----------------- Topology analysis ----------------- This section provides some information on the interface, repositories, and documents of ``TopoAna``, which is a generic tool for the event type analysis of inclusive MC samples in high energy physics experiments, and hence a powerful tool for analysts to investigate the signals and backgrounds involved in their works. ``TopoAna`` is an offline tool independent of ``basf2``. It can take the output root files of the :ref:`Analysis ` module as input. The MC truth information for the event type analysis can be stored in the root files with the utility ``MCGenTopo`` in ``basf2``. Thus, ``MCGenTopo`` is the interface of ``basf2`` to ``TopoAna``. .. note:: Apart from the interface, this section only introduces the ``TopoAna`` resources outside the Belle II software documentation. Inside the documentation, please see :numref:`onlinebook_topoana` for the online textbook on ``TopoAna``. It is a good idea to start learning the usage of ``TopoAna`` with this online textbook. Please feel free to contact Xingyu Zhou (zhouxy@buaa.edu.cn) if you have any questions or comments on ``TopoAna``. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As we mention above, ``MCGenTopo`` is the interface of ``basf2`` to ``TopoAna``. To be specific, the interface implements the following parameter function ``mc_gen_topo(n)`` in the script ``variables/MCGenTopo.py``. .. automodule:: variables.MCGenTopo :members: :noindex: Below are the steps to use ``mc_gen_topo(n)`` to get the input data to ``TopoAna``. 1. Append the following statement at the beginning part of your python steering script .. code-block:: python from variables.MCGenTopo import mc_gen_topo 2. Use the parameter function ``mc_gen_topo(n)`` as a list of variables in the steering function ``variablesToNtuple`` as follow .. code-block:: python variablesToNtuple(particleList, yourOwnVariableList + mc_gen_topo(n), treeName, fieName, path) 3. Run your python steering script with ``basf2`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Repositories ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following three remote repositories of ``TopoAna`` are provided at present. The one at Stash is most convenient to Belle II users. Nonetheless, the two at GitHub and at GitLab of IHEP are also provided as helpful alternatives for possible convenience. * `Repository at Stash `_ * `Repository at GitHub `_ * `Repository at GitLab of IHEP `_ ~~~~~~~~~ Documents ~~~~~~~~~ .. seealso:: The introduction to the documents can also be found in the file ``README.md`` in the ``TopoAna`` package, which should be the first document to be read on ``TopoAna``. For your convenience, a pdf and a html version of the README file are provided in the ``TopoAna`` package as ``share/README.pdf`` and ``share/README.html``, respectively. The following three documents of ``TopoAna`` are provided in its package. * A **brief** description of the tool is in the document: ``share/quick-start_ tutorial_v*_Belle_II.pdf`` * All the examples in the quick-start tutorial can be found in the sub-directory ``examples/in_the_quick-start_tutorial`` * A **detailed** description of the tool is in the document: ``share/user_guide _v*.pdf`` * All the examples in the user guide can be found in the sub-directory ``examples/in_the_user_guide`` * An **essential** description of the tool is in the document: ``share/paper_draft_v*.pdf`` * All the examples in the paper draft can be found in the sub-directory ``examples/in_the_paper`` .. note:: The paper on the tool has been published by ``Computer Physics Communications``. You can find this paper and the preprint corresponding to it in the links `Comput. Phys. Commun. 258 (2021) 107540 `_ and `arXiv:2001.04016 `_, respectively. **If the tool really helps your researches, we would appreciate it very much if you could cite the paper in your publications.** As for the three documents, the quick-start tutorial is the briefest, the user guide is the most detailed, and the paper draft is composed of the essential and representative parts of the user guide. .. tip:: It is a good practice to learn how to use the tool via the examples in the quick-start tutorial, user guide, and paper draft, in addition to the online textbook in :numref:`onlinebook_topoana`. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use cases at Belle II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the end of this section, we list two use cases of ``TopoAna`` at Belle II: one for semitauonic analyses and the other for charm analyses. You can refer to them if you work in the related analysis groups. * `Using TopoAna with the semitauonic framework `_ by Hannah Marie Wakeling * `TopoAna Wrapper for Charm Analysis `_ by Guanda Gong