.. _tracking_datastore: Tracking DataStore (dataobjects) ================================ .. warning:: This documentation is under construction! This section is meant to give a brief introduction into the tracking DataStore objects. .. warning:: This only is a very superficial description of the single objects. For more details please check ``tracking/dataobjects`` .. _bremhit: .. cpp:class:: BremHit TODO .. _exthit: .. cpp:class:: ExtHit TODO .. _filterid: .. cpp:class:: FilterID TODO .. _filterinfo: .. cpp:class:: FilterInfo TODO .. _fullsecid: .. cpp:class:: FullSecID TODO .. _hitxp: .. cpp:class:: hitXP TODO .. _hitxpdderivative: .. cpp:class:: hitXPDerivative TODO .. _mcparticleinfo: .. cpp:class:: MCParticleInfo TODO .. _observerinfo: .. cpp:class:: ObserverInfo TODO .. _pxdintercept: .. cpp:class:: PXDIntercept StoreArray that inherits from :ref:`VXDIntercept`. The PXDIntercept is used to calculate Region of Interest (:ref:`ROIid`) on the PXD (TODO: reference to PXD once existing) for online data reduction of the PXD data. The PXDIntercept is created by the :b2:mod:`PXDROIFinder`. .. _recohitinformation: .. cpp:class:: RecoHitInformation TODO .. _recotrack: .. cpp:class:: RecoTrack TODO .. _roiid: .. cpp:class:: ROIid StoreArray for the PXD Region of Interest (ROI). Contains: #. layer, ladder, sensor (VxdID) of the ROI #. corners of the ROI in terms of pixels as minU, maxU, minV, maxV .. _roipayload: .. cpp:class:: ROIpayload TODO .. _roirawid: .. cpp:class:: ROIrawID TODO .. _sectormapconfig: .. cpp:class:: SectorMapConfig TODO .. _spacepointinfo: .. cpp:class:: SpacePointInfo TODO .. _svdintercept: .. cpp:class:: SVDIntercept StoreArray that inherits from :ref:`VXDIntercept`. The SVDIntercept is used for SVD (TODO: references to SVD once existing) performance studies. In addition to the base class it contains: #. information of the direction of a track at the position of the intercept. .. _trackclusterseparation: .. cpp:class:: TrackClusterSeparation TODO .. _trackfindervxdtypedefs: .. cpp:class:: TrackFinderVXDTypedefs TODO .. _v0validationvertex: .. cpp:class:: V0ValidationVertex TODO .. _vxdintercept: .. cpp:class:: VXDIntercept StoreArray that contains information about an extrapolated position to a VXD (TODO: reference to VXD once existing) sensor. Base class of :ref:`PXDIntercept` and :ref:`SVDIntercept` and contains: #. layer, ladder, sensor (VxdID) of the intercept #. local u and v coordinate of the intercept and the corresponding statistical uncertainties #. statistical uncertainties of the direction at the extrapolated position