10 Wrappers around functions defined as static methods of the Belle2::MVA::Utility class.
14 def available(filename, experiment=0, run=0, event=0):
16 Wrapper around bool Belle2::MVA::Utility::available(
17 const std::string& filename, int experiment = 0, int run = 0, int event = 0)
21 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.available(filename, experiment, run, event)
24 def download(identifier, filename, experiment=0, run=0, event=0):
26 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::download(
27 const std::string& identifier, const std::string& filename, int experiment = 0, int run = 0, int event = 0)
31 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.download(identifier, filename, experiment, run, event)
36 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::expert(
37 const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, const std::vector<std::string>& datafiles,
38 const std::string& treename, const std::string& outputfile, int experiment = 0, int run = 0, int event = 0,
39 bool copy_target = true);
43 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.expert(*args)
46 def extract(filename, directory):
48 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::extract(const std::string& filename, const std::string& directory)
52 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.extract(filename, directory)
57 Wrapper around std::string Belle2::MVA::Utility::info(const std::string& filename)
61 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.info(filename)
64 def save_custom_weightfile(*args):
66 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::save_custom_weightfile(
67 const GeneralOptions& general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options,
68 const std::string& custom_weightfile, const std::string& output_identifier = "")
72 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.save_custom_weightfile(*args)
77 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::teacher(
78 const GeneralOptions& general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options,
79 const MetaOptions& meta_options = MetaOptions())
83 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.teacher(*args)
86 def teacher_dataset(*args):
88 Wrapper around std::unique_ptr<Belle2::MVA::Expert> Belle2::MVA::Utility::teacher_dataset(
89 GeneralOptions general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options, Dataset& data)
93 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.teacher_dataset(*args)
96 def teacher_sideband_subtraction(*args):
98 Wrapper around std::unique_ptr<Belle2::MVA::Expert> Belle2::MVA::Utility::teacher_sideband_subtraction(
99 GeneralOptions general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options, const MetaOptions& meta_options)
103 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.teacher_sideband_subtraction(*args)
106 def teacher_splot(*args):
108 Wrapper around std::unique_ptr<Belle2::MVA::Expert> Belle2::MVA::Utility::teacher_splot(
109 GeneralOptions general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options, const MetaOptions& meta_options)
113 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.teacher_splot(*args)
116 def teacher_reweighting(*args):
118 Wrapper around std::unique_ptr<Belle2::MVA::Expert> Belle2::MVA::Utility::teacher_reweighting(
119 GeneralOptions general_options, const SpecificOptions& specific_options, const MetaOptions& meta_options)
123 return ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.teacher_reweighting(*args)
126 def upload(filename, identifier, exp1=0, run1=0, exp2=-1, run2=-1):
128 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::upload(
129 const std::string& filename, const std::string& identifier, int exp1 = 0, int run1 = 0, int exp2 = -1,
134 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.upload(filename, identifier, exp1, run1, exp2, run2)
137 def upload_array(*args):
139 Wrapper around Belle2::MVA::Utility::upload_array(
140 const std::vector<std::string>& filenames, const std::string& identifier, int exp1 = 0, int run1 = 0,
141 int exp2 = -1, int run2 = -1)
145 ROOT.Belle2.MVA.Utility.upload_array(*args)