Source code for skim.WGs.ewp

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #


Skim list building functions for EWP inclusive skims:
B->Xgamma, B->Xll, B->Xll (LFV modes)


import modularAnalysis as ma
from skim import BaseSkim, fancy_skim_header
from stdCharged import stdE, stdK, stdMu, stdPi
from stdPhotons import stdPhotons

__liaison__ = "Ihor Prudiiev <>"
_VALIDATION_SAMPLE = "mdst14.root"

[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoXgamma(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^+ \\to X\\gamma` inclusive Event-level cuts: * :math:`\\text{foxWolframR2} < 0.7` constructed using tracks with :math:`p_T>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}` and clusters with :math:`E>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}`. * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` Cuts on photons: * :math:`\\text{clusterE9E21}>0.9` * :math:`1.4\\,\\text{GeV}< E_{\\gamma}<3.4\\,\\text{GeV}` in CMS frame """ __authors__ = ["Trevor Shillington"] __description__ = ":math:`B\\to X\\gamma` inclusive skim." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("loose", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): """Build the skim list for :math:`B \\to X\\gamma` decays.""" # event level cuts: R2 and require a minimum number of tracks + decent photons ma.fillParticleList(decayString='pi+:BtoXgamma_eventshape', cut='pt > 0.1', path=path) ma.fillParticleList(decayString='gamma:BtoXgamma_eventshape', cut='E > 0.1', path=path) # Event cleanup Event_cleanup = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2) >= 3" ma.buildEventShape(inputListNames=['pi+:BtoXgamma_eventshape', 'gamma:BtoXgamma_eventshape'], allMoments=False, foxWolfram=True, harmonicMoments=False, cleoCones=False, thrust=False, collisionAxis=False, jets=False, sphericity=False, checkForDuplicates=False, path=path) # Apply event cuts R2 < 0.7 path = self.skim_event_cuts(f'{Event_cleanup} and foxWolframR2 < 0.7', path=path) # Apply gamma cuts clusterE9E21 > 0.9 and 1.4 < E_gamma < 3.4 GeV (in CMS frame) ma.cutAndCopyList('gamma:ewp_BtoXgamma', 'gamma:loose', 'clusterE9E21 > 0.9 and 1.4 < useCMSFrame(E) < 3.4', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B+:gamma -> gamma:ewp_BtoXgamma', '', path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) return ['B+:gamma']
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms histogram_filename = f'{self}_Validation.root' stdK('all', path=path) stdPhotons('cdc', path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('gamma:sig_btxg', 'gamma:cdc', 'clusterNHits > 1.5 and E > 1.5', True, path) ma.reconstructDecay('K*0:sig_btxg -> K+:all pi-:all', '0.6 < M < 1.6', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay('B0:sig_btxg -> K*0:sig_btxg gamma:sig_btxg', '5.22 < Mbc < 5.3 and abs(deltaE)< .5', path=path) # the variables that are printed out are: Mbc and deltaE create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogram_filename, particlelist='B0:sig_btxg', variables_1d=[ ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3, 'Signal B0 Mbc', __liaison__, 'Mbc of the signal B0', '', 'Mbc [GeV/c^2]', 'Candidates'), ('deltaE', 100, -1, 1, 'Signal B0 deltaE', __liaison__, 'deltaE of the signal B0', '', 'deltaE [GeV]', 'Candidates') ], variables_2d=[], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoXll(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^+ \\to X e^+ e^-` * :math:`B^+ \\to X e^+ e^+` * :math:`B^+ \\to X \\mu^+ \\mu^-` * :math:`B^+ \\to X \\mu^+ \\mu^+` Event-level cuts: * :math:`\\text{foxWolframR2} < 0.7` constructed using tracks with :math:`p_T>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}` and clusters with :math:`E>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}`. * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` Cuts on electrons: * :math:`\\text{electronID} > 0.1` * :math:`p > 0.395\\,\\text{GeV}` in lab frame * :math:`dr<0.5` and :math:`abs(dz)<2` Cuts on muons: * :math:`\\text{muonID} > 0.5` * :math:`p > 0.395\\,\\text{GeV}` in lab frame * :math:`dr<0.5` and :math:`abs(dz)<2` Cut on dilepton energy: * :math:`E_{\\ell\\ell}>1.5\\,\\text{GeV}` in CMS frame. """ __authors__ = ["Trevor Shillington"] __description__ = ":math:`B\\to X\\ell\\ell` (no LFV modes) inclusive skim." