Source code for tracking.__init__

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import basf2 as b2

# Many scripts import these functions from `tracking`, so leave these imports here
from tracking.path_utils import (  # noqa

from pxd import add_pxd_reconstruction

[docs]def add_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=None, pruneTracks=False, skipGeometryAdding=False, mcTrackFinding=False, trackFitHypotheses=None, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", prune_temporary_tracks=True, fit_tracks=True, use_second_cdc_hits=False, skipHitPreparerAdding=False, svd_standalone_mode="VXDTF2", use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=True, use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf=False, add_cdcTrack_QI=True, add_vxdTrack_QI=False, add_recoTrack_QI=False, pxd_filtering_offline=False, append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0=False, v0_finding=True, flip_recoTrack=True): """ This function adds the **standard tracking reconstruction** modules to a path: #. first we find tracks using the CDC hits only, see :ref:`CDC Track Finding<tracking_trackFindingCDC>` #. CDC tracks are extrapolated to SVD and SVD hits are attached, see :ref:`CDC to SVD CKF<tracking_cdc2svd_ckf>` #. remaining SVD hits are used to find SVD tracks, see :ref:`SVD Track Finding<tracking_trackFindingSVD>` #. SVD tracks are extrapolated to CDC to attach CDC hits, see :ref:`SVD to CDC CKF<tracking_svd2cdc_ckf>` #. SVD and CDC tracks are merged and fitted, see :ref:`Track Fitting<tracking_trackFitting>` #. merged SVD+CDC tracks are extrapolated to PXD to attach PXD hits, see :ref:`SVD to PXD CKF<tracking_svd2pxd_ckf>` .. note:: PXD hits are not available on HLT. At the end of the tracking chain on HLT we have the\ :ref:`PXD Region Of Interest Finding<tracking_pxdDataReduction>`, that consists of extrapolating\ the tracks on the PXD sensors and defining regions in which we expect to find the hit.\ Only fired pixels inside these regions reach Event Builder 2. #. after all the tracks from the IP are found, we look for special classes of tracks,\ in particular we search for displaced vertices to reconstruct K-short, Lambda and\ photon-conversions, see :ref:`V0 Finding<tracking_v0Finding>`. #. If the reconstruction uses PXD, we finally look for tracks with a wrong charge,\ flip and refit them to fix the charge, see :ref:`Flip&Refit<trk_flipNrefit>`. :param path: the path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param pruneTracks: if true, delete all hits except the first and the last in the found tracks. :param skipGeometryAdding: (advanced flag) the tracking modules need the geometry module and will add it, if it is not already present in the path. In a setup with multiple (conditional) paths however, it can not determine, if the geometry is already loaded. This flag can be used o just turn off the geometry adding at all (but you will have to add it on your own then). :param skipHitPreparerAdding: (advanced flag) if true, do not add the hit preparation (esp. VXD cluster creation modules. This is useful if they have been added before already. :param mcTrackFinding: if true, use the MC track finders instead of the realistic ones. :param reco_tracks: name of the StoreArray where the reco tracks should be stored :param prune_temporary_tracks: if false, store all information of the single CDC and VXD tracks before merging. If true, prune them. :param fit_tracks: if false, the final track find and the TrackCreator module will no be executed :param use_second_cdc_hits: if true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. :param trackFitHypotheses: which pdg hypothesis to fit. Defaults to [211, 321, 2212]. :param svd_standalone_mode: Which SVD standalone tracking is used. Options are "VXDTF2", "SVDHough", "VXDTF2_and_SVDHough", and "SVDHough_and_VXDTF2". Defaults to "VXDTF2" :param use_svd_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add SVD to CDC CKF module. :param use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add ECL to CDC CKF module. :param add_cdcTrack_QI: if true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found CDC standalone tracks :param add_vxdTrack_QI: if true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found VXDTF2 tracks (ATTENTION: Standard triplet QI of VXDTF2 is replaced in this case -> setting this option to 'True' will have some influence on the final track collection) :param add_recoTrack_QI: if true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of all found reco tracks (Both other QIs needed as input.) :param pxd_filtering_offline: If True, PXD data reduction (ROI filtering) is applied during the track reconstruction. The reconstructed SVD/CDC tracks are used to define the ROIs and reject all PXD clusters outside of these. :param append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0: If True, the module FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractor