y=array_y, yerr=yerr, *args, **kwargs)
113  ax.legend()
114  ax.set_xlabel(x)
115  ax.set_ylabel(y)
116  return ax
119 # Extend pandas.DataFrame
120 if hasattr(pd.DataFrame, "errorbar"):
121  b2.B2WARNING("DataFrame.errorbar has already been defined. Replacing it!")
122 pd.DataFrame.errorbar = df_plot_errorbar
125 def plot_ip_resolutions(tree, cut="0<z0_err<1 & 0<d0_err<1", figsize=(16, 6), save_to=""):
126  """
127  Helper function to plot ip resolutions as a function of run number.
128  Parameters:
129  tree: a ROOT.TTree which contains run, hD0, hZ0 from PXD calibration validation.
130  figsize (tuple): figsize for matplotlib pyplot
131  save_to (str): Target file name to save a figure when it's not empty.
132  Return:
133  pandas.DataFrame with resolutions
134  """
135  plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
136  ip_res_dic = {"run": [], "d0": [], "d0_err": [], "z0": [], "z0_err": []}
137  for i in range(tree.GetEntries()):
138  tree.GetEntry(i)
139  # exp = getattr(tree, "exp")
140  run = getattr(tree, "run")
141  hD0 = getattr(tree, "hD0")
142  hZ0 = getattr(tree, "hZ0")
143  res_d0, res_d0_err = np.array(getH1Sigma68WithError(hD0, 1000)) / 2 * 1e4 # cm to um
144  res_z0, res_z0_err = np.array(getH1Sigma68WithError(hZ0, 1000)) / 2 * 1e4 # cm to um
145  # print(run,res_d0, res_z0)
146  ip_res_dic["run"].append(run)
147  ip_res_dic["d0"].append(res_d0)
148  ip_res_dic["d0_err"].append(res_d0_err)
149  ip_res_dic["z0"].append(res_z0)
150  ip_res_dic["z0_err"].append(res_z0_err)
151  df_res = pd.DataFrame(ip_res_dic)
152  df_res.query(cut).errorbar(y="z0", x="run", yerr_low="z0_err", yerr_up="z0_err")
153  df_res.query(cut).errorbar(y="d0", x="run", yerr_low="d0_err", yerr_up="d0_err")
154  plt.ylabel(r"$\sigma_{68}$ " + r"[$\mathrm{\mu m}$]")
155  plt.savefig(save_to)
156  return df_res
159 def plot_efficiency_map(tree, exp_runs=[], num_name="hTrackClustersLayer1", den_name="hTrackPointsLayer1",
160  title="Efficiency of layer 1", canvas=None, save_to=""):
161  """
162  Helper function to plot efficiency map of modules for a given layer.
163  Color map can be set by ROOT.gStyle.SetPalette(ROOT.kDarkRainBow)
164  Parameters:
165  tree: ROOT.TTree
166  exp_runs (list): list of (experiment_number, run_number) or list of run_number
167  num_name (str): histogram name of the ROOT.TH2 used for numerator
168  den_name (str): histogram name of the ROOT.TH2 used for denominator
169  title (str): title of the plot
170  canvas (ROOT.TCanvas): TCanvas for plotting
171  save_to (str): File name to save the figure
172  Return:
173  the efficiency map (ROOT.TH2)
174  """
175  if canvas is None:
176  canvas = ROOT.TCanvas("c1", "c1", 900, 600)
177  use_exp_run_tuple = True
178  if not exp_runs:
179  return
180  elif not isinstance(exp_runs[0], tuple):
181  exp_runs = sorted(exp_runs)
182  use_exp_run_tuple = False
183  count = 0
184  h_eff, h_num, h_den = None, None, None
185  for i_evt in range(tree.GetEntries()):
186  tree.GetEntry(i_evt)
187  exp = getattr(tree, "exp")
188  run = getattr(tree, "run")
189  if not use_exp_run_tuple:
190  if run < exp_runs[0] or run > exp_runs[-1]:
191  continue
192  elif (exp, run) not in exp_runs:
193  continue
194  if count == 0:
195  h_num = getattr(tree, num_name).Clone()
196  h_den = getattr(tree, den_name).Clone()
197  else:
198  h_num.Add(getattr(tree, num_name))
199  h_den.Add(getattr(tree, den_name))
200  count += 1
201  if count:
202  h_temp = h_den.Clone()
203  h_temp.Divide(h_den) # h_temp bins filled to 1 if there is any counts in h_den
204  h_eff = h_num.Clone()
205  h_eff.Add(h_temp, 1e-9) # Added 1e-9 which shouldn't bias eff
206  h_eff.Divide(h_den)
207  h_eff.SetTitle(title)
208  h_eff.SetStats(True)
209  # default_opt_stat = ROOT.gStyle.GetOptStat()
210  ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(10)
211  h_eff.Draw("colz")
212  canvas.Draw()
213  s = h_eff.GetListOfFunctions().FindObject("stats")
214  # print(s.GetX1NDC(), s.GetX2NDC())
215  s.SetX1NDC(0.7)
216  s.SetX2NDC(0.9)
217  s.SetY1NDC(0.9)
218  s.SetY2NDC(0.95)
219  s.SetFillColorAlpha(0, 0.1)
220  s.SetLineColorAlpha(0, 0)
221  canvas.Update()
222  if save_to:
223  h_eff.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0.9, 1)
