Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >, including all inherited members.

Alternation()=defaultAlternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >
Alternation(const AFunctor1 &functor1, const AFunctor2 &functor2=AFunctor2())Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >inlineexplicit
impl(int favouredTag, T &&... t) const -> decltype(m_functor1(std::forward< T >(t)...))Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >inline
impl(long disfavouredTag, T &&... t) const -> decltype(m_functor2(std::forward< T >(t)...))Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >inline
m_functor1Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >private
m_functor2Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >private
operator FunctorTag()Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >
operator()(T &&... t) const -> decltype(this->impl(0, std::forward< T >(t)...))Alternation< AFunctor1, AFunctor2 >inline