is added to the path and provides the CDC temporary EventT0. :param v0_finding: if false, the V0Finder module is not executed :param flip_recoTrack: if true, add the recoTracks flipping function in the postfilter (only if PXD is present) """ add_prefilter_tracking_reconstruction( path, components=components, skipGeometryAdding=skipGeometryAdding, mcTrackFinding=mcTrackFinding, trackFitHypotheses=trackFitHypotheses, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, prune_temporary_tracks=prune_temporary_tracks, fit_tracks=fit_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits, skipHitPreparerAdding=skipHitPreparerAdding, svd_standalone_mode=svd_standalone_mode, use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=use_svd_to_cdc_ckf, use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf=use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf, add_cdcTrack_QI=add_cdcTrack_QI, add_vxdTrack_QI=add_vxdTrack_QI, add_recoTrack_QI=add_recoTrack_QI, pxd_filtering_offline=pxd_filtering_offline, append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0=append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0) add_postfilter_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=components, pruneTracks=pruneTracks, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits, prune_temporary_tracks=prune_temporary_tracks, v0_finding=v0_finding, flip_recoTrack=flip_recoTrack, mcTrackFinding=mcTrackFinding)
[docs]def add_prefilter_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=None, skipGeometryAdding=False, mcTrackFinding=False, trackFitHypotheses=None, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", prune_temporary_tracks=True, fit_tracks=True, use_second_cdc_hits=False, skipHitPreparerAdding=False, svd_standalone_mode="VXDTF2", use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=True, use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf=False, add_cdcTrack_QI=True, add_vxdTrack_QI=False, add_recoTrack_QI=False, pxd_filtering_offline=False, append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0=False): """ This function adds the tracking reconstruction modules required to calculate HLT filter decision to a path. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param skipGeometryAdding: Advances flag: The tracking modules need the geometry module and will add it, if it is not already present in the path. In a setup with multiple (conditional) paths however, it can not determine, if the geometry is already loaded. This flag can be used o just turn off the geometry adding at all (but you will have to add it on your own then). :param skipHitPreparerAdding: Advanced flag: do not add the hit preparation (esp. VXD cluster creation modules. This is useful if they have been added before already. :param mcTrackFinding: Use the MC track finders instead of the realistic ones. :param reco_tracks: Name of the StoreArray where the reco tracks should be stored :param prune_temporary_tracks: If false, store all information of the single CDC and VXD tracks before merging. If true, prune them. :param fit_tracks: If false, the final track find and the TrackCreator module will no be executed :param use_second_cdc_hits: If true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. :param trackFitHypotheses: Which pdg hypothesis to fit. Defaults to [211, 321, 2212]. :param svd_standalone_mode: Which SVD standalone tracking is used. Options are "VXDTF2", "SVDHough", "VXDTF2_and_SVDHough", and "SVDHough_and_VXDTF2". Defaults to "VXDTF2" :param use_svd_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add SVD to CDC CKF module. :param use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add ECL to CDC CKF module. :param add_cdcTrack_QI: If true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found CDC standalone tracks :param add_vxdTrack_QI: If true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found VXDTF2 tracks (ATTENTION: Standard triplet QI of VXDTF2 is replaced in this case -> setting this option to 'True' will have some influence on the final track collection) :param add_recoTrack_QI: If true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of all found reco tracks (Both other QIs needed as input.) :param pxd_filtering_offline: If True, PXD data reduction (ROI filtering) is applied during the track reconstruction. The reconstructed SVD/CDC tracks are used to define the ROIs and reject all PXD clusters outside of these. :param append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0: If True, the module FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractor is added to the path and provides the CDC temporary EventT0. """ if not is_svd_used(components) and not is_cdc_used(components): return if (add_cdcTrack_QI or add_vxdTrack_QI or add_recoTrack_QI) and not fit_tracks: b2.B2ERROR("MVA track qualiy indicator requires `fit_tracks` to be enabled. Turning all off.") add_cdcTrack_QI = False add_vxdTrack_QI = False add_recoTrack_QI = False if add_recoTrack_QI and (not add_cdcTrack_QI or not add_vxdTrack_QI): b2.B2ERROR("RecoTrack qualiy indicator requires CDC and VXD QI as input. Turning it all of.") add_cdcTrack_QI = False add_vxdTrack_QI = False add_recoTrack_QI = False if not skipGeometryAdding: add_geometry_modules(path, components=components) if not skipHitPreparerAdding: add_hit_preparation_modules(path, components=components, pxd_filtering_offline=pxd_filtering_offline) # Material effects for all track extrapolations if 'SetupGenfitExtrapolation' not in path: path.add_module('SetupGenfitExtrapolation', energyLossBrems=False, noiseBrems=False) if mcTrackFinding: add_mc_track_finding(path, components=components, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits) else: add_track_finding(path, components=components, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, prune_temporary_tracks=prune_temporary_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits, svd_standalone_mode=svd_standalone_mode, use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=use_svd_to_cdc_ckf, use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf=use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf, add_cdcTrack_QI=add_cdcTrack_QI, add_vxdTrack_QI=add_vxdTrack_QI, pxd_filtering_offline=pxd_filtering_offline) # Only run the track time extraction on the full reconstruction chain for now. Later, we may # consider to do the CDC-hit based method already during the fast reconstruction stage add_time_extraction(path, append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0, components=components) if fit_tracks: add_prefilter_track_fit_and_track_creator(path, trackFitHypotheses=trackFitHypotheses, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, add_mva_quality_indicator=add_recoTrack_QI)
[docs]def add_postfilter_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=None, pruneTracks=False, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", use_second_cdc_hits=False, prune_temporary_tracks=True, v0_finding=True, flip_recoTrack=True, mcTrackFinding=False): """ This function adds the tracking reconstruction modules not required to calculate HLT filter decision to a path. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param pruneTracks: Delete all hits except the first and the last in the found tracks. :param reco_tracks: Name of the StoreArray where the reco tracks should be stored :param use_second_cdc_hits: If true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. :param prune_temporary_tracks: If false, store all information of the single CDC and VXD tracks before merging. If true, prune them. :param v0_finding: If false, the V0 module will not be executed :param flip_recoTrack: if true, add the recoTracks flipping function in the postfilter (only if PXD is present) :param mcTrackFinding: Use the MC track finders instead of the realistic ones. """ # do not add any new modules if no tracking detectors are in the components if components and not ('SVD' in components or 'CDC' in components): return # flip & refit to fix the charge of some tracks if flip_recoTrack and not mcTrackFinding and is_pxd_used(components): add_flipping_of_recoTracks(path, reco_tracks="RecoTracks") # V0 finding if v0_finding: path.add_module('V0Finder', RecoTracks=reco_tracks, v0FitterMode=1) # estimate the track time path.add_module('TrackTimeEstimator') add_mc_matcher(path, components=components, reco_tracks=reco_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits) # prune if pruneTracks: add_prune_tracks(path, components=components, reco_tracks=reco_tracks) if prune_temporary_tracks or pruneTracks: path.add_module("PruneRecoHits")
def add_time_extraction(path, append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0=False, components=None): """ Add time extraction components via tracking :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0: If True, the module FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractor is added to the path and provides the CDC temporary EventT0. :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. """ if is_svd_used(components): path.add_module("SVDEventT0Estimator") if is_cdc_used(components) and append_full_grid_cdc_eventt0: path.add_module("FullGridChi2TrackTimeExtractor") def add_cr_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=None, prune_tracks=False, skip_geometry_adding=False, event_time_extraction=True, merge_tracks=True, use_second_cdc_hits=False): """ This function adds the reconstruction modules for cr tracking to a path. :param path: The path to which to add the tracking reconstruction modules :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param prune_tracks: Delete all hits except the first and the last in the found tracks. :param skip_geometry_adding: Advanced flag: The tracking modules need the geometry module and will add it, if it is not already present in the path. In a setup with multiple (conditional) paths however, it