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): """Build the skim list for :math:`B \\to X\\ell\\ell` non-LFV decays.""" # event level cuts: R2 and require a minimum number of tracks ma.fillParticleList(decayString='pi+:BtoXll_eventshape', cut='pt > 0.1', path=path) ma.fillParticleList(decayString='gamma:BtoXll_eventshape', cut='E > 0.1', path=path) # Event cleanup Event_cleanup = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2) >= 3" ma.buildEventShape(inputListNames=['pi+:BtoXll_eventshape', 'gamma:BtoXll_eventshape'], allMoments=False, foxWolfram=True, harmonicMoments=False, cleoCones=False, thrust=False, collisionAxis=False, jets=False, sphericity=False, checkForDuplicates=False, path=path) # Apply event cuts R2 < 0.7 path = self.skim_event_cuts(f'{Event_cleanup} and foxWolframR2 < 0.7', path=path) # Apply electron cut p > 0.395 GeV, electronID > 0.1 + fairTrack # Apply muon cuts p > 0.395 GeV, muonID > 0.5 + fairTrack fairTrack = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' ma.cutAndCopyList('e+:ewp_btxll', 'e+:all', 'p > 0.395 and electronID > 0.1 and ' + fairTrack, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('mu+:ewp_btxll', 'mu+:all', 'p > 0.395 and muonID > 0.5 and ' + fairTrack, path=path) # Apply dilepton cut E_ll > 1.5 GeV (in CMS frame) E_dilep_cut = 'formula(daughter(0, useCMSFrame(E))+daughter(1, useCMSFrame(E))) > 1.5' # B+ reconstruction: # oppositely charged leptons ma.reconstructDecay('B+:ch1 -> e+:ewp_btxll e-:ewp_btxll', E_dilep_cut, dmID=1, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) ma.reconstructDecay('B+:ch2 -> mu+:ewp_btxll mu-:ewp_btxll', E_dilep_cut, dmID=2, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) # same charge leptons ma.reconstructDecay('B+:ch3 -> e+:ewp_btxll e+:ewp_btxll', E_dilep_cut, dmID=3, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) ma.reconstructDecay('B+:ch4 -> mu+:ewp_btxll mu+:ewp_btxll', E_dilep_cut, dmID=4, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) ma.copyLists('B+:xll', ['B+:ch1', 'B+:ch2', 'B+:ch3', 'B+:ch4'], path=path) return ['B+:xll']
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms histogram_filename = f'{self}_Validation.root' stdK(listtype='good', path=path) stdMu(listtype='good', path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B+:signal_btxll -> K+:good mu+:good mu-:good", "Mbc > 5.2 and deltaE < 0.5 and deltaE > -0.5", path=path) create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogram_filename, particlelist='B+:signal_btxll', variables_1d=[ ('deltaE', 100, -0.5, 0.5, 'Signal B deltaE', __liaison__, 'deltaE of the Signal B', '', 'deltaE [GeV]', 'Candidates'), ('Mbc', 100, 5.2, 5.3, 'Signal B Mbc', __liaison__, 'Mbc of the signal B', '', 'Mbc [GeV/c^2]', 'Candidates')], variables_2d=[], path=path)
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class BtoXll_LFV(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decay modes: * :math:`B^+ \\to X e^+ \\mu^-` * :math:`B^+ \\to X \\mu^+ e^-` * :math:`B^+ \\to X e^+ \\mu^+` Event-level cuts: * :math:`\\text{foxWolframR2} < 0.7` constructed using tracks with :math:`p_T>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}` and clusters with :math:`E>0.1\\,\\text{GeV}`. * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` Cuts on electrons: * :math:`\\text{electronID} > 0.1` * :math:`p > 0.395\\,\\text{GeV}` in lab frame * :math:`dr<0.5` and :math:`abs(dz)<2` Cuts on muons: * :math:`\\text{muonID} > 0.5` * :math:`p > 0.395\\,\\text{GeV}` in lab frame * :math:`dr<0.5` and :math:`abs(dz)<2` Cut on dilepton energy: * :math:`E_{\\ell\\ell}>1.5\\,\\text{GeV}` in CMS frame. """ __authors__ = ["Trevor Shillington"] __description__ = ":math:`B\\to X\\ell\\ell` (LFV modes only) inclusive skim." __contact__ = __liaison__ __category__ = "physics, electroweak penguins, radiative decays" ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): """Build the skim list for :math:`B \\to X\\ell\\ell` LFV decays.""" # Create lists for buildEventShape (basically all tracks and clusters) ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:BtoXllLFV_eventshape', 'pi+:all', 'pt> 0.1', path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('gamma:BtoXllLFV_eventshape', 'gamma:all', 'E > 0.1', path=path) # Event cleanup Event_cleanup = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2) >= 3" # buildEventShape to access R2 ma.buildEventShape(inputListNames=['pi+:BtoXllLFV_eventshape', 'gamma:BtoXllLFV_eventshape'], allMoments=False, foxWolfram=True, harmonicMoments=False, cleoCones=False, thrust=False, collisionAxis=False, jets=False, sphericity=False, checkForDuplicates=False, path=path) # Apply event cuts R2 < 0.7 path = self.skim_event_cuts(f'{Event_cleanup} and foxWolframR2 < 0.7', path=path) # Apply electron cut p > 0.395 GeV, electronID > 0.1 + fairTrack # Apply muon cuts p > 0.395 GeV, muonID > 0.5 + fairTrack fairTrack = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' ma.cutAndCopyList('e+:ewp_btxlllfv', 'e+:all', 'p > 0.395 and electronID > 0.1 and ' + fairTrack, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('mu+:ewp_btxlllfv', 'mu+:all', 'p > 0.395 and muonID > 0.5 and ' + fairTrack, path=path) # Apply dilepton cut E_ll > 1.5 GeV (in CMS frame) E_dilep_cut = 'formula(daughter(0, useCMSFrame(E))+daughter(1, useCMSFrame(E))) > 1.5' # B+ reconstruction: # oppositely charged leptons ma.reconstructDecay('B+:lfvch1 -> e+:ewp_btxlllfv mu-:ewp_btxlllfv', E_dilep_cut, dmID=1, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) ma.reconstructDecay('B+:lfvch2 -> mu+:ewp_btxlllfv e-:ewp_btxlllfv', E_dilep_cut, dmID=2, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) # same charge leptons ma.reconstructDecay('B+:lfvch3 -> e+:ewp_btxlllfv mu+:ewp_btxlllfv', E_dilep_cut, dmID=3, path=path, allowChargeViolation=True) ma.copyLists('B+:lfv', ['B+:lfvch1', 'B+:lfvch2', 'B+:lfvch3'], path=path) return ['B+:lfv']
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class B0TwoBody(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decays * :math:`B^0 \\to e^+ e^-` * :math:`B^0 \\to e^+ \\mu^-` * :math:`B^0 \\to e^- \\mu^+` * :math:`B^0 \\to \\mu^+ \\mu^-` * :math:`B^0 \\to \\pi^+ \\pi^-` Cuts applied * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` * :math:`|\\delta E| < 0.5 \\text{GeV}` * :math:`M_{bc} > 5.2 \\text{GeV}/c^2` * :math:`dr < 0.5 \\text{cm}, |dz| < 2 \\text{cm}` """ __authors__ = ["Ryan Mueller and Santi Naylor"] __contact__ = __liaison__ __description__ = "Skim for 2 body B0 decays" __category__ = "Physics, 2 Body, no PID" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path) stdPi("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): cut_trk = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' ma.cutAndCopyList('e+:ewp_2b', 'e+:all', cut_trk, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('mu+:ewp_2b', 'mu+:all', cut_trk, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('pi+:ewp_2b', 'pi+:all', cut_trk, path=path) cut_evt = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2)>=3" cut_b = "abs(deltaE) < 0.5 and Mbc > 5.2" path = self.skim_event_cuts(cut_evt, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0TwoBody_1 -> e+:ewp_2b e-:ewp_2b", cut_b, dmID=1, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0TwoBody_2 -> e+:ewp_2b mu-:ewp_2b", cut_b, dmID=2, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0TwoBody_3 -> e-:ewp_2b mu+:ewp_2b", cut_b, dmID=3, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0TwoBody_4 -> mu-:ewp_2b mu+:ewp_2b", cut_b, dmID=4, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:B0TwoBody_5 -> pi-:ewp_2b pi+:ewp_2b", cut_b, dmID=5, path=path) return ['B0:B0TwoBody_1', 'B0:B0TwoBody_2', 'B0:B0TwoBody_3', 'B0:B0TwoBody_4', 'B0:B0TwoBody_5']
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms ma.cutAndCopyLists("B0:B0TwoBody", "B0:B0TwoBody_5", "", path=path) histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist="B0:B0TwoBody", variables_1d=[ ("Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Signal B Mbc", __liaison__, "Mbc of the Signal B", "", 'Mbc [GeV/c^2]', 'Candidates'), ("deltaE", 100, -0.5, 0.5, "Signal B deltaE", __liaison__, "deltaE of the Signal B", "", "deltaE [GeV]", "Candidates"), ], variables_2d=[ ("deltaE", 100, -0.6, 0.6, "Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", __liaison__, "", "") ], path=path, )
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class FourLepton(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decays * :math:`B^0 \\to e^- e^+ e^- e^+` * :math:`B^0 \\to e^- e^+ mu^- mu^+` Cuts applied * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 5` * :math:`-1.5 < \\delta E < 0.5 \\text{GeV}` * :math:`5.2 < M_{bc} < 5.3 \\text{GeV}/c^2` * :math:`dr < 0.5 \\text{cm}, |dz| < 2 \\text{cm}` * :math:`muonID>0.1` * :math:`electronID>0.1` """ __authors__ = ["Santi Naylor and Ryan Mueller"] __contact__ = __liaison__ __description__ = "Skim for 4 body leptonic analyses" __category__ = "Physics, Leptonic, 4 Body" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): cut_trk = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2 ' ma.cutAndCopyList('e+:ewp_4b', 'e+:all', 'pt > 0.1 and electronID > 0.1 and ' + cut_trk, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('mu+:ewp_4b', 'mu+:all', 'pt > 0.1 and muonID > 0.1 and ' + cut_trk, path=path) cut_evt = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2)>=5" cut_b = "deltaE < 0.5 and deltaE > -1.5 and Mbc > 5.2 and Mbc < 5.3" path = self.skim_event_cuts(cut_evt, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:FourLepton_1 -> e+:ewp_4b e-:ewp_4b e+:ewp_4b e-:ewp_4b", cut_b, dmID=1, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:FourLepton_2 -> e+:ewp_4b e-:ewp_4b mu+:ewp_4b mu-:ewp_4b", cut_b, dmID=2, path=path) return ["B0:FourLepton_1", "B0:FourLepton_2"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms ma.cutAndCopyLists("B0:FourLepton", "B0:FourLepton_1", "", path=path) histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist="B0:FourLepton", variables_1d=[ ("Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Signal B Mbc", __liaison__, "Mbc of the Signal B", "", 'Mbc [GeV/c^2]', 'Candidates'), ("deltaE", 100, -1.5, 0.5, "Signal B deltaE", __liaison__, "deltaE of the Signal B", "", "deltaE [GeV]", "Candidates"), ], variables_2d=[ ("deltaE", 100, -0.6, 0.6, "Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", __liaison__, "", "") ], path=path, )
[docs]@fancy_skim_header class RadiativeDilepton(BaseSkim): """ Reconstructed decays * :math:`B^0 \\to e^- e^+ \\gamma` * :math:`B^0 \\to mu^- mu^+ \\gamma` Cuts applied * :math:`n_{\\text{tracks}} \\geq 3` * :math:`-1.0 < \\delta E < 0.5 \\text{GeV}` * :math:` 5.2 < M_{bc} < 5.3 \\text{GeV}/c^2` * :math:`dr < 0.5 \\text{cm}, |dz| < 2 \\text{cm}` * :math:`muonID>0.1` * :math:`electronID>0.1` """ __authors__ = ["Santi Naylor and Ryan Mueller"] __contact__ = __liaison__ __description__ = "Skim for 3 body leptonic analyses " __category__ = "Physics, Leptonic, 3 body" validation_sample = _VALIDATION_SAMPLE ApplyHLTHadronCut = False
[docs] def load_standard_lists(self, path): stdE("all", path=path) stdMu("all", path=path) stdPhotons("all", path=path)
[docs] def build_lists(self, path): cut_trk = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' ma.cutAndCopyList('e+:ewp_radll', 'e+:all', 'pt > 0.1 and electronID > 0.1 and ' + cut_trk, path=path) ma.cutAndCopyList('mu+:ewp_radll', 'mu+:all', 'pt > 0.1 and muonID > 0.1 and ' + cut_trk, path=path) cut_evt = "nCleanedTracks(abs(dr) < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2)>=3" cut_b = "deltaE < 0.5 and deltaE > -1.0 and Mbc > 5.2 and Mbc < 5.3" path = self.skim_event_cuts(cut_evt, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:RadiativeDilepton_1 -> e+:ewp_radll e-:ewp_radll gamma:all", cut_b, dmID=1, path=path) ma.reconstructDecay("B0:RadiativeDilepton_2 -> mu+:ewp_radll mu-:ewp_radll gamma:all", cut_b, dmID=1, path=path) return ["B0:RadiativeDilepton_1", "B0:RadiativeDilepton_2"]
[docs] def validation_histograms(self, path): # NOTE: the validation package is not part of the light releases, so this import # must be made here rather than at the top of the file. from validation_tools.metadata import create_validation_histograms ma.cutAndCopyLists("B0:RadiativeDilepton", "B0:RadiativeDilepton_1", "", path=path) histogramFilename = f"{self}_Validation.root" create_validation_histograms( rootfile=histogramFilename, particlelist="B0:RadiativeDilepton", variables_1d=[ ("Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Signal B Mbc", __liaison__, "Mbc of the Signal B", "", 'Mbc [GeV/c^2]', 'Candidates'), ("deltaE", 100, -1.0, 0.5, "Signal B deltaE", __liaison__, "deltaE of the Signal B", "", "deltaE [GeV]", "Candidates"), ], variables_2d=[ ("deltaE", 100, -0.6, 0.6, "Mbc", 100, 5.19, 5.3, "Mbc vs deltaE", __liaison__, "", "") ], path=path, )