224  canvas.Update()
225  canvas.Print(save_to+".above90.png")
226  h_eff.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(0, 1)
227  canvas.Update()
228  canvas.Print(save_to)
230  # ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(default_opt_stat)
231  return h_eff, h_num, h_den
234 def plot_in_module_efficiency(df, pxdid=1052, figsize=(12, 16), alpha=0.7, save_to="",
235  y="eff_sel", x="run", cut="eff_sel>0&eff_sel_err_low<0.01",
236  yerr_low="eff_sel_err_low", yerr_up="eff_sel_err_up"):
237  """
238  Helper function to plot efficiencies of 4 x 6 ASIC regions in one module
239  Parameters:
240  df (pandas.DataFrame): pandas DataFrame for plotting
241  pxdid (int): pxdid, e.g., 1052
242  figsize (tuple): figsize for matplotlib pyplot
243  alpha (float): alpha color
244  save_to (str): File name to save the figure
245  y (str): column of the efficiency
246  x (str): column of the run
247  cut (str): additional cut
248  yerr_low (str): column of the lower error
249  yerr_up (str): column of the upper error
250  """
252  fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=False, sharey=True, figsize=figsize)
253  for uBin in range(4):
254  ax = axes[uBin]
255  for vBin in range(6):
256  df.query(cut + "&" + f"pxdid=={pxdid}&uBin=={uBin}&vBin=={vBin}").errorbar(
257  y=y, x=x, yerr_low=yerr_low, yerr_up=yerr_up, ax=ax, label=f"{pxdid},u{uBin}v{vBin}", alpha=0.7)
258  ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc="upper left")
259  ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
260  ax.set_ylim(ymin, 1.)
261  if save_to:
262  fig.savefig(save_to, bbox_inches="tight")
265 def plot_efficiency_vs_run(
266  df,
267  eff_var="eff",
268  eff_sel_var="eff_sel",
269  max_err=0.01,
270  figsize=(
271  12,
272  6),
273  save_to="pxd_efficiency_vs_run.png"):
274  """
275  Helper function to plot efficiency vs run
276  Parameters:
277  df (pandas.DataFrame): pandas DataFrame for plotting
278  eff_var (str): column of the efficiency
279  eff_sel_var (str): column of the efficiency of selected regions
280  max_err (float): the maximum error used to clean up points with large errors
281  figsize (tuple): figsize for matplotlib pyplot
282  save_to (str): file name to save the figure
283  """
285  plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
286  df.query(f"{eff_var}_err_low<{max_err}").errorbar(
287  y=eff_var,
288  x="run",
289  yerr_low=f"{eff_var}_err_low",
290  yerr_up=f"{eff_var}_err_up",
291  alpha=0.7,
292  label="All regions")
293  df.query(f"{eff_sel_var}_err_low<{max_err}").errorbar(
294  y=eff_sel_var,
295  x="run",
296  yerr_low=f"{eff_sel_var}_err_low",
297  yerr_up=f"{eff_sel_var}_err_up",
298  alpha=0.7,
299  label="Excluding hot/dead regions")
300  plt.ylabel("PXD efficiency")
301  ymin, ymax = plt.ylim()
302  plt.ylim(ymin, 1.0)
303  if save_to:
304  plt.savefig(save_to)
307 def plot_module_efficiencies_in_DHHs(df, eff_var="eff_sel", phase="early_phase3", figsize=(12, 6), save_to="efficiency_vs_run.png"):
308  """
309  Helper function to plot efficiencies of modules in a DHH.
310  Parameters:
311  df (pandas.DataFrame): pandas DataFrame for plotting
312  eff_var (str): column of the efficiency
313  phase (str): belle2 phase, the default is earyly_phase3 with half PXD
314  figsize (tuple): figsize for matplotlib pyplot
315  save_to (str): file name to save the figure
316  """
318  dhh_modules_dic = {}
319  if phase == "early_phase3":
320  dhh_modules_dic = {
321  "H30": [1012, 1022, 1052, 1082, 2042],
322  "H40": [1042, 1062, 1072, 2052],
323  "H50": [1041, 1051, 1061, 1071, 2051],
324  "H60": [1011, 1021, 1031, 1081, 2041],
325  }
326  for dhh, pxdid_list in dhh_modules_dic.items():
327  plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
328  ymin = 1.0
329  for pxdid in pxdid_list:
330  df.query(f"{eff_var}>0&pxdid=={pxdid}&{eff_var}_err_low<0.01").errorbar(
331  y=eff_var, x="run", yerr_low=f"{eff_var}_err_low", yerr_up=f"{eff_var}_err_up", label=f"{pxdid}", alpha=0.7)
332  ymin = min(plt.ylim()[0], ymin)
333  plt.ylabel("Efficiency (selected)")
334  plt.title(dhh + " efficiency")
335  plt.ylim(ymin, 1.0)
336  if save_to:
337  plt.savefig(dhh + "_" + save_to)
340 if __name__ == '__main__':
341  root_style()