cannot determine if the geometry is already loaded. This flag can be used to just turn off the geometry adding (but you will have to add it on your own). :param event_time_extraction: extract the event time :param merge_tracks: The upper and lower half of the tracks should be merged together in one track :param use_second_cdc_hits: If true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. """ # make sure CDC is used if not is_cdc_used(components): return if not skip_geometry_adding: add_geometry_modules(path, components) add_hit_preparation_modules(path, components=components) # Material effects for all track extrapolations if 'SetupGenfitExtrapolation' not in path: path.add_module('SetupGenfitExtrapolation', energyLossBrems=False, noiseBrems=False) # track finding add_cr_track_finding(path, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", components=components, merge_tracks=merge_tracks, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits) # track fitting # if tracks were merged, use the unmerged collection for time extraction add_cr_track_fit_and_track_creator(path, components=components, prune_tracks=prune_tracks, event_timing_extraction=event_time_extraction) if merge_tracks: # Do also fit the not merged tracks add_cr_track_fit_and_track_creator(path, components=components, prune_tracks=prune_tracks, event_timing_extraction=False, reco_tracks="NonMergedRecoTracks", tracks="NonMergedTracks") def add_mc_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=None, pruneTracks=False, use_second_cdc_hits=False): """ This function adds the standard reconstruction modules for MC tracking to a path. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param pruneTracks: Delete all hits expect the first and the last from the found tracks. :param use_second_cdc_hits: If true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. """ add_tracking_reconstruction(path, components=components, pruneTracks=pruneTracks, mcTrackFinding=True, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits) def add_track_finding(path, components=None, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", prune_temporary_tracks=True, use_second_cdc_hits=False, use_mc_truth=False, svd_ckf_mode="SVD_after", add_both_directions=True, svd_standalone_mode="VXDTF2", use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=True, use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf=False, add_cdcTrack_QI=True, add_vxdTrack_QI=False, pxd_filtering_offline=False, use_HLT_ROIs=False): """ Add the CKF to the path with all the track finding related to and needed for it. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param reco_tracks: The store array name where to output all tracks :param use_mc_truth: Use the truth information in the CKF modules :param svd_ckf_mode: how to apply the CKF (with or without SVD standalone tracking). Defaults to "SVD_after". :param add_both_directions: Curlers may be found in the wrong orientation by the CDC track finder, so try to extrapolate also in the other direction. :param svd_standalone_mode: Which SVD standalone tracking is used. Options are "VXDTF2", "SVDHough", "VXDTF2_and_SVDHough", and "SVDHough_and_VXDTF2". Defaults to "VXDTF2" :param use_second_cdc_hits: whether to use the secondary CDC hit during CDC track finding or not :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param prune_temporary_tracks: If false, store all information of the single CDC and VXD tracks before merging. If true, prune them. :param use_svd_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add SVD to CDC CKF module. :param use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf: if true, add ECL to CDC CKF module. :param add_cdcTrack_QI: If true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found CDC standalone tracks :param add_vxdTrack_QI: If true, add the MVA track quality estimation to the path that sets the quality indicator property of the found VXDTF2 tracks (ATTENTION: Standard triplet QI of VXDTF2 is replaced in this case -> setting this option to 'True' will have some influence on the final track collection) :param pxd_filtering_offline: If True, PXD data reduction (ROI filtering) is applied during the track reconstruction. The reconstructed SVD/CDC tracks are used to define the ROIs and reject all PXD clusters outside of these. :param use_HLT_ROIs: Don't calculate the ROIs here but use the ones from the HLT (does obviously not work for simulation) """ if not is_svd_used(components) and not is_cdc_used(components): return if use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf and not is_cdc_used(components): b2.B2WARNING("ECL CKF cannot be used without CDC. Turning it off.") use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf = False if use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf and not is_ecl_used(components): b2.B2ERROR("ECL CKF cannot be used without ECL. Turning it off.") use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf = False # register EventTrackingInfo if 'RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo' not in path: path.add_module('RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo') # output tracks cdc_reco_tracks = "CDCRecoTracks" svd_cdc_reco_tracks = "SVDCDCRecoTracks" ecl_reco_tracks = "ECLRecoTracks" combined_ecl_reco_tracks = "combinedECLRecoTracks" # temporary collections svd_reco_tracks = "SVDRecoTracks" pxd_reco_tracks = "PXDRecoTracks" # collections that will be pruned temporary_reco_track_list = [] # the name of the most recent track collection latest_reco_tracks = None if not is_pxd_used(components): if use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf and is_cdc_used(components): combined_ecl_reco_tracks = reco_tracks elif (not use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf) and is_svd_used(components): svd_cdc_reco_tracks = reco_tracks elif (not use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf) and (not is_svd_used(components)) and is_cdc_used(components): cdc_reco_tracks = reco_tracks if is_cdc_used(components): add_cdc_track_finding(path, use_second_hits=use_second_cdc_hits, output_reco_tracks=cdc_reco_tracks, add_mva_quality_indicator=add_cdcTrack_QI) temporary_reco_track_list.append(cdc_reco_tracks) latest_reco_tracks = cdc_reco_tracks if is_svd_used(components): add_svd_track_finding(path, components=components, input_reco_tracks=latest_reco_tracks, output_reco_tracks=svd_cdc_reco_tracks, use_mc_truth=use_mc_truth, temporary_reco_tracks=svd_reco_tracks, svd_ckf_mode=svd_ckf_mode, add_both_directions=add_both_directions, use_svd_to_cdc_ckf=use_svd_to_cdc_ckf, prune_temporary_tracks=prune_temporary_tracks, add_mva_quality_indicator=add_vxdTrack_QI, svd_standalone_mode=svd_standalone_mode) temporary_reco_track_list.append(svd_reco_tracks) temporary_reco_track_list.append(svd_cdc_reco_tracks) latest_reco_tracks = svd_cdc_reco_tracks if use_ecl_to_cdc_ckf and is_cdc_used(components): add_eclcdc_track_finding(path, components=components, output_reco_tracks=ecl_reco_tracks, prune_temporary_tracks=prune_temporary_tracks) # TODO: add another merging step? (SVD track found by vxdtf2, and CDC track found by ECL CKF)? path.add_module("RecoTrackStoreArrayCombiner", Temp1RecoTracksStoreArrayName=latest_reco_tracks, Temp2RecoTracksStoreArrayName=ecl_reco_tracks, recoTracksStoreArrayName=combined_ecl_reco_tracks) temporary_reco_track_list.append(ecl_reco_tracks) temporary_reco_track_list.append(combined_ecl_reco_tracks) latest_reco_tracks = combined_ecl_reco_tracks if is_pxd_used(components): if pxd_filtering_offline: roiName = "ROIs" if not use_HLT_ROIs: path.add_module("DAFRecoFitter", recoTracksStoreArrayName=latest_reco_tracks) roiName = "ROIs_offline" add_roiFinder(path, reco_tracks=latest_reco_tracks, roiName=roiName) pxd_digifilter = b2.register_module('PXDdigiFilter') pxd_digifilter.param('ROIidsName', roiName) pxd_digifilter.param('PXDDigitsName', 'PXDDigits') pxd_digifilter.param('PXDDigitsInsideROIName', 'PXDDigits') pxd_digifilter.param('overrideDB', True) pxd_digifilter.param('usePXDDataReduction', True) path.add_module(pxd_digifilter) add_pxd_reconstruction(path) add_pxd_track_finding(path, components=components, input_reco_tracks=latest_reco_tracks, use_mc_truth=use_mc_truth, output_reco_tracks=reco_tracks, temporary_reco_tracks=pxd_reco_tracks, add_both_directions=add_both_directions) temporary_reco_track_list.append(pxd_reco_tracks) if prune_temporary_tracks: for temporary_reco_track_name in temporary_reco_track_list: if temporary_reco_track_name != reco_tracks: path.add_module('PruneRecoTracks', storeArrayName=temporary_reco_track_name) def add_cr_track_finding(path, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", components=None, merge_tracks=True, use_second_cdc_hits=False): # register EventTrackingInfo if 'RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo' not in path: path.add_module('RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo') if not is_cdc_used(components): b2.B2FATAL("CDC must be in components") reco_tracks_from_track_finding = reco_tracks if merge_tracks: reco_tracks_from_track_finding = "NonMergedRecoTracks" cdc_reco_tracks = "CDCRecoTracks" if not is_pxd_used(components) and not is_svd_used(components): cdc_reco_tracks = reco_tracks_from_track_finding svd_cdc_reco_tracks = "SVDCDCRecoTracks" if not is_pxd_used(components): svd_cdc_reco_tracks = reco_tracks_from_track_finding full_reco_tracks = reco_tracks_from_track_finding # CDC track finding with default settings add_cdc_cr_track_finding(path, merge_tracks=False, use_second_cdc_hits=use_second_cdc_hits, output_reco_tracks=cdc_reco_tracks) latest_reco_tracks = cdc_reco_tracks if is_svd_used(components): add_svd_track_finding(path, components=components, input_reco_tracks=latest_reco_tracks, output_reco_tracks=svd_cdc_reco_tracks, svd_ckf_mode="cosmics", add_both_directions=True, svd_standalone_mode="VXDTF2") latest_reco_tracks = svd_cdc_reco_tracks if is_pxd_used(components): add_pxd_cr_track_finding(path, components=components, input_reco_tracks=latest_reco_tracks, output_reco_tracks=full_reco_tracks, add_both_directions=True) if merge_tracks: # merge the tracks together path.add_module("CosmicsTrackMerger", inputRecoTracks=reco_tracks_from_track_finding, outputRecoTracks=reco_tracks) def add_mc_track_finding(path, components=None, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", use_second_cdc_hits=False): """ Add the MC based TrackFinder to the path. