Source code for svd.overlay_utils

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

# utils to overlay DATA to simulation
# in order to use this function:
# import it:
#     import svd.overlay_utils as svdou
# and then use it to:
#     1) prepare the input files
#     2) actually overlay the data
# IMPORTANT: default paths are for KEKCC only!!
# examples are in svd/examples/

import basf2 as b2

[docs]def prepare_svd_overlay(path, inputFiles, outputFileTag="overlay"): """ This function reads a list of input files and prepare them to be used in overlay_svd_data @param inputFiles: list of input files to be processed @param outputFileTag: tag added just before the .root """ for inputfile in inputFiles: b2.conditions.reset() b2.conditions.override_globaltags() b2.conditions.globaltags = ['svd_basic', "online"] splittext = "" if(str(outputFileTag) == "ZS3"): splittext = inputfile.split(".root") else: splittext = inputfile.split("_ZS3.root") outputfile = splittext[0]+"_"+str(outputFileTag)+".root" main = b2.create_path() main.add_module("RootInput", inputFileNames=inputfile) if(str(outputFileTag) == "ZS3"): main.add_module("SVDUnpacker", svdShaperDigitListName="SVDShaperDigitsZS3") zs = 3 if (str(outputFileTag) == "overlayZS5"): zs = 5 if not (str(outputFileTag) == "ZS3"): main.add_module("SVDZeroSuppressionEmulator", SNthreshold=zs, ShaperDigits='SVDShaperDigitsZS3', ShaperDigitsIN='SVDShaperDigits', FADCmode=True) main.add_module("RootOutput", branchNames=["SVDEventInfo", "SVDShaperDigitsZS3"], outputFileName=outputfile) else: main.add_module("RootOutput", branchNames=["SVDShaperDigits"], outputFileName=outputfile) b2.print_path(main) b2.process(main)
[docs]def overlay_svd_data(path, datatype="randomTrigger", overlayfiles=""): """ This function overlay events from data to the standard simulation @param datatype: must be chosen among {xTalk, cosmics,randomTrigger, randomTriggerZS5, user-defined} @param overlayfiles: if the datatype is user-defiled, the user can specify rootfiles to be overlaied to simulation """ if not (str(datatype) == "xTalk" or str(datatype) == "cosmics" or str(datatype) == "randomTrigger" or str(datatype) == "randomTriggerZS5" or str(datatype) == "user-defined"): print("ERROR in SVDOverlay: the specified datatype ("+str(datatype) + ") is not recognized, choose among: xTalk, cosmics or user-defined") return overlayDir = "/gpfs/fs02/belle2/group/detector/SVD/overlayFiles/" if str(datatype) == "xTalk" or str(datatype) == "cosmics" or str(datatype) == "randomTrigger": overlayfiles = str(overlayDir)+str(datatype)+"/*_overlay.root" if str(datatype) == "randomTriggerZS5": overlayfiles = str(overlayDir)+"randomTrigger/*_overlayZS5.root" print(" ** SVD OVERLAY UTIL CALLED **") print(" -> overlaying the following files to simulation: ") print(str(overlayfiles)) bkginput = b2.register_module('BGOverlayInput') bkginput.set_name('BGOverlayInput_SVDOverlay') bkginput.param('bkgInfoName', 'BackgroundInfoSVDOverlay') bkginput.param('extensionName', "_SVDOverlay") bkginput.param('inputFileNames', overlayfiles) path.add_module(bkginput) bkgexecutor = b2.register_module('BGOverlayExecutor') bkgexecutor.set_name('BGOverlayExecutor_SVDOverlay') bkgexecutor.param('bkgInfoName', 'BackgroundInfoSVDOverlay') path.add_module(bkgexecutor) path.add_module("SVDShaperDigitSorter")