.. _onlinebook_join_us: Join us ======= .. sidebar:: Overview :class: overview **Learning**: Does learning on the job count? **Exercises**: No end to them **Prerequisites**: Motivation **Questions**: * What is an easy way to get my first commit in the software repo? * How does this documentation work internally? **Objectives**: * Improve the life of newcomers and veterans! * Profit by learning about our tools! .. image:: cat_hat_angry_point.jpg Hi there, thanks for completing the online book! The *Software Training & Documentation Group* wishes you all the best for your journey in Belle II! Before you go though, please consider staying in touch with us and contributing to the training and documentation resources. :ref:`onlinebook_contribute` explains why this is a win-win situation for everyone (and why "but I'm new here!" is not an acceptable excuse :P). If you're interested in getting to know us better, * join our `chat.belle2 channel `_ * `subscribe to our mailing list `_ ``software-doc@belle2.org`` * visit our `confluence page `_ which also shows our next meetings and has a display of open issues on GitLab Some possible ideas for contributions: * Fixing wrong/misleading/insufficient documentation * Creating new training lessons in the online book * Recording video walk throughts for the lessons * Hunting for outdated information on confluence and removing it/bringing it to sphinx and probably much more issues that you have already noticed yourself. Below are a couple of more pages that might get you started: .. toctree:: contribute how_to_contribute