Source code for skim.utils.flags

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

Modules required for calculating skim flags. Skim flags track whether an event passes a
skim, without the need to directly remove those events from processing.

import basf2 as b2

[docs]class InitialiseSkimFlag(b2.Module): """ *[Module for skim expert usage]* Create the EventExtraInfo DataStore object, and set all required flag variables to zero. .. Note:: Add this module to the path before adding any skims, so that the skim flags are defined in the datastore for all events. """ def __init__(self, *skims): """ Initialise module. Parameters: skims (skim.core.BaseSkim): Skim to initialise event flag for. """ from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa from variables import variables as vm # noqa super().__init__() self.skims = skims self.EventExtraInfo = Belle2.PyStoreObj("EventExtraInfo") # Create aliases for convenience for skim in skims: vm.addAlias(skim.flag, f"eventExtraInfo({skim.flag})")
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Register EventExtraInfo in datastore if it has not been registered already. """ if not self.EventExtraInfo.isValid(): self.EventExtraInfo.registerInDataStore()
[docs] def event(self): """ Initialise flags to zero. """ self.EventExtraInfo.create() for skim in self.skims: self.EventExtraInfo.addExtraInfo(skim.flag, 0)
[docs]class UpdateSkimFlag(b2.Module): """ *[Module for skim expert usage]* Update the skim flag to be 1 if there is at least one candidate in any of the skim lists. .. Note:: Add this module to the post-skim path of each skim in the combined skim, as the skim lists are only guaranteed to exist on the conditional path (if a conditional path was used). """ def __init__(self, skim): """ Initialise module. Parameters: skim (skim.core.BaseSkim): Skim to update event flag for. """ from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa super().__init__() self.skim = skim self.EventExtraInfo = Belle2.PyStoreObj("EventExtraInfo") self.ListObjects = []
[docs] def initialize(self): """ Check EventExtraInfo and all the necessary ParticleLists have been registered previously. The registration of EventExtraInfo should be done by InitialiseSkimFlag. """ from ROOT import Belle2 # noqa self.EventExtraInfo.isRequired() self.ListObjects = [Belle2.PyStoreObj(lst) for lst in self.skim.SkimLists] for ListObject in self.ListObjects: ListObject.isRequired()
[docs] def event(self): """ Check if at least one skim list is non-empty; if so, update the skim flag to 1. """ flag = 0 for ListObject in self.ListObjects: if not ListObject.isValid(): b2.B2FATAL( f"Error in UpdateSkimFlag for {self.skim}: particle lists not built. " "Did you add this module to the pre-skim path rather than the post-skim path?" ) elif ListObject.getListSize() > 0: flag = 1 self.EventExtraInfo.setExtraInfo(self.skim.flag, flag)