12 This file skims events that are useful to test the time dependent CPV analysis tools,
13 i.e. those events where the signal B0 meson is correctly MC matched and where no tracks on the tag side
14 belong to the signal side. The variable used for skimming is isRelatedRestOfEventB0Flavor.
15 As input one needs a MC mdst file for the signal channel B0sig->J/PsiKs.
16 The script reconstructs B0sig->J/PsiKs on the signal side
17 and applies the flavor tagger on the ROE.
18 The vertex of B0sig is reconstructed (JPsi vertex) and the vertex of B0tag is reconstructed
23 import modularAnalysis
as ma
27 from mdst
import add_mdst_output
29 if len(sys.argv) != 3:
30 sys.exit(
'Must provide three input parameters: [Belle_Belle2] [output_root_file_name]'
33 belleOrBelle2Flag = sys.argv[1]
34 outRootFileName = sys.argv[2]
38 cp_val_path = b2.Path()
40 environmentType =
42 if belleOrBelle2Flag ==
43 os.environ[
44 os.environ[
46 environmentType =
48 ma.inputMdstList(environmentType=environmentType, filelist=[], path=cp_val_path)
50 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'mu+:all', cut=
'', path=cp_val_path)
51 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'J/psi:mumu -> mu+:all mu-:all', cut=
'abs(dM) < 0.11', path=cp_val_path)
52 ma.matchMCTruth(list_name=
'J/psi:mumu', path=cp_val_path)
54 if belleOrBelle2Flag ==
57 ma.matchMCTruth(list_name=
'K_S0:mdst', path=cp_val_path)
60 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'B0:sig -> J/psi:mumu K_S0:mdst', cut=
'Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=cp_val_path)
62 if belleOrBelle2Flag ==
65 ma.fillParticleList(decayString=
'pi+:all', cut=
'', path=cp_val_path)
66 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'K_S0:pipi -> pi+:all pi-:all', cut=
'abs(dM) < 0.25', path=cp_val_path)
69 ma.reconstructDecay(decayString=
'B0:sig -> J/psi:mumu K_S0:pipi', cut=
'Mbc > 5.2 and abs(deltaE) < 0.15', path=cp_val_path)
71 ma.matchMCTruth(list_name=
'B0:sig', path=cp_val_path)
73 ma.buildRestOfEvent(target_list_name=
'B0:sig', path=cp_val_path)
75 ma.applyCuts(list_name=
'B0:sig', cut=
'abs(isRelatedRestOfEventB0Flavor) == 1', path=cp_val_path)
79 skimfilter = b2.register_module(
80 skimfilter.set_name(
82 skimfilter.param(
'particleLists', [
83 cp_val_path.add_module(skimfilter)
88 B0skim_path = b2.Path()
91 skimfilter.if_value(
'=0', B0skim_path)
94 add_mdst_output(cp_val_path,
True, outRootFileName)
96 ma.summaryOfLists(particleLists=[
'B0:sig'], path=cp_val_path)
99 ma.process(cp_val_path)