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components. :param reco_tracks: Name of the StoreArray where the reco tracks should be stored :param use_second_cdc_hits: If true, the second hit information will be used in the CDC track finding. """ if is_cdc_used(components) or is_pxd_used(components) or is_svd_used(components): # find MCTracks in CDC, SVD and PXD (or a subset of it) path.add_module('TrackFinderMCTruthRecoTracks', RecoTracksStoreArrayName=reco_tracks, UseSecondCDCHits=use_second_cdc_hits, UsePXDHits=is_pxd_used(components), UseSVDHits=is_svd_used(components), UseCDCHits=is_cdc_used(components)) def add_tracking_for_PXDDataReduction_simulation(path, components, svd_cluster='__ROIsvdClusters'): """ This function adds the standard reconstruction modules for tracking to be used for the simulation of PXD data reduction to a path. :param path: The path to add the tracking reconstruction modules to :param components: the list of geometry components in use or None for all components, always exclude the PXD. """ if not is_svd_used(components): return # Material effects if 'SetupGenfitExtrapolation' not in path: material_effects = b2.register_module('SetupGenfitExtrapolation') material_effects.set_name( 'SetupGenfitExtrapolationForPXDDataReduction') path.add_module(material_effects) # SET StoreArray names svd_reco_tracks = "__ROIsvdRecoTracks" # SVD ONLY TRACK FINDING add_svd_standalone_tracking(path, components=['SVD'], reco_tracks=svd_reco_tracks, suffix="__ROI", svd_clusters=svd_cluster) # TRACK FITTING dafRecoFitter = b2.register_module("DAFRecoFitter") dafRecoFitter.set_name("SVD-only DAFRecoFitter") dafRecoFitter.param('recoTracksStoreArrayName', svd_reco_tracks) dafRecoFitter.param('svdHitsStoreArrayName', svd_cluster) path.add_module(dafRecoFitter) def add_roiFinder(path, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", roiName="ROIs"): """ Add the ROI finding to the path creating ROIs out of reco tracks by extrapolating them to the PXD volume. :param path: Where to add the module to. :param reco_tracks: Which tracks to use in the extrapolation step. :param roiName: Name of the produced/stored ROIs. """ pxdDataRed = b2.register_module('PXDROIFinder') param_pxdDataRed = { 'recoTrackListName': reco_tracks, 'PXDInterceptListName': 'PXDIntercepts', 'ROIListName': roiName, } pxdDataRed.param(param_pxdDataRed) path.add_module(pxdDataRed) def add_vxd_standalone_cosmics_finder( path, reco_tracks="RecoTracks", pxd_spacepoints_name="PXDSpacePoints", svd_spacepoints_name="SVDSpacePoints", quality_cut=0.0001, min_sps=3, max_rejected_sps=5): """ Convenience function for adding VXD standalone cosmics track finding for B = 0 Tesla to the path. The result is a StoreArray with name @param reco_tracks containing one or zero reco tracks per event. This track candidates have an arbitrary but large momentum seed in the direction of the fitted line. The position and momentum seed is obtained using a principal component analysis method. :param path: basf2 path :param reco_tracks: Name of the output RecoTracks; defaults to RecoTracks. :param spacepoints_name: name of store array containing the spacepoints; defaults to SpacePoints :param quality_cut: Cut on the chi squared value of the line fit; candidates with values above the cut will be rejected; defaults to 0.0001 :param min_sps: Minimal number of SpacePoints required to build a track candidate; defaults to 3; :param max_rejected_sps: Maximal number of retries to refit a track after the worst spacepoint was removed; defaults to 5; """ # register EventTrackingInfo if 'RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo' not in path: path.add_module('RegisterEventLevelTrackingInfo') if "PXDSpacePointCreator" not in [ for m in path.modules()]: path.add_module('PXDSpacePointCreator', SpacePoints=pxd_spacepoints_name) # SVDSpacePointCreator is applied in funtion add_svd_reconstruction track_finder = b2.register_module('TrackFinderVXDCosmicsStandalone') track_finder.param('SpacePointTrackCandArrayName', "") track_finder.param('SpacePoints', [pxd_spacepoints_name, svd_spacepoints_name]) track_finder.param('QualityCut', quality_cut) track_finder.param('MinSPs', min_sps) track_finder.param('MaxRejectedSPs', max_rejected_sps) path.add_module(track_finder) converter = b2.register_module('SPTC2RTConverter') converter.param('recoTracksStoreArrayName', reco_tracks) path.add_